ACTED Vacancy: AMEU Monitor (Daily Worker) - Medan, North Sumatra - Indonesian

ACTED Vacancy: AMEU Monitor (Daily Worker) - Medan, North Sumatra - Indonesian
AMEU Monitor (Daily Worker) Vacancy

The Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED) is a French non-profit organization working in over 30 countries worldwide to provide emergency response, early recovery, and development assistance to communities in need. ACTED’s interventions seek to cover multiple aspects of humanitarian and development crises through a multidisciplinary approach that is both global and local, and adapted to each context.

ACTED’s vision is to establish emergency, rehabilitation, and development. ACTED aims to guarantee the sustainability of relief interventions carried out during crises by remaining in the field after the emergency to engage in long-term support to communities in food security, health, education, economic assistance, microfinance, advocacy, and cultural promotion. ACTED’s actions are needs based and identified in a participatory manner with communities in the areas where we are present. ACTED has been active in Indonesia since April 2005, assisting those affected by the tsunami and Nias earthquake and is now working to support livelihoods, community-based disaster risk reduction, and child protection in North Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), and elsewhere.

Currently ACTED open vacancy for qualified and experienced persons to be AMEU (Appraisal, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit) Field Monitor and Data Entry Operator temporary staff as part of our project “Youth, Journalist, and Civil Society Capacity-Building Project (YJCS-CBP) in Medan, North Sumatera.” ACTED in partnership with Indonesian NGO, Kajian Informasi, Pendidikan dan Penerbitan Sumatera (KIPPAS) will implement a project to strengthen the capacity of youth, journalists, and civil society organizations to effectively exercise democratic rights in Medan, North Sumatera.

ACTED AMEU will conducted Baseline survey in  target areas among potential beneficiaries from university and senior high school students in order to gather baseline data to inform activity design for and to later evaluate results of ACTED’s European Union-funded intervention Youth, Journalist, and Civil Society capacity-building Project. Baseline survey will conducted on May to June 2013 in 31 Target universities and schools in Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia.

Under direct supervision of the AMEU Coordinator, AMEU Field Monitor will conduct field visits to conduct interviews using the baseline questionnaire  and Data entry operator will conduct the data base input, from the baseline questionnaire that collected by Field Monitor to maintain the data necessary to measure the target groups current level  of knowledge, attitude and practice of democratic rights, election regulations and voting procedures among target university and senior high school students and as well to provide baseline data  useful throughout the project monitoring and evaluation.

Qualifications and Skills for AMEU Field Monitor:
  • At least University student social science on the practical semester and or fresh graduated
  • Good experience in conducting surveys and field research
  • Desire having Type  C driving license and ability to drive motorbikes 
  • Having good knowledge in Medan City area
  • Ability to  travel to the field full working hours
  • Ability to work under short timeframe and to meet given targets
  • He/ she should be physically and mentally fit to discharge the duties prescribed
  • Have a good attitude, honest and highly motivated person
  • Experience working for  International Organization will be benefit 
  • Living in Medan city
Qualifications and Skills for AMEU Data Entry Operator
  • Strong experience as office assistant and data entry operator
  • Proficient in data entry and analysis
  • Strong familiarity in working with MS Office, Excel and other office application software’s database 
  • Previous experience of working with similar project is preferable 
  • He/ she should be physically and mentally fit to discharge the duties prescribed
  • Ability to work under short timeframe and to meet given targets 
  • Have a good attitude, honest and highly motivated person.
  • Living in Medan city
In order to apply, please submit (1) cover letter stating how your experience and qualifications meet the desired criteria below and stating your expected salary for the position applied, and (2) your Curriculum Vitae (CV) in English labeled with your name (maximum file size 200KB) including three (3) references who we may contact about your past employment. Applications can be submitted directly to ACTED Medan Office: Jln. Sei Serayu no. 97 Medan or by e-mail to: and CC to no later than 14 July 2014. Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted.
