GOAL Job Vacancy: WASH Technical Advisor, Kenema


General Description of the Program The Kenema water, sanitation and hygiene program targets both communities and schools in eight chiefdoms of Kenema district with a total beneficiary population of approximately 200,000 people. The program uses CLTS, SLTS and SSHE tools and techniques to empower communities to take the lead in addressing their own sanitation issues. The program includes rehabilitation and construction of water facilities for communities and schools, including gravity flow systems, protected hand dug wells and the installation of bio-sand filters and the construction/rehabilitated of latrines for schools. GOAL also forms and trains village level structures to take the lead in the development of their communities, these structures called Health Development Committee (HDC) also include a Water Management Committees (WMC) to ensure that water points built or rehabilitated are sustained by the community.

GOAL takes the lead coordinating the CLTS taskforce and CLTS activities in Kenema district, which involves the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Power and Water Resources (MoPWR), Kenema District Council (KDC), UNICEF and other NGOs implementing CLTS. It is planned that Kenema district will become 100% ODF by end of 2012. This will be one of the main targets in 2012.

Since 2008, this program has triggered 438 communities with a combined population of 140,000, a further 120 communities are to be triggered 2012. Of the triggered communities approximately 75% of communities are currently ODF. GOAL has constructed/rehabilitated over 150 protected hand dug wells (PHDW) and 23 GFSs since 2008 with a further 150 PHDW and 20 GFS planned in 2012. Since 2008 GOAL has implemented SSHE in 47 schools providing PHDW and latrines, a further 25 are planned in 2012.

General Description of the WASH Technical Advisor role There is a strong and effective WASH program underway in Kenema under the direction of the new WASH program manager with a committed team. However there are four main areas where additional support is required:
  • Build the capacity of the WASH team and support the new WASH program manager in taking over full responsibility of the WASH program in Kenema
  • To contribute to GOAL’s technical knowledge of WASH activities and other developments in the WASH sector that are relevant to Sierra Leone, including new technologies
  • Work with the team to develop future WASH programs.
The following two programs are planned but not confirmed for 2012:
  • Direct implementation of SSHE which will include an evaluation of the impacts of SLTS versus CLTS. Presently SSHE and SLTS are implemented through national partners.
  • Hand-pump maintenance program which includes the following:
    • Forming and training community level structures in all communities in Kenema district with hand pumps.
    • Training chiefdom level mechanics with the MoPWR for high level repairs of hand pumps.
    • Establishing an M&E system for hand pumps in Kenema which is to be managed by the government body responsible for rural water supply.
    • Establishing a spare parts supply for hand pumps
    • Standardizing the type of hand pump installed in Kenema
    • This program is currently in the development stage. It is planned to be three years in length and cover all of Kenema district, involving both Kenema Council and the ministry for Power and Water Resources (MoPWR)
  • To increase collaboration, the sharing of program information and ideas and mutual learning between the Kenema(rural), Freetown (urban) and WASH programs in other GOAL countries 
  • Work with the program manager to identify areas of improvement and support the program manager to implement these improvements if appropriate.
  • To keep abreast of all national initiatives and developments within the WASH sector and build up the local level advocacy component of the program.
  • Work with the Freetown program to ensure that issues relating to the Kenema WASH program are communicated and promoted at national level meetings in Freetown.
  • Assist the program manager in donor report writing and in developing proposals, budgets and activity plans
  • Work with the program manager and M&E advisor in Freetown to ensure that adequate monitoring and evaluation systems are in place and that program learning is incorporated into the project cycle.
  • To ensure that capacity is built of all national staff in WASH components and that areas of skills development are identified with the program manager.
  • To support and build the capacity of the WASH Program Manager, with particular focus on planning, budgeting, and coordinating activities.
  • Research opportunities for WASH team members to gain further knowledge and experiences of WASH programs in other countries and to share lessons learnt about program implementation with other GOAL countries and WASH programs.
  • Exchange visits take place three times annually with Freetown, ensure that these continue and are used for maximum benefit to both teams.
  • Formal qualifications at graduate or postgraduate level in WASH/engineering (essential)
  • Previous overseas working experience in a managerial capacity within an WASH program with an International NGO (essential)
  • Proven knowledge of community development methodologies and the ability to work in a participative manner developing shared ownership and vision (essential)
  • Appropriate skills and experience in the capacity building and training of national staff and partners (essential)
  • Experience in monitoring and evaluation (desirable)
  • Experience in proposal development, budget preparation and report writing (essential)
  • Good computer skills with a working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel (essential).
  • Fluent oral and written English (essential)
This Job Description only serves as a guide for the position available. GOAL reserves the right to change this document. This is an unaccompanied position. Interviews will be held in Dublin or London. Unfortunately GOAL cannot contribute to financial costs incurred when attending interview.

Note: GOAL is an equal opportunities employer

GOAL has a Staff Code of Conduct and a Child Protection Policy which have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants and children from exploitation. Any candidate offered a job with GOAL will be expected to adhere to these policies any job offer made is also subject to police clearance.

How to apply:
If you would like to apply for the above position, please send your CV and covering letter to applications@goal.ie, ensuring that the job title and location of the role are clearly stated in the subject line of your email. Thank you.
