One person in three in the world lives in poverty. Oxfam
is determined to change that world by mobilising the power of people against
Around the globe, Oxfam works to find practical,
innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. We
save lives & help rebuild livelihoods when crisis strikes. And we campaign
so that the voices of the poor influence the local and global decisions that
affect them.
In all we
do, Oxfam works with partner organisations and alongside vulnerable women and
men to end the injustice that cause poverty.
Restoring Coastal
Livelihood (RCL) building social and ecological resilience in mangrove
ecosystem in South Sulawesi is a five year project initiated by Oxfam GB and
Oxfam Canada and supported by the government of Canada through the Canadian
International Development Agency (CIDA) from February 2010 to February 2015.
RCL goal is to enhance
the livelihood security of vulnerable coastal communities on the west coast of
South Sulawesi by implementing a multi stakeholder and collaborative approach
to improve management of the inter tidal region, including sustainable
utilization of resources and ecological mangrove restoration. A special focus
is placed upon Gender responsive, women especially, securing their rights and
enhancing the well being of coastal communities.
Today, in its fifth (
final) year, some evaluation will be conducted to get the last update of its
some main activities include the verification,
monitoring and evaluation of 400 hectares rehabilitation result.
- Scientific measuring the exact wide of the mangrove restoration area in every site.
- Scientific measuring the wide of successful mangrove growth area of restoration area.
- Scientific measuring the broader impact of the mangrove restoration (ecology and mangrove management).
- Scientific documentation (satellite/ 3 dimension figure) of the restoration area and the growth inside and the impact area.
Expected Results :
- A database of final wide of the restoration area of every sites.
- A database of the successful restoration area (wide, growth and the potential success towards)
- A database of picture documentation showing the restoration progress result
- A database of the broader impact of the mangrove restoration (ecology and mangrove management)
- Develop recommendation of better result restoration
- Develop estimation of the 400 restoration area potential in supporting the environmental recovery
Qualification &
Experience :
To carry out this activities / Oxfam will be selected the
best consultant based on the following criteria:
- Have an expertise in mangrove and mangrove restoration.
- Strong background in environmental (mangrove restoration) MONEV.
- Strong knowledge in Community Based Coastal Resource Management.
- Expertise in GIS.
- Experienced in similar work for minimum 5 years.
- Willing to travel (crossing the sea) to remote area (Tanahkeke island).
Please send your Expression of Interest with detail
of budget, and CVs, to:,
with title in the subject line “MANGROVE
EVALUATION” and closing date July 11, 2014.