ISEAN-Hivos–HIV/AIDS (MARPS) Round 10 EoI Number 10: ISEAN-Hivos -GF-R10-HIV/AIDS
ISEAN-Hivos-GF-R10-HIV/AIDS – Project Staff “Strengthening community systems to reduce vulnerability to and impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia”
Location Dili, Timor Leste
Positions Program Manager, 1 Position
Admin/Finance/HR Office, 1 Position
Training Manager, 1 Position
Field Coordinator, 1 Position
Counselor/Outreach Worker, 1 Position
Duration of Initial Contract October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013 Post For East Timorese nationality only
In 2010, the Insular Southeast Asian Network on MSM, TG, and HIV (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10. The programme, entitled ‘Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia’, was approved by GFATM and contract for the grant was signed on 6 October 2011. This grant has the main goal of reducing (a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and TG to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their lives in Insular Southeast Asia. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSMs and TGs.
Hivos, as the Principal Recipient of the grant under the ISEAN-Hivos Program Global Fund Round 10, is looking for several national positions to be based in Dili, Timor Leste (starting in October, 2012) as follows:
I. National Program Manager
Reports to: Program Director ISEAN-Hivos Program (PMU)
Coordinates with: Admin/Finance and HR Office, Training Manager, Field Coordinator and Counselor/Outreach Worker
1. Directly coordinates SR activities with the PMU in FTH;
2. With the Training Coordinator, monitor the activities implemented by the FTH and other implementing partners;
3. Submit all work plans, budgets, reports and disbursement requests to the PR;
4. Work with the Field Coordinator and Counsellor/Outreach Worker to arrange a schedule for coordination visits to partner organizations;
5. Work with FTH project staff to prepare schedule for field supervision visits by the PR to the FTH and other implementing partners, where applicable, to monitor program progress, coverage and quality of data and other issues;
6. Ensure the implementation of program and financial reporting by FTH
7. With the Training Manager and Field Coordinator, consolidate the programmatic reports from implementing partners and prepare programmatic reports for submission to the PR;
8. Provide guidance for FTH Project Staff on program implementation and reporting;
9. Assist Training Coordinator and in coordinating with national and regional stakeholders for the implementation of the program;
10. Supervise logistics distribution at the FTH and ensure that logistics are available for use as required;
11. With the National Training Coordinator and in coordination with the PR Training Coordinator, ensure that technical and management assistance is provided where necessary for the FTH and other implementing partners, where applicable, in accordance with the work plan;
12. Draft work agreements with implementing partners, ensuring that they are in compliance with the terms contained in the sub-grant agreement and in the PIM.
13. Responsible for the overall supervision, resource management, planning, implementation, monitoring and coordination of the project in his area of operation.
1. Experience in NGO work focused on HIV-AIDS;
2. Experience working on MSM and TG concerns preferred;
3. Familiarity with the ISEAN and the ISEAN Hivos Program;
4. Preferably with a college degree in public health, social sciences or related fields;
5. Fluent in written and spoken English;
II. Finance/Admin and HR Office
Reports to: Program Manager
Coordinates with: Training Manager, Field Coordinator and Counselor/Outreach Worker
1. Provide admin support to the ISEAN-Hivos Program based at the FTH in Dili, Timor Leste;
2. Manage daily office administration;
3. Prepare financial documentation and its related activities in the ISEAN-Hivos Program in Timor Leste. This includes handling petty cash, developing requests for procurement, preparing liquidations, financial balance analysis, financial reports and transactions etc.
4. Develop office procedures and other guidelines for the ISEAN-Hivos Program in Timor Leste;
5. Assist in the implementation and management of the activities assigned to FTH under the ISEAN-Hivos Program
6. Coordinate communications among partners, under supervision of the Program Manager for ISEAN Hivos Timor Leste
7. Provide admin and logistic assistance in coordination for ISEAN-Hivos Program;
8. Assist in the develop reports, manuals, guidelines and other documentary requirements under the ISEAN-Hivos Program;
9. Assist in coordinating ISEAN-Hivos Program activities with ISEAN-Hivos PMU and other partners;
10. Assist in the development of reports for submission to the ISEAN-Hivos PMU, as required; and
11. Ensure budget tracking, sound financial management, including programmatic budgeting, quarterly spending projections, monthly spending reviews, and monitoring of payments;
12. With Manager Training and Field Coordinator, monitor the achievement of indicators, including program achievement and budget expenditure, and ensure that variance analysis is conducted, and prepare the PUDR;
13. With the Program Manager, ensure the proper implementation of external audits of the PR’s and all SRs’ financial statements, in accordance with the agreed audit plan;
