Humanitarian Programme Officer - Trócaire, Yangon

Description of the unit / department: Trócaire’s Asia region incorporates five priority countries where we work with local partners to deliver development and humanitarian programmes. These countries are Cambodia, Myanmar, Timor-Leste, Pakistan, and India. This post is situated in our Myanmar office which currently comprises a country representative, a programme officer and two support staff.

Background to the Role: This role is expected to ensure we have sufficient capacity to respond to current and future emergencies in Myanmar, as well as develop a strategic humanitarian programme that supports our long-term vision to strengthen civil society to ensure meaningful development.

Reporting to: Country Representative Managing: n/a Contract Type: Fixed Term Contract Duration: 1 year Grade and Scale: Overseas Programme Officer Location of Position Based in Yangon with travel inside Myanmar and regionally where appropriate.

Scope of the Role: He/she will be expected to manage our current emergency response in Kachin State, which requires excellent grant management skills and reporting. He/she will also be expected to design and drive our humanitarian preparedness and response work, based on the country strategy and the contingency plan. We work through partners, particularly Caritas and Church networks, so this role will include accompaniment to local organisations, as well as building strong relationships with them and other relevant humanitarian agencies and networks.

Key Duties & Responsibilities Relief and Recovery: Effective implementation of Trócaire’s relief programming in Myanmar, including • Accompanying partners to design needs-based, targeted responses to natural or man-made crises • Accompanying partners to ensure gender, conflict-sensitivity and protection is mainstreamed in any given response • Writing proposals and managing institutional donor grants where relevant • Managing budgets in line with Trócaire systems and requirements • Providing regular situation updates and communications on any current emergencies.

Emergency Preparedness: Develop a strategic Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) plan for Trócaire Myanmar to ensure we are known in the sector and make an impact , including: • Develop and manage Trócaire’s contingency plan, as well as supporting partners to develop theirs where appropriate • Provide or facilitate appropriate training for Trócaire staff and partners on topics including the DRR approach with a focus on emergency preparedness, Sphere standards and Protection.

Reporting and Communication: • Monitor and evaluate humanitarian work in the region in line with Trócaire’s M&E guidelines. • Capture and communicate experience, good practice and impacts of Trócaire’s humanitarian work as appropriate. • Support the organisational fundraising and PR functions by identifying and providing stories of change, other briefing materials, photographs and video footage to show donors the tangible results of our work.
Representation: o Build and maintain professional relations with relevant organisations including Caritas, the UN Cluster System, Government Departments, humanitarian organisations and donors as appropriate. o Accompany visitors to project sites and carry out promotional or media work as required.

Advocacy: o Engage and/or lead on relevant humanitarian policy issues to strengthen our programming

Other: o Undertake from time to time other agreed tasks, related to Trócaire’s overall humanitarian work in the region.

• Deliver on other tasks as agreed with the Country Representative
Person Specification – Essential (E) (E) Qualification: • Third level qualification in humanitarianism, development or related area. (E) Experience: • At least 4 years overseas experience in the delivery of humanitarian programmes in a conflict/post conflict setting. • Experience in working in partnership organisations • Experience in applying for and managing institutional donor/co-financed funds in humanitarian response. (E) Knowledge and Skills: • A knowledge and understanding of humanitarian and development issues • Demonstrated analytical skills • Good understanding and experience of project/programme management cycle, and participatory appraisal techniques • Good understanding of financial management systems and budget monitoring and reporting. • Good understanding of Monitoring & Evaluation processes, as well as of accountability requirements – both to donors and affected communities. • Ability to analyze and communicate effectively including skills in written and oral communications in English, as well as skills in conducting/facilitating training. • Ability to support and build capacity of partner organisations (including training skills) (E) Qualities • Commitment to the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence. • Empathy with and understanding of the Catholic Church’s role in relief and development. • Ability to work in inter-cultural and inter-religious environments • Ability to work in unpredictable environments • Attention to detail. • Problem solving outlook. (E) Other: • Willingness to travel and work in disaster zones and where and when required, at short notice. Person Specification – Desirable (D) (D) Qualification: • A specific qualification in humanitarian studies or demonstrated field experience (D) Experience: • Experience of working in Myanmar • Experience of working with Church and/or Caritas agencies • Experience of managing a relief, early recovery and recovery humanitarian programme • Experience of mainstreaming protection and gender in relief programming. • Experience of working in insecure environments (D) Knowledge and Skills: • Excellent analytical skill • International Humanitarian system
How to apply: 
To apply please download application form from and return to: Jason Rice, HR Officer, Trócaire, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland Email: Closing date:  16 Feb 2012
