P. O. BOX: 3502, KIGALI
Government of Rwanda (GoR) with support from the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) is implementing the Strategic Capacity
Building Initiative (SCBI). Official implementation of the SCBI began in
November 2011 and the programme is set to run for up to June 2018. The
objective of the SCBI is to ‘build capacity and deliver on government
priorities’ at the same time. The Ministry of Natural Resources
(MINIRENA) is responsible for the full implementation of the SCBI in the
mining sector.
its core, the SCBI concentrates on ‘transfer of skills and knowledge’
from international experts to young professionals in Rwanda’s mining
administration. The intention of government is that these young Rwandese
women and men become experts themselves and contribute to improving the
performance and efficiency of the sector with the ultimate aim of
increasing revenue and the benefit to citizens from mining activities.
mining sector is the country’s leading export earner, in spite of the
need to address several capacity gaps. Last year alone (2013), mining
export accounted for USD 226 million.
GoR has taken several steps to set the conditions for progress. Mining
sector development in Rwanda is transforming through increased
privatisation, improvements in the legal and regulatory framework and a
strong policy and strategy to chart the way forward. However, a number
of factors still inhibit its full growth, including: (1) low skills, low
experience and low exposure in various aspects of the mining sector;
(2) limited capacity in monitoring and regulatory enforcement; (3) lack
of knowledge and skills required to attract investment, (4) limited
knowledge of geological reserves and, (5) limited understanding of the
economics of minerals and mining agreements.
is within this context that government plan to recruit in key areas
requiring capacity to build strong expertise and deliver on existing
Role and responsibilities
expert will be responsible for assisting the Government of Rwanda to
improve its mining taxation and financial modelling capabilities.
Specific activities include:
- Agree a detailed work program with the Ministry of Natural Resources (MINIRENA), Ministry of Finance and economic Planning (MINECOFIN), and Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA).
- Conduct a rapid assessment of available data and the Ministry’s current capabilities/knowledge in these technical areas.
- Develop a model to estimate revenue flows from Rwanda’s mining fiscal regime.
- Assist government in the development and implementation of royalties.
- Develop and implement a training plan based on needs and current capability assessment.
- Provide training and structured on the job mentoring to relevant government officials including two SCBI young professionals.
- As requested, help develop and review relevant processes, procedures, legislation, policies, manuals, etc.
- Provide advice to Government on policies to mitigate the impact of mining price volatility on the Budget.
- Provide other capacity building and advisory services to the Ministry on the economics of mining agreements, mining taxation and financial modelling.
- At least a post-graduate University degree in economics, tax or public finance, preferably with a specialization in natural resource economics.
- Outstanding knowledge of taxation issues in the extractives sector.
- Good quantitative and modelling skills.
- Proven experience in institutional and organizational development, preferably in the sub-Saharan African context.
- Excellent facilitator and communicator, able to work in complex and challenging settings.
- Excellent interpersonal skills
- Good reporting and presentation skills.
- A high level of computing skills, including the ability to use applications in word processing (MS Word), financial spread sheet (MS Excel) and project management (MS Project)
- English language skills required. French language skills a plus.
Professional Experience:
- At least 10 years of experience working in the field of mineral economics and taxation.
- Proven experience in training and mentoring public officials, preferably in the area of mining taxation.
- Experience working in developing countries, preferably in sub-Saharan Africa. Rwanda experiences a plus.
- Publication of article/book in field relevant to this position is an asset.
Supervision and reporting arrangements
expert will report directly to the Deputy Director General of Rwanda
Natural Resources Authority/Geology and Mines Department, and to the
SCBI Strategic Advisor.
Assignment duration
duration of the assignment is for one year and the expert is expected
to work full time in Kigali. There is a high possibility of contract
The application must be in the Permanent Secretary Office by 30th July 2014.
Applications should also be sent to and
Application will include:
• Motivation letter;
• Curriculum Vitae (CV);
• Three referees with detailed addresses attached.
Kigali, on.....................................
Caroline Kayonga
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Natural Resources