Women Thrive Worldwide Vacncy: President - Washington DC, United States


June 2014

Women Thrive Worldwide




Women Thrive Worldwide (Women Thrive) is a recognized expert on gender and a trusted leader in advocating for and shaping policy change at the United States (U.S.) and global levels so that women and girls can share equally in the enjoyment of economic opportunity, voice and freedom from fear and violence.  Women Thrive occupies a unique niche, focusing on U.S. international assistance, global trade and other policy initiatives, and works at the nexus of international development, women’s issues, and U.S. citizen engagement.  In particular, Women Thrive’s work focuses on issues related to economic opportunity, education and learning, and gender-based violence.  It also has a particular focus on women and girls living in poverty, on less than 2 dollars a day.  Women Thrive partners with local women’s organizations in developing countries to highlight their experiences, giving policy-makers an on-the-ground perspective of how U.S. and international policies are affecting women. The organization plays a critical role as a convener and trusted collaborator by leading a diverse and powerful coalition of more than 50 organizations.

Based in Washington, DC, Women Thrive currently has a staff of 11 and is governed by a board of 10.  Women Thrive’s work is supported primarily by foundations and individuals, although the organization seeks out support from corporate partners as well. The organization’s operating budget for fiscal year 2014 is approximately $2.2 million.

The organization’s Co-Founder and President, Ritu Sharma, is stepping down as President after nearly 15 years of service to pursue new opportunities.

The position of President offers an important platform for a visionary and strategic leader to build on Women Thrive Worldwide’s work over 15 years to create transformative change that impacts women and girls the world over.  The President will be a leader, manager, and spokesperson with outstanding strategic, communication, collaboration, and fundraising skills.  S/he will be attuned to the current political, economic, social and cultural realities of women and girls around the world, hold a clear vision for effecting progressive policy change in the current U.S. context and be persuasive, persistent, and creative in the pursuit of Women Thrive Worldwide’s goals.
FIRST YEAR’S PRIORITIES During the first year of employment, the President will be expected to:
  • Become thoroughly immersed in the Women Thrive – its history, mission, programs, people, structure and operations, finances, constituencies, organizational culture and values, and potential; 
  • Develop and nurture solid working partnerships with the Board of Directors, the management team, other members of Women Thrive’s staff and its partners, in order to bring forth their best ideas and efforts and enhance overall organizational cohesion, collaboration and stability;
  • Work closely with board and staff to assess Women Thrive’s current strategic and development plans, ensuring a smooth leadership transition, as well as alignment with organizational capabilities to advance the mission; initiate new planning processes as needed; and
  • Become an effective and visible spokesperson for Women Thrive, increasing awareness of the organization’s work and visibility among its stakeholders, including potential donors.
The President will be expected to:

Provide Strategic, Visionary Leadership
  • Working with the Board and staff, lead Women Thrive in setting overall direction and priorities and developing and implementing programmatic and organizational strategies and goals; 
  • In partnership with the management team, lead the organization’s programmatic work, fundraising, financial management, administration, operations, and human resources; ensure sound financial, operational, and administrative policies and controls are in place and in practice; develop and administer budgets; ensure that funds are invested and spent wisely; 
  • Develop and sustain a collaborative and equitable workplace culture that reflects Women Thrive’s values; ensure open and clear channels of communication; employ transparent decision making;
  • Ensure strong internal communication among staff; work closely with the management team to ensure the flow of relevant information and encourage effective collaboration and coordination between and among teams;
  • Regularly evaluate performance; enhance opportunities across the organization for personal and professional leadership development; directly supervise the management team;
  • Regularly brief the Board on the status of the organization; remain actively in touch with and well-informed about the Board’s activities;
Raise the Visibility of Women Thrive
  • Serve as Women Thrive’s chief public spokesperson, representing the organization to all stakeholders, including donors, partners, and media, locally to internationally; 
  • Actively promote the expertise and voice of Women Thrive; 
  • Ensure that the organization consistently utilizes social media, social networking and other emerging communications technologies and practices to help Women Thrive reach diverse audiences, including young people;
Increase and Diversify Funding
  • In partnership with Board and staff, establish and implement fundraising goals and lead Women Thrive’s fundraising; use staff and board members’ talents, resources, and ideas to enhance fundraising activities; enhance board members’ ability to identify fundraising opportunities and encourage their ongoing participation as donors and solicitors; 
  • Effectively steward the organization’s current base of supporters while also reaching out to new and more diverse supporters; lead the work to develop new revenue sources beyond traditional philanthropic channels;
Build Effective Partnerships and Strategic Alliances
  • Reinforce and strengthen relationships that Women Thrive maintains with a broad array of organizations around the world in order to facilitate sharing of knowledge, strategies for action and best practices; 
  • Regularly pursue relationships with new partners and undertake collaborative projects when appropriate.
IDEAL EXPERIENCE AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS Ideally, the President will have the following skills and qualities:
  • Strong passion for Women Thrive’s mission and a demonstrated commitment to gender equity; experience as a successful advocate for gender equity or other related progressive policy change is critical; 
  • Strong intellectual and strategic abilities combined with a well-informed understanding of the political, economic, social, and cultural issues facing women and girls globally; solid understanding of the history and context of U.S. international assistance policy; 
  • Significant experience as an inspirational public presence, with excellent oral and written communication skills; experience communicating through traditional and new media and an appreciation of their value for leveraging social justice is essential;
  • Credibility and experience to connect Women Thrive to a range of resources and opportunities outside the organization; a successful track record of enthusiastically raising money from a variety of sources, including major donors, is highly desirable; 
  • Proven senior-level managerial, financial, problem solving, and organizational development experience gained ideally in a mission-driven organization; organizational development experience is especially desirable; 
  • A successful track record as a unifying team builder who inspires collaboration and functions decisively; capable of connecting with staff, both on an individual level and in groups; 
  • Proven successful experience working in a variety of diverse contexts and communities with the ability to interact professionally and thoughtfully with a wide array of people; cross-cultural competence; a strong track record of working across the lines of gender, race, class, and culture;
  • Demonstrated expertise as a relationship builder with existing ties to a broad and diverse range of communities; strong interest in engaging diverse stakeholders and helping Women Thrive strengthen and expand its relationships and networks; proven and successful track record creating effective partnerships and collaborations, with a reputation as a good strategic partner;
  • Outgoing, open, trustworthy, and straightforward; proven ability as an active, keen listener;
  • Maturity and self-confidence, with a sense of humor and a warm, energetic spirit;
  • Ability to travel internationally as much as 20-30% of the time;
  • A Bachelor's degree is a minimum requirement; a graduate or professional degree in a relevant field is desirable.
To learn more about the Women Thrive Worldwide, please visit: www.womenthrive.org

To apply for the position, please submit a substantive cover letter and current resume to:
Lauren I. Gumbs
Senior Partner
Gumbs + Partners

Women Thrive Worldwide is an equal opportunity employer and considers all applications without regard to race, color, religion, creed, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age, disability, socio-economic status, marital or veteran status, or sexual orientation.

Closing Date: 11 Jun 2014
