The MENTOR Initiative (MENTOR) is a “not for profit”, charitable,
non-governmental organisation devoted to reducing death and suffering
from malaria and other vector borne diseases in humanitarian crises. The
MENTOR Initiative is currently providing on going emergency support to
the most vulnerable communities in Liberia, Angola, Kenya, Somalia, the
Central African Republic, South Sudan, Chad and Syria.
The Mentor Initiative is currently running a large scale emergency programme in Syria to implement Leishmaniasis control. We are now planning the transition from an initial emergency response to a new longer term programming phase and are now seeking applications from interested candidates for senior management positions that will all be based in Turkey.
If you feel you have either the operational programme or the relevant technical experience to contribute to the programme management team and are interested in applying to the Mentor Initiative then please submit a general letter of interest and CV to by the 31st July 2014.
The Mentor Initiative is currently running a large scale emergency programme in Syria to implement Leishmaniasis control. We are now planning the transition from an initial emergency response to a new longer term programming phase and are now seeking applications from interested candidates for senior management positions that will all be based in Turkey.
If you feel you have either the operational programme or the relevant technical experience to contribute to the programme management team and are interested in applying to the Mentor Initiative then please submit a general letter of interest and CV to by the 31st July 2014.