Livelihoods Programme Manager (Oxfam GB), Azerbaijan

Closing date:  04 Nov 2011

Livelihoods Programme Manager
£24,245 - £30,853 NET pa plus excellent benefits package
22-month contract, Barda, Azerbaijan

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent privatisation of collective farms has meant that, for the past 20 years, many farmers in Azerbaijan have struggled to make a living. Oxfam is working to address that. Take the lead on our agricultural livelihoods programme and so will you.

The role
Reporting directly to Azerbaijan’s Country Director, you’ll take full control of our Private Sector Engagement project. It’s a key programme that will see you working with global private sector brands to create a better future for tens of thousands of smallholder farmers across Azerbaijan. Planning long-term strategy and then leading a team of specialists to make it happen, you’ll coordinate resources, give expert advice and strengthen our relationships with external stakeholders. It means working with everyone from local communities to government officials and multinational businesses. Beyond that, it means analysing complex information in support of the programme’s policy and advocacy work and communicating it to a variety of audiences. As you would expect, your responsibilities will also include managing budgets, maintaining standards and making key decisions. In short, you’ll take the programme to the next level.

What we’re looking for
As well as being educated to Master’s level in a subject related to rural livelihoods – anything from economics to agribusiness – you’ll bring us experience in the development and management of enterprise-based agricultural livelihoods programmes. You’ll therefore be confident working with farmers, know all about value and supply chains and be no stranger to partnering with the private sector. And if you have experience with Markets for Poor, all the better. Excellent communication skills in both English and Azeri are also hugely important. As is an ability to think strategically. In addition, we’ll expect you to be decisive, analytical and a strong leader – someone with relevant advocacy and policy expertise who’s able to identify and act on problems, risks and opportunities quickly and effectively.

About Oxfam
A simple, inescapable truth underlines everything we do at Oxfam. There’s enough wealth in this world to go around. It’s not unfortunate that people live in poverty. It’s unjustifiable. It’s not just their problem. It’s ours too. And with the right support, we can beat poverty and injustice. Thousands of people already commit their time and talents to our campaigning, humanitarian and long-term development projects. Now we’re looking for yours.

How to apply
To find out more about this role and to apply, visit OXFAM JOBS and quote ref: INT4944.
