Médecins Sans Frontières Vacancy: Logistics Learning Officer - Belgium

Médecins Sans Frontières Vacancy: Logistics Learning Officer - Belgium
The learning unit (LU) has as a mission to narrow the gap between MSF staff expected competencies and real competencies in the framework of their position through the implementation of relevant training actions.

Learning Officers work within MSF-OCB different departments as key actors of the management of the learning program linked to the different existing functions (field + HQ), in the framework of their department.

They work under the direct responsibility of the Learning Unit coordination, of which they depend hierarchically, and report also, in matrix management, to the coordination/direction member of their department, which provides support and technical supervision.

They contribute directly to the Learning Unit dynamism and functioning, benefiting from administrative support from Learning Administration and pedagogical expertise support from Pedagogical experts.


  • Design & follow up department training program on a yearly basis (// LU policies and pedagogic methods)
  • Implement evaluation tools before (needs analysis) and after (impact analysis) the courses + organize / write evaluative reports
  • In collaboration with Learning Unit, develop the pedagogic tools & guidelines
  • Facilitate the sharing of good practices and informationamongst the course organizers
    Regularly collect department training needs (field + HQ) and link with/up to date pedagogic objectives
  • Permanently develop its own pedagogic expertisenotably through the Learning Unit supporting activities, external workshops, etc.
  • Supervise the department courses organizers preparation and evaluation
  • Contribute to the development of training modules content
Act as a course organizer as needed
  • Consolidate pedagogic objectives related to the field needs (in collaboration with the learning experts)
  • Identify & supervise course trainers, experts and facilitators (TOT), ensure pedagogic coherence between objectives and trainers methods
  • Attend or organize selection committees
  • Collect and assure the distribution of training materials to the participants
  • Attend to key session moments and support the learning methods
  • Act as a trainer for PPDLSP week and ad hoc as required
  • Provide evaluation forms to participants and trainers
  • Organize training documents course and training material distribution
  • Support group dynamics
  • In collaboration with Learning Administration, complete / finalize administrative tasks
  • Analyse the evaluation forms and report the analysis to LU
  • Act as a department training focal pointnotably collect and provide training information to department staff & support the department in training related issues
  • Reportto its line manager and to the Log Resources coordinator the tasks progress & submit annual B&O's
  • Prepare and attend yearly evaluation interview with its line manager and Log Resources coordinator
  • Attend training coordination and department meetingsas needed and articulate it with the training yearly plan
  • Regularly meet/liaise with peersto share views and practices
  • Assure a proper hand-over to new Learning Officer when replacement is planned
  • Assists the LU in filling contractual agreements with external actors (such as training operators, others OC's, other institutions, etc.) following LU standards
  • Oversee other OC's training outcomes & adequately reinforce collaboration with OC's counterparts notably by attending international meetings when planned
  • When required, establish quality evaluation and accreditation of external training operators
  • 3 years field experience in MSF logistics is compulsory
  • expertise in training acquired in a complex international context
  • Strong analytical and synthetic capacities
  • Learning Skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Good writing skills
  • Good organization of work
  • Very good mastery of written and oral French and English.
How to apply:
  • Open-end contract – full time – Based in Brussels (Jette)
  • Hospital Insurance (DKV) – Pension Plan – Canteen – 100´% reimbursement for public transportation costs
  • Starting date: begin of September
CV + cover letter (with reference “Log LU”) to be sent before July 7th to Muriel Moussiaux, 94 rue Dupré, 1090 Brussels or tomuriel.moussiaux@brussels.msf.org
