International Food Policy Research Institute Vacancy: Senior Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation Specialist - Kampala, Uganda

International Food Policy Research Institute Vacancy: Senior Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation Specialist - Kampala, Uganda
Job Summary
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) seeks a Senior Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation Specialist for the HarvestPlus program.  HarvestPlus leads a global effort to improve nutrition and public health by developing and disseminating staple food crops that are rich in vitamins and minerals.  HarvestPlus works with public and private sector partners in more than 40 countries.

HarvestPlus is part of the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH).  CGIAR is a global agriculture research partnership for a food secure future.  Its science is carried out by its 15 research centers in collaboration with hundreds of partner organizations.  The HarvestPlus program is coordinated by two of these centers, the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

The successful candidate will be responsible for:
  • Designing the Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation (MLE) system for all activities undertaken by HarvestPlus 
  • Overseeing the implementation of the MLE system and related activities by MLE officers and partners
  • Providing  timely and relevant information to the HarvestPlus Program Management Team (PMT), the HarvestPlus board, donors and partners
The Senior MLE Specialist will report to the HarvestPlus Head of Policy Research and will work in close collaboration with the program staff in Washington, DC, in Cali, Colombia, at the implementation offices in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and with MLE staff of the partnering institutions and donors.

The role involves leadership and management of all aspects of MLE work, including the design and maintenance of the MLE system, identification of the key indicators, collection, processing and management of MLE data, and the set up and maintenance of an electronic, web-based MLE database from which information can be used to contribute to regular reports and other documents.

This exempt position is a two year, fixed term, renewable appointment and is located in the IFPRI Office in Kampala, Uganda.

Essential Duties:

The primary responsibilities of the Senior of MLE Specialist will include:
  • Development, maintenance and operationalization of an MLE system for the HarvestPlus program that allows learning, adaption and innovation. A key aspect of the MLE system should be gender sensitivity/mainstreaming. 
  • Work with HarvestPlus managers, MLE staff in country offices, and regional and global partners to ensure timely collection of relevant MLE data.
  • Lead preparation of progress reports for the PMT, the board, donors, and other stakeholders/partners, along with quarterly and annual MLE reports based on key indicators, lessons learned and suggestions for programmatic improvement.
  • Help establish, lead and coordinate a program-wide MLE team.
  • Contribute to and facilitate the capacity building of MLE teams as well as implementation partners.
  • Provide PMT and other stakeholders with adequate and timely information for strategic decision making.
Required Qualifications:
  • MSc degree in, Economics, Agricultural Economics, Nutrition, International Development, Public Policy or related field 
  • At least 10 years of relevant experience in designing, implementing and managing MLE systems, preferably related to rural development projects in the food, agriculture, nutrition and/or health sector.   
  • Extensive knowledge of and experience in: 
    • Sampling and formal survey techniques
    • Rapid appraisal methods and other qualitative/participatory methods
    • Database development, storage and management
  • Proven leadership skills and sensitivity to cross-cultural and gender issues and ability to work with multi-disciplinary teams. 
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Demonstrated strategic thinking and time management skills.
  • Willingness to travel frequently to Africa, Asia and Latin America (and other destinations, as required).
Preferred Qualifications:
  • PhD in Economics, Agricultural Economics, Nutrition or a related field.
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) seeks sustainable solutions for ending hunger and poverty. Founded in 1975, IFPRI is a member of the CGIAR Consortium, a global research partnership for a food secure future. The mandate of IFPRI is to identify and analyze alternative national and international strategies and policies for meeting world food needs in ways that conserve the natural resource base, with emphasis on low income and on the poorer groups in the countries.

IFPRI offers a multicultural, collegial research environment with competitive salary and excellent benefits. IFPRI is an international and equal opportunity organization and believes that diversity of its staff contributes to excellence.

To Apply

Go to Click on “Careers” and then click on “Other Positions” to link you to Position #14-140(N) Senior Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation Specialist.  Please complete the online application and provide a complete resume, detailed letter of interest, and 3 references. For more information about IFPRI and/or HarvestPlus, please visit our websites at and

Deadline: 07 Jul 2014
