The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a nonprofit, global research organization dedicated to advancing human well-being, environmental conservation and equity.
We conduct research that enables more informed and equitable decision
making about the use and management of tropical and sub-tropical forest
landscapes. We help policy makers and practitioners shape effective
policy, improve the management of tropical forests and address the needs
and perspectives of people who depend on forests for their livelihoods.
Our multidisciplinary approach considers the underlying drivers of
deforestation and degradation which often lie outside the forestry
sector: forces such as agriculture, infrastructure development, trade
and investment policies and law enforcement.
The Scientist will both facilitate and identify strategic
opportunities for research with impacts on governance of furniture value
chains across selected landscapes in South-East Asia. The successful
candidate will lead participatory action research on policy,
institutions and business models in a complex and adaptive multi-scale
governance system. This research aims to improve the livelihoods of
small-scale furniture producers, strengthen local institutions, and
balance power relations whilst fostering compliance with mandatory and
voluntary certification schemes. In addition, He/She will be expected to
lead research for development on policy regulation that favors small
and medium enterprises as well as environmental benefits such as teak
planting and increasing carbon stocks in furniture for climate change
He/She will develop participatory action research on furniture value
chain governance in selected Southeast Asian countries; as well as
regional comparative research with a focus on realizing knowledge
sharing and multi-level policy impacts. He/She may co-lead or contribute
to CIFOR’s broader portfolio of research initiatives including the
landscape approach, Sustainable Forests Management including, in
Indonesia forest management units (KPH), modelling and simulation,
carbon stocks in furniture value chains, integrated and gendered forest
value chains, and climate change mitigation including REDD+ and
adaptation. He/She will be supervised by the Director of Research in
Forests and Governance, and will work closely with colleagues in all
CIFOR research teams.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Provide scientific guidance and ensure concepts/methods of research carried out are appropriate and meet the highest scientific standards, reflecting up-to-date scientific methods and concepts;
- Collaborate closely with Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) component coordinators/leaders within CIFOR and ICRAF to define/implement research activities in emerging areas;
- Write and supervise publications and other scientific communications related to research activities;
- Disseminate science through POLEX, blogs and other popular forums.
Capacity building
- Lead and supervise the capacity building initiatives of the projects;
- Supervise students and mentor junior scientists in the projects.
- As requested by the Director of Research in Forests and Governance, represent CIFOR, in national, regional and global forums related to furniture value chains, forest governance and landscape approach and modeling;
- Develop and maintain constructive partnerships with all stakeholders.
Policy-science dialogue
- Lead, coordinate and/or contribute to the policy-science dialogue, outcomes and impacts, and communication targeted at policy makers (including workshops, websites and policy briefs) of relevant projects.
Fund raising
- Lead the search for additional funding for relevant projects.
- Plan and monitor research activities of relevant projects, including financial aspects, as necessary;
- Supervise and mentor staff, when appropriate;
- Lead, coordinate and/or contribute to reporting to donors.
Details of duties, assignments and objectives will be further
discussed and laid out in the staff’s annual performance contract with
the to-be-appointed new Research Director, Forests and Governance.
Education, Experience and Technical Skills
- PhD in forestry or natural resource management with strong background in participatory action research, value chain analysis, system dynamics, soft-system methodology and agent-based modelling;
- No less than seven years relevant work experience in governance research; including forest product value chain governance, company-community partnership in forestry, adaptive collaborative management, criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management, developing local institutions, global comparative analysis, climate change mitigation and adaptation, forest and landscape governance;
- Minimum seven years relevant work experience with international multidisciplinary teams;
- Experience working in Southeast Asia both independently and in a team with inter-governmental organizations like CGIAR centers, the World Bank, international and grassroots NGOs, think tank institutions and/or universities;
- Demonstrated success fund raising from international donor agencies;
- Demonstrated success conducting internationally recognized research for impact;
- Demonstrated management and leadership skills;
- Active participation in international scientific fora such as World Forestry Congress, IUFRO, IASC, ATBC, World Teak Conference etc;
- Strong scientific track record of publications in international, peer reviewed journals;
- Excellent written and spoken English, fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and preferably knowledge of one other language from the SE Asian region.
Personal Attributes and Competencies
- Excellent analytical and synthesis skills;
- Management and organisational skills, experience in project management;
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to effectively interact with people in a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment;
- Excellent facilitation and team building capacities;
- Values the sharing of information and continuous improvement in a cooperative atmosphere of constructive evaluation and learning.
How to apply:
Terms and conditions- This is an International-Recruited Staff position. Competitive remuneration in US dollars commensurate with skills and experience.
- The appointment will be for a period of three years, including a one year probation, with a possibility of extension contingent upon performance, continued relevance of the position and available resources.
- The duty station will be in Jakarta/Bogor, Indonesia
- We will be processing applications until a suitable candidate is identified.
- We will acknowledge all applications, but we will contact only short-listed candidates.
To learn more about CIFOR, please visit our website at HERE
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Closing Date: 14 Aug 2014