14. Assist in other tasks of the ISEAN-Hivos Program in Timor Leste, as required.
1. Experience working as administrative support staff;
2. Background and experience in financial documentation (e.g. petty cash, maintaining financial reports, developing financial reports);
3. Experience in NGO work focused on HIV-AIDS, experience working on MSM and TG concerns preferred;
4. Ability to speak and write in Tetum and English strongly preferred.
6. Preferably with a college degree in finance, accounting, office administration or related fields.
III. Training Manager
Reports to: Program Manager
Coordinates with: Training Manager, Field Coordinator and Counselor/Outreach Worker and Finance/Admin and HR Office
1. Coordinate with the PR Training Coordinator to plan and implement training activities for national partners and stakeholders;
2. Assist the PR Training Coordinator and other program officers to assess the capacity building and management/technical assistance needs of the SR and other implementing partners, where applicable;
3. Coordinate with the PR Training Coordinator on the development of training curricula, manuals and educational tools and their adaptation to local conditions;
4. Coordinate with the PR Training Coordinator and other national stakeholders to identify appropriate facilitators for training programmes;
5. Perform the role of the trainer/training facilitator as required;
6. Work with the PR Training Coordinator to develop and implement quality assurance mechanisms to assess the impact of training activities and systems;
7. Work with the PR Training Coordinator to provide regular updates and modifications of training curricula, manuals, etc. based on training needs, post-training assessments and periodic reviews.
1. Experience on HIV/AIDS Trainings;
2. Experience in NGO work focused on HIV-AIDS, experience working on MSM and TG concerns preferred;
3. Ability to speak and write in Tetum and English strongly preferred;
4. Preferably with a college degree in social science or related fields;
5. Skilled in doing Training Needs Assessment
6. Skilled in developing training modules
7. Skilled in doing training evaluation
8. Good interpersonal skills
9. Good facilitation and communication skills
IV. Field Coordinator
1. Work for implementation of a specific component of the organization’s work plan on pre-identified areas – either on sexuality and sexual health outreach and education, community organizing and empowerment;
2. Responsible for the implementation of capacity building activities for MSM and TG community based organizations or groups in certain areas;
3. Coordinate and supervise community volunteers and partners working on his/her target. Moreover facilitate the work of the local team on various levels of engagement;
4. In collaboration with members, formulate and implement an area program of work, including for BCC;
5. Coordinate with [network] members in the area of ISEAN-Hivos implementation;
6. Responsible for providing monthly written reports on activities, finances and progress to the Program Manager,
7. Voice the aspirations of members in the area;
8. Advocate at local, regional and national level;
9. Develop rules of operation for the area in line with respective needs and with reference to national rules/regulations;
10. Performs other related functions as directed by the Program Manager
1. Experience on HIV/AIDS Trainings;
2. Experience in NGO work focused on HIV-AIDS, experience working on MSM and TG concerns preferred;
3. Skilled in community organizing and mobilization;
4. Good facilitation, communication and advocacy skills;
5. Good planning and organizing skills;
6. Good coordinating and networking skills;
7. Preferably with a college degree in social science or related fields;
8. Ability to speak and write in Tetum and English strongly preferred;
V. Counselor/Outreach Worker
Reports to: Program Manager
Coordinates with: Training Manager, Field Coordinator and Counselor/Outreach Worker and Finance/Admin and HR Office
1. Serve as a resource for peers regarding reproductive health, STI and HIV/AIDS, sexuality and other health concerns;
2. Learn and maintain updated information on family planning, growth and development, sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS and other adolescent social, sexual and health-related issues;
3. Provide accurate and factual information on family planning, growth and development, sexually transmitted infections and other adolescent social, sexual and health related issues to other teens and community groups;
4. Make referrals to appropriate agencies when necessary;
5. Assist with informational and educational sessions;
6. Keep accurate records of activities;
7. Assist with other agency related events and activities as appropriate;
8. Peer Educator will successfully complete PE training as and will pass a knowledge test indicating information and skills are appropriate;
9. Thoughtful, thorough and factual answers are provided to individual inquiries from peers. Documented peer contacts turned in as scheduled;
10. Peer Educator is aware of community resources and knows how and when to make a referral;
11. Peer Educator will work with staff in planning, presenting and evaluating sessions;
12. Time sheets and other required documentation are turned in promptly;
13. Peer Educator is willing and able to represent the agency in the community in a positive manner.
1. Peer Educators must be at least have a high school degree
2. Complete Peer Educator training
3. Experience in PE work field especially for MSM and TG communities
4. Ability to get along well with others, good communication skills, ability to make and keep commitments, ability to work independently, responsibility and reliability, good leadership skills, ability to speak publicly
5. Ability to speak and write in Tetum and English strongly preferred;
The selected for the several positions mentioned above shall be engaged starting October 1, 2012 up to September 30, 2013.
