Development Media International (DMI) Vacancy: Country Director/Radio Producer - Kinshasa, Congo

Development Media International (DMI) Vacancy: Country Director/Radio Producer - Kinshasa, Congo
Development Media International (DMI) is a London-based organisation which uses mass media to change behaviours and improve health in developing countries (  In 2011 DMI launched the world’s first scientific trial to determine how many lives can be saved using mass media campaigns alone, in Burkina Faso.  Results are due in 2015, but the midline survey indicates that there has already been a significant impact on behaviours.

DMI has now secured funding to launch a new programme in DRC.  This will be initially for one year and will cover maternal and child health (MCH) in six of DRC’s eleven provinces.  However our intention is to create a long-term presence in DRC by securing follow-on funding for the MCH campaign, launching campaigns on other health topics, and expanding into additional provinces.  The initial project will use radio only, but TV campaigns may be required as well.

As well as excellent creative skills, the successful applicant will need to be a superb diplomat and a capable manager: he/she will be the public face of DMI in DRC and will need to ensure effective relationships with government, broadcasters and research partners.  Excellent communication skills in both English and French are essential.  Candidates with strong backgrounds as radio producers, television producers, or as managers within the advertising or other creative industries are invited to apply.

To apply please visit Here

The deadline for applications is 10 August 2014.
