Co-Manager - Belgian Development Agency, Bamako

Closing date:  31 Dec 2011

In view of the the further development of its activities the BTC is currently looking for a (m/f):

Expert in organisational and institutional development, co-manager - MALI
For the institutional Support Project for the Ministry of Livestock and Fishery (MEP)

Ref.: MLI/11/040-1
Location: Bamako, Mali Duration of the contract: 36 months Probable starting date: as soon as possible Monthly salary package: between 5.299,56 euro and 7.500,22 euro (this includes the gross monthly salary and the expat benefits: hardship allowance and expat allowance). The salary is calculated, depending on the composition of the family and the number of years of relevant experience.

The Institutional Support Project (PAI) for the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries (MEP) in Mali is part of the 2009-2012 Indicative Cooperation Programme, which aims at fostering redistributive growth and poverty reduction, this by encouraging productive sectors and to consolidate public sector reforms.

The cooperation between Belgium and Mali is programme-based and embedded in the sector strategies of Mali, which apply both to support at the central level (policy/strategy) and at the local level (operational). For the rural development sector, the Belgian Development Cooperation targets livestock and fisheries as priorities.

The government of Mali, along with the technical and financial partners, has been engaged since the end of 2008 in transiting to a sector approach for the agricultural and rural sector. Such a sector approach requires an agricultural development policy, which integrates and aligns the sub sector policies, strategies and programmes, and the translation thereof in a 10-year investment programme, which covers the existing and missing financial needs of the sub sectors.

This institutional support project therefore comes at a time that the policy for the rural development sector in general and the two sub sectors (livestock and fisheries) are quickly evolving. In order to make most of the opportunities that this sector approach can offer, the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries must develop its capacities to deliver quality products (sub sector policies and strategies, collecting and updating statistical data, programming, monitoring and evaluation of activities, etc.) and at the same time it must improve its coordination and communication capacities within the sub sectors.

The General Objective of the project is “Making Mali a sub regional agricultural power, where the livestock and fisheries sub sectors are a motor for the national economy that ensures food security for the urban and rural populations by generating significant employment and revenue within a sustainable and environment-friendly framework.“

The specific objective of the project is: “The functioning of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries is improved and in particular the services to support the sub sector policy, the coordination and the monitoring and evaluation are operational and effective.” The results targeted for this project are the following: 1. The Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries has two policy documents for the two sub sectors (livestock and fisheries) and improved capacity to develop operational strategies; 2. The Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries has set up internal and external coordination mechanisms with the technical and financial partners and the other state and non-governmental actors in the sub sectors; 3. The Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries has a functional and appropriate system to collect and update statistical data on the two sub sectors (livestock and fisheries); 4. The Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries has a more effective functional structure to achieve its public prosecution duties. The project will last 36 months (2012-2014) and will fall under General Secretariat of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, with a team consisting of a national manager, a co-manager (expert in institutional support), an international expert in collecting and monitoring data (24 months), a national expert in monitoring and evaluation / collecting and monitoring data, and an administrative and financial officer as well as supporting staff.

This institutional development project of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries must deliver both concrete results like quality products (for instance, policy papers) and organisational learning results: A learning organisation culture will be fostered in order to establish information and knowledge sharing dynamics within the Ministry. The project will develop concrete and practical relations between the central, strategic level of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, and the various implementation points in the field, namely the other projects supported by the various technical and financial partners, the Belgian Development Cooperation among others, in the sub sectors.

Support by the project will take several forms, such as training, coaching, facilitation, studies or practical assistance. The basic principle is that an activity must always include an element of organisational learning. So, when preparing a support activity, the project will systematically look at what the organisation would like to learn through the activity, in order to improve the performance of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries in performing other similar activities.

While under the administrative authority of the Resident Representative of BTC in Bamako, the International Technical Assistant will be assigned to the general secretariat of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries and closely work with all directorates of the Ministry. The co-managing International Technical Assistant’s main role will be: · Managing, jointly with the national manager, the daily technical, financial and administrative aspects of the institutional support project at the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries; · Facilitating the development of institutional and organisational capacities at the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries to actually have it achieve its public prosecution duties; · Facilitating competence development (daily work) of staff at the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries in planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation, capitalisation and policy writing. More in particular, the International Technical Assistant’s role will be one of support and consultancy and of coaching. In conformity with the descriptions given in the Technical and Financial File of the project and in compliance with the guidelines from the Joint Local Consultative Body, he/she will mainly be responsible for: · Supervising, jointly with the national manager, all activities of the institutional support project, ensuring that the project’s strategy is coherent and that the activities are technically, administratively and financially well-run; · Being a motor for the consultative liaison between the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries and the technical and financial partners, in particular for the development of the new PDA for the whole sector, for the definition of the livestock and fisheries sub sector policies, for the annual planning of the activities of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries and for the installation of a methodology to collect and update the statistical data; · Contributing to boosting the internal reform processes at the Ministry (such as introduction of MfDR) by proposing participatory methods to ensure staff takes on ownership of the processes; · Training the executives of the Ministry in information management and internal communication; · Coordinating the planned training sessions, both technically and with regards to the management with various directorates that have to participate in the training; · Contributing to the development and the assessment of the technical reports and activity reports that are submitted to him/her, by giving all necessary advice for these reports to respond to the expectations of interested parties and to be finalised on time; · Supervising the preparation of all financial and technical project reports for the Joint Local Consultative Body (JLCB) and participating to the JLCB meetings; · Ensuring that the gender and environmental aspects are mainstreamed in the project and that staff are trained and sensitised in these matters; · Contributing to the organisation of support and final evaluation missions as well as to the administrative and financial closing operations of the Institutional Support Project/Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries; · Providing technical support for the preparation of the Terms of Reference for all studies financed by the Institutional Support Project/Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries.

Qualification: · A university degree that is relevant for this position.
Experience: · Experienced executive, with a good knowledge of the functioning of the state and in particular of the institutional context in French-speaking countries in West Africa; · International professional experience of 10 years in rural development, with 5 years experience in institutional development; · Experience in institutional support and organisational capacity development of state instances in Africa, with relevant experience in the development of policies, programming, budgets, monitoring & evaluation and sector reforms; · Experience in the management of externally financed projects/programmes, including public contract award procedures.

Other: · Mastery of planning – monitoring & evaluation processes within national sector plans, in particular within a budget-programme/MTEF (Medium Term Expenditure Framework) approach, in rural development; · Knowledge of the livestock and fisheries sub sectors in Africa; · Knowledge of the mainstreaming of transversal themes (especially gender and the environment) in interventions is an asset; · Mastery of facilitation methods for consultative structures and coaching of executives who manage public services; · Knowledge of human resources management is an asset; · Good communication skills, skills in sharing know-how and relational skills; · Strong at working in a multicultural and multidisciplinary context; · Fluent in French with excellent report writing skills, as well as excellent computer literacy (Word, Excel, Powerpoint...)
How to apply: 
Please apply not later than December 31st 2011, Through Our Web Site. Use our Standard CV and a letter of motivation to apply. You can find the model of our Standard CV on the page Jobs of our website. If you have any additional question, don’t hesitate to contact us at +32 (0)2/505 18 65.