To apply, please e-mail your cover letter (An Expression of Interest/EoI), CV, a photograph and three names of references including the job title/position in the subject line of your e-mail to: and should be received no later than 29 February 2012 at 17:00 hrs. Jakarta Western Indonesia Time
ISEAN-Hivos-GF-R10-HIV/AIDS – Project Staff “Strengthening community systems to reduce vulnerability to and impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia”
Location Dili, Timor Leste
Positions Program Manager, 1 Position
Admin/Finance/HR Office, 1 Position
Training Manager, 1 Position
Field Coordinator, 1 Position
Counselor/Outreach Worker, 1 Position
Duration of Initial Contract October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013 Post For East Timorese nationality only
In 2010, the Insular Southeast Asian Network on MSM, TG, and HIV (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10. The programme, entitled ‘Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia’, was approved by GFATM and contract for the grant was signed on 6 October 2011. This grant has the main goal of reducing (a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and TG to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their lives in Insular Southeast Asia. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSMs and TGs.
Hivos, as the Principal Recipient of the grant under the ISEAN-Hivos Program Global Fund Round 10, is looking for several national positions to be based in Dili, Timor Leste (starting in October, 2012) as follows:
I. National Program Manager
Reports to: Program Director ISEAN-Hivos Program (PMU)
Coordinates with: Admin/Finance and HR Office, Training Manager, Field Coordinator and Counselor/Outreach Worker
1. Directly coordinates SR activities with the PMU in FTH;
2. With the Training Coordinator, monitor the activities implemented by the FTH and other implementing partners;
3. Submit all work plans, budgets, reports and disbursement requests to the PR;
4. Work with the Field Coordinator and Counsellor/Outreach Worker to arrange a schedule for coordination visits to partner organizations;
5. Work with FTH project staff to prepare schedule for field supervision visits by the PR to the FTH and other implementing partners, where applicable, to monitor program progress, coverage and quality of data and other issues;
6. Ensure the implementation of program and financial reporting by FTH
7. With the Training Manager and Field Coordinator, consolidate the programmatic reports from implementing partners and prepare programmatic reports for submission to the PR;
8. Provide guidance for FTH Project Staff on program implementation and reporting;
9. Assist Training Coordinator and in coordinating with national and regional stakeholders for the implementation of the program;
10. Supervise logistics distribution at the FTH and ensure that logistics are available for use as required;
11. With the National Training Coordinator and in coordination with the PR Training Coordinator, ensure that technical and management assistance is provided where necessary for the FTH and other implementing partners, where applicable, in accordance with the work plan;
12. Draft work agreements with implementing partners, ensuring that they are in compliance with the terms contained in the sub-grant agreement and in the PIM.
13. Responsible for the overall supervision, resource management, planning, implementation, monitoring and coordination of the project in his area of operation.
1. Experience in NGO work focused on HIV-AIDS;
2. Experience working on MSM and TG concerns preferred;
3. Familiarity with the ISEAN and the ISEAN Hivos Program;
4. Preferably with a college degree in public health, social sciences or related fields;
5. Fluent in written and spoken English;
II. Finance/Admin and HR Office
Reports to: Program Manager
Coordinates with: Training Manager, Field Coordinator and Counselor/Outreach Worker
1. Provide admin support to the ISEAN-Hivos Program based at the FTH in Dili, Timor Leste;
2. Manage daily office administration;
3. Prepare financial documentation and its related activities in the ISEAN-Hivos Program in Timor Leste. This includes handling petty cash, developing requests for procurement, preparing liquidations, financial balance analysis, financial reports and transactions etc.
4. Develop office procedures and other guidelines for the ISEAN-Hivos Program in Timor Leste;
5. Assist in the implementation and management of the activities assigned to FTH under the ISEAN-Hivos Program
6. Coordinate communications among partners, under supervision of the Program Manager for ISEAN Hivos Timor Leste
7. Provide admin and logistic assistance in coordination for ISEAN-Hivos Program;
8. Assist in the develop reports, manuals, guidelines and other documentary requirements under the ISEAN-Hivos Program;
9. Assist in coordinating ISEAN-Hivos Program activities with ISEAN-Hivos PMU and other partners;
10. Assist in the development of reports for submission to the ISEAN-Hivos PMU, as required; and
11. Ensure budget tracking, sound financial management, including programmatic budgeting, quarterly spending projections, monthly spending reviews, and monitoring of payments;
12. With Manager Training and Field Coordinator, monitor the achievement of indicators, including program achievement and budget expenditure, and ensure that variance analysis is conducted, and prepare the PUDR;
13. With the Program Manager, ensure the proper implementation of external audits of the PR’s and all SRs’ financial statements, in accordance with the agreed audit plan;
14. Assist in other tasks of the ISEAN-Hivos Program in Timor Leste, as required.
1. Experience working as administrative support staff;
2. Background and experience in financial documentation (e.g. petty cash, maintaining financial reports, developing financial reports);
