Closing date: 07 Dec 2011
Organizational Profile:
The Canadian Red Cross is the leading humanitarian organization through which people voluntarily demonstrate their caring for others in need. Our network is vast, but our approach is simple. All Red Cross programs and activities are guided by the Fundamental Principles of Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality. These principles allow us to provide help immediately to whomever needs it, wherever they are, whatever their race, political beliefs, religion, social status, or culture.
Work Location:
Missions can be potentially anywhere in the world where needed, typically after a large-scale disaster.
Job Summary:
The Canadian Red Cross Society (CRCS), is currently seeking experienced medical and non-medical professionals to be part of the Emergency Response Unit (ERU) roster of the Canadian Red Cross, to be trained and ready to deploy on short notice in the event of an overseas emergency.
ERUs are able to:
• respond quickly to sudden or slow-onset disasters; • provide fast and efficient disaster response worldwide; • ensure that emergency relief is timely and standardized; and • assist in the diverse and long-term needs of affected people.
A Health Emergency Response Unit is a standardized modular package of highly qualified and trained personnel, equipment, and pharmaceuticals ready to be deployed to international emergencies on short notice. The ERUs deploy with vehicles, IT/Telecom equipment, and all supplies needed to be self sustaining for up to four weeks. The Canadian Red Cross has two health ERUs on standby in Canada:
A Basic Health Care Emergency Response Unit - BHC ERU: is a general out-patient, non-surgical clinic that can be configured to offer outreach and mobile care including vaccinations, rehydration, and mother and child care for up to 200 people per day. The BHC ERU runs 12-14 hours per day with between 10-12 delegates working alongside local staff and volunteers. The unit also has 20 beds for patients requiring observation. A BHC ERU can serve a population of up to 50,000.
The Rapid Deployment Emergency Hospital - RDEH ERU serves as a tented field hospital that has out-patient and surgical services that can be integrated into a larger hospital if needed. It has a ward of between 20-70 beds for in-patient care and can provide essential surgical and medical care for up to 300 people per day. What is especially unique about this field hospital is that it can be quickly deployed, set up within hours, and moved as required.
ERU Delegates are highly qualified professionals and often hold regular positions within their field of expertise. The Canadian Red Cross is recruiting for the following profiles to build its ERU roster:
• Nurses (Ward, Operating Room, Outpatient/ Emergency) • Doctors (General Practitioners, Surgeons, Anaesthetists, Emergency, Paediatrician, Obstetrics) • Midwives • Psychosocial Professionals • Administrator/Manager (Finance, HR, Logistics) • Technicians (Electrical, Water, IT/Telecom, Shelter, General Trades)
General Requirements
• Must be eligible to work in Canada • Certified in Canada for the type of work to be performed internationally • In good mental & physical health certified in Canada for the type of work to be • conducted internationally; • Professional qualification in field of expertise with a valid professional license where applicable • Minimum 3 years professional experience in their field of expertise • Fluency in English (written and spoken)Overseas experience in developing countries • Experience of working effectively within a multicultural team • Ability to work in high stress environments with minimal supervision • Experience in staff supervision, management and development • Must have a valid driver’s licence, with the ability to drive manual gears • Agreement to follow the Red Cross Code of Conduct
Desirable :
• Fluency in more than one language – including French, Spanish, Arabic and/or Russian • Experience of working for the Red Cross/Red Crescent • Experience of working for a humanitarian aid organisation in a developing country • Self-supporting in computers (Windows, spreadsheets, word processing) • Experience in planning and managing budgets • Experience in writing narrative & financial reports • Management of strategy; of change; of resources • Experience with the Monitoring & Evaluation of humanitarian activities • Leadership and ability to inspire others
Delegates must complete a one week course followed by a one week practical ERU training.
Please apply on-line