Chief of Party - International Rescue Committee, Thailand

Closing date:  23 Feb 2012

The IRC has been providing humanitarian assistance to refugees in Thailand since 1975, working with refugees and displaced Burmese since 1990. IRC is seeing a Chief of Party (COP) in anticipation of USAID issuing an award of co-operative agreement for the Humanitarian Assistance to Displaced Persons from Burma (HADPB) project.

SCOPE OF WORK: The COP is responsible for ensuring that the HADPB project is implemented in accordance with the cooperative agreement, USAID regulations, and internationally recognized quality of assistance standards. The COP will be the primary representational link with USAID staff, and will work closely with the Regional Mission to provide project updates, discuss strategies, obstacles, performance plans, and indicator success, and liaise with USAID contracting officers, technical support staff and outside contractors as required. The COP will also hold primary responsibility for interactions with HADPB consortium partners, as well as primary oversight of the project partnerships with Royal Thai Government (RTG) ministries, non-governmental organizations, and community-based partner organizations. The COP will hold primary responsibility for ensuring the achievement of the core HADPB objective of supporting a staged transition of project leadership and management of service delivery systems to self-sustaining local partners, while providing healthcare, education, food and other humanitarian assistance in ways which are impactful, cost-effective, and strengthen the resiliencies of the most vulnerable persons from Burma. In addition, the COP will represent HADPB to all key stakeholders, government officials and donors at coordination fora and other related seminars and meetings. This position reports to the Representative for East Asia.

RESPONSIBILITIES: • Provide strategic leadership and direction, define and implement activities to achieve the greatest coverage and impact possible; • Review, in coordination with key project staff, yearly work and performance plans to ensure long-term and short-term priorities are on track; • Manage the overall project by planning, monitoring and evaluating project activities in accordance with the cooperative agreement; • Manage relations with consortium partners, and oversee relations with all other project partners, including RTG ministries, non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations; • Ensure strong collaborative partner relationships - based on principles of mutual trust and respect, mutual accountability, reciprocity, inclusion and transparency – with all project partners throughout the life of the project; • Ensure that the sub-grant award and monitoring process is aligned with project goals and objectives; • Host the Project Management Group and the Project Advisory Committee, chairing both fora on behalf of IRC as appropriate; • Lead responsibility for ensuring the achievement of the core HADPB project objective of supporting a staged transition of project leadership and management of service delivery systems to self-sustaining local partners, while providing healthcare, education, food and other humanitarian assistance in ways which are impactful, cost-effective, and strengthen the resiliencies of the most vulnerable persons from Burma; • Ensure that project initiatives appropriately address the needs of the most vulnerable beneficiary population in the most efficient, cost-effective manner;

REQUIREMENTS: • Graduate or post-graduate degree in humanitarian assistance, civil society development, community development, or other related field; • Minimum of eight years’ experience in leading humanitarian and/or development assistance programs; • Demonstrated expertise in managing a complex program portfolio spanning humanitarian and development assistance across multiple sectors in a variety of operating contexts and beneficiary populations (IDP, refugee, migrant), and in partnership with a diverse array of project partners (government, non-government and community-based partner organizations); • Demonstrated expertise in facilitating the transition of project leadership and management to local partners to promote program sustainability, effectiveness, efficiency and responsiveness; • Technical expertise in one or more sectors relevant to the HADPB project, including: health, education, emergency cash and food assistance, rights protection (legal assistance, GBV, protection mainstreaming), institutional capacity building, advocacy, with a demonstrated ability to foster the close integration of multiple project sectors; • Demonstrated experience in effective liaison with USAID, working closely with USAID to foster a collaborative and constructive relationship that effectively addresses the requirements of USAID; • Demonstrated understanding of USAID regulatory framework and IRC management systems; • Indigenous and local language (Burmese, Karen, Karenni, Shan, Thai) capability an asset.
How to apply: 