3. Experience in NGO work focused on HIV-AIDS, experience working on MSM and TG concerns preferred;
4. Ability to speak and write in Tetum and English strongly preferred.
6. Preferably with a college degree in finance, accounting, office administration or related fields.
III. Training Manager
Reports to: Program Manager
Coordinates with: Training Manager, Field Coordinator and Counselor/Outreach Worker and Finance/Admin and HR Office
1. Coordinate with the PR Training Coordinator to plan and implement training activities for national partners and stakeholders;
2. Assist the PR Training Coordinator and other program officers to assess the capacity building and management/technical assistance needs of the SR and other implementing partners, where applicable;
3. Coordinate with the PR Training Coordinator on the development of training curricula, manuals and educational tools and their adaptation to local conditions;
4. Coordinate with the PR Training Coordinator and other national stakeholders to identify appropriate facilitators for training programmes;
5. Perform the role of the trainer/training facilitator as required;
6. Work with the PR Training Coordinator to develop and implement quality assurance mechanisms to assess the impact of training activities and systems;
7. Work with the PR Training Coordinator to provide regular updates and modifications of training curricula, manuals, etc. based on training needs, post-training assessments and periodic reviews.
1. Experience on HIV/AIDS Trainings;
2. Experience in NGO work focused on HIV-AIDS, experience working on MSM and TG concerns preferred;
3. Ability to speak and write in Tetum and English strongly preferred;
4. Preferably with a college degree in social science or related fields;
5. Skilled in doing Training Needs Assessment
6. Skilled in developing training modules
7. Skilled in doing training evaluation
8. Good interpersonal skills
9. Good facilitation and communication skills
IV. Field Coordinator
1. Work for implementation of a specific component of the organization’s work plan on pre-identified areas – either on sexuality and sexual health outreach and education, community organizing and empowerment;
2. Responsible for the implementation of capacity building activities for MSM and TG community based organizations or groups in certain areas;
3. Coordinate and supervise community volunteers and partners working on his/her target. Moreover facilitate the work of the local team on various levels of engagement;
4. In collaboration with members, formulate and implement an area program of work, including for BCC;
5. Coordinate with [network] members in the area of ISEAN-Hivos implementation;
6. Responsible for providing monthly written reports on activities, finances and progress to the Program Manager,
7. Voice the aspirations of members in the area;
8. Advocate at local, regional and national level;
9. Develop rules of operation for the area in line with respective needs and with reference to national rules/regulations;
10. Performs other related functions as directed by the Program Manager
1. Experience on HIV/AIDS Trainings;
2. Experience in NGO work focused on HIV-AIDS, experience working on MSM and TG concerns preferred;
3. Skilled in community organizing and mobilization;
4. Good facilitation, communication and advocacy skills;
5. Good planning and organizing skills;
6. Good coordinating and networking skills;
7. Preferably with a college degree in social science or related fields;
8. Ability to speak and write in Tetum and English strongly preferred;
V. Counselor/Outreach Worker
Reports to: Program Manager
Coordinates with: Training Manager, Field Coordinator and Counselor/Outreach Worker and Finance/Admin and HR Office
1. Serve as a resource for peers regarding reproductive health, STI and HIV/AIDS, sexuality and other health concerns;
2. Learn and maintain updated information on family planning, growth and development, sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS and other adolescent social, sexual and health-related issues;
3. Provide accurate and factual information on family planning, growth and development, sexually transmitted infections and other adolescent social, sexual and health related issues to other teens and community groups;
4. Make referrals to appropriate agencies when necessary;
5. Assist with informational and educational sessions;
6. Keep accurate records of activities;
7. Assist with other agency related events and activities as appropriate;
8. Peer Educator will successfully complete PE training as and will pass a knowledge test indicating information and skills are appropriate;
9. Thoughtful, thorough and factual answers are provided to individual inquiries from peers. Documented peer contacts turned in as scheduled;
10. Peer Educator is aware of community resources and knows how and when to make a referral;
11. Peer Educator will work with staff in planning, presenting and evaluating sessions;
12. Time sheets and other required documentation are turned in promptly;
13. Peer Educator is willing and able to represent the agency in the community in a positive manner.
1. Peer Educators must be at least have a high school degree
2. Complete Peer Educator training
3. Experience in PE work field especially for MSM and TG communities
4. Ability to get along well with others, good communication skills, ability to make and keep commitments, ability to work independently, responsibility and reliability, good leadership skills, ability to speak publicly
5. Ability to speak and write in Tetum and English strongly preferred;
The selected for the several positions mentioned above shall be engaged starting October 1, 2012 up to September 30, 2013.
To apply, please e-mail your cover letter (An Expression of Interest/EoI), CV, a photograph and three names of references including the job title/position in the subject line of your e-mail to: and should be received no later than 29 February 2012 at 17:00 hrs. Jakarta Western Indonesia Time