Translators and Interpreters - The Indonesia Australia Forest Carbon Partnership, Kalimantan

Selected individuals and institutions will work with the project in Jakarta, Central Kalimantan and possibly Sumatera.

The Indonesia Australia Forest Carbon Partnership (IAFCP) Facility is funded by Australian Aid - managed by IDSS Pty. Ltd. and Euroconsult Mott MacDonald on behalf of AusAID.

The Indonesia Australia Forest Carbon Partnership (IAFCP) is a partnership between the Government of the Republic Indonesia and the Government of Australia to assist Indonesia in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). Under this partnership, AusAID and the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE) are working with the Ministry of Forestry, and other Indonesian government agencies to demonstrate how REDD+ can contribute to global efforts to mitigate climate change.

The Kalimantan Forest and Climate Partnership (KFCP) is a key activity under IAFCP. The goal of KFCP is to demonstrate a credible, equitable, and effective approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, including from the degradation of peat lands, that can inform a post-2013 global climate change agreement and enable Indonesia’s meaningful participation in future international carbon markets.


The Indonesia Australia Forest Carbon Partnership (IAFCP) requires the periodic services of:
1. Translatorsto translate documents from Indonesia into English and from English into Indonesia; and
2. Interpretersto provide Interpretationduring seminars, workshops, conferences and official
visits. IAFCP aims to create a panelof translators andinterpreters from which it can draw upon to fulfil a variety of short-term, freelance assignments Nature of the Assignment
• Indonesia-English and English-Indonesia translators are required to translate a variety of materials including documents, speeches, press releases, brochures, and reports produced by and for the use of IAFCP. Assignments for the translation of documents may be carried out remotely and work will be submitted via email.
• Indonesia-English / English-Indonesia Interpreters are required to provide interpretationduring seminars, workshops, conferences and official visits organized by IAFCP. Assignments will be conducted at the site of the event.

Translation Skills:
1. Educational qualifications preferred,but must have excellent English and Bahasa Indonesia
writing skills;
2. Excellent analytical abilities and editing skills;
3. Attention to detail and ability to maintain an adequate volume of output.
4. Able to detect and understand nuances in the original text; and
5. Understandcultural references that may need to be explained, including colloquialisms and
slang as well as other expressions that may not be able to be translatedliterally.

Interpretation skills:
1. Educational qualifications preferredbut must be fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia;
2. Attention to detail along with understanding what is being communicated in both languages;
3. Able to clearly express idea and thoughts;
4. Understandcultural references that may need to be explained, including colloquialisms and
slang as well as other expressions that may not be able to be translatedliterally.
5. High level of concentration.

• Planning and Organizing:Ability to establish priorities, plan, coordinate and monitor own work and to deliver work on time within agreed deadlines.
• Teamwork: Good coordination with others to ensure consistency of terminology and style; anddemonstrated ability to gain the support and cooperation of others in a team environment, with sensitivity and respect for diversity.
• Knowledge: Knowledge in the areas of Governance, Environment, Climate Change as well as experience are advantages. Experience in using word processing and other computer applications.

Interested individuals or organisations must submit the following documents/information and demonstrate that they are qualified:
1. A resume and cover letter; and For Translator- Three (3) examples of recent, relevant translation work. Each should be no longer than five pages. Interpreter- Three
(3) recent examples of interpretation worknoting where,when, nature of the event,and audience.
2. A list of three references;
3. Financial offer:
For Translator:Rate per page (A4 paper, average 550 words, font 11pt. Tenderer to note rate and currency for translation from English to Indonesia, and from Indonesia to English.
Interpretation:Rate per hour.Tenderer to note rate in Rupiah for translation from English to Indonesia, and from Indonesia to English.

Note: Applications without financial offer will not be considered. IAFCP reserve the right to negotiate rates that are deemed too high.
Note: Please note that only short-listed candidates will be notified. Qualified female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

Evaluation of proposals: The following criteria will be used during the
a) Completeness of the proposal;
b) Responsiveness to the TOR;
c) Quality of provided translation work samples;
d) Price
Submission requirements:
Proposal should be submitted in a sealed envelope at the following address:
Indonesia Australia Forest
Carbon Partnership
World Trade Centre 8th Floor,
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav.31
Jakarta 12920, Indonesia
Attention: HR Unit

by email to no later than 26 February 2011.
IAFCP reserves the right to accept or reject proposal received after this date

ATTENTION:Please indicate on the envelopeor on e-mail subject the following reference Translationand / Interpretation.Candidate can aply to both Translation and Interprer but must submit in a separate proposal.IAFCP will not be responsible for postal delays, if any, in the delivery of the bid documents or non-receipt of the same. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic means, to the address indicated above.
