MEAL (Monitoring Evaluation Accountibility & Learnig) Consultant
in Bener Meriah & Takengon (Aceh Tengah)
1. Description/Background of the Program
Save the Children is a leading, private
child-focused non-governmental alliance of 29 member organizations that
works in 120 countries throughout the world. Save the Children has
worked in Indonesia since 1976 to promote health
and nutrition, education, child protection, livelihoods, and emergency
preparedness and response.
the Children (Aceh Program) is presently focusing in 2 Districts in
Aceh Province: Aceh tengah & Bener Meriah with 4 different projects:
- LINK2 (Livelihood and Nutrition for Kids) in 2 Sub districts of Bener Meriah District in NAD province (Bener Kalipa dan Permata), supported by GMCR (Green Mountain Coffee Roaster). It's aimed to contribute to improve food and nutrition situation of poor coffee farmers. The project is started in 2012 and will end in 2015.
- Hyundai /Healthy for Schools in Aceh which is focus in 17 school interventions in 3 Sub. Districts in Aceh Tengah
- Better Living, Education, Nutrition and Development (BLEND) has main focus to improve the health and well-being of young children in Permata & Bener Kalipah sub-districts in Bener Meriah. This project is working with 15 ECCE centres, 2 PUSKESMAS & 39 Posyandu in Permata & Bener Kalipah Sub. Districts
- Basic Initiative for School Access (BISA) which focus in the quality of education services, and access to ECCE services with improved Access to ECCE, Improved Quality of ECCE, Community mobilization to support ECCE, and Increased District Government support for ECCE. This project was focus in 16 ECCEs centres in Permata Sub District.
This post will be for temporary (3 months) due to the vacant of MEAL officer of Aceh Program
2. Position Title
MEAL (Monitoring Evaluation Accountability & Learning) Consultant
MEAL (Monitoring Evaluation Accountability & Learning) Consultant
3. Objectives of the Consultancy
To Ensures proper design and implementation of the monitoring system including disseminating results to stakeholders, and involving children and community members. S/he will be responsible also for programmatic monitoring of all project activities. S/he will report to the Aceh Program Manager and be supported by a finance and administration, including logistic team in Bener Meriah. S/he is expected to work closely with Program Manager, Deputy Program Manager, SPO (Senior Program Officer), and Program Officers in ensuring that all achievements and results of the project are well documented and reported according to the standard of Save the Children and the donor. S/he w is expected to work closely with National Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist in ensuring all M&E documents related to the projects are met the Save the Children guidance and procedures on time.
To Ensures proper design and implementation of the monitoring system including disseminating results to stakeholders, and involving children and community members. S/he will be responsible also for programmatic monitoring of all project activities. S/he will report to the Aceh Program Manager and be supported by a finance and administration, including logistic team in Bener Meriah. S/he is expected to work closely with Program Manager, Deputy Program Manager, SPO (Senior Program Officer), and Program Officers in ensuring that all achievements and results of the project are well documented and reported according to the standard of Save the Children and the donor. S/he w is expected to work closely with National Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist in ensuring all M&E documents related to the projects are met the Save the Children guidance and procedures on time.
4. The Consultant responsibilities will include:
- Under the lead of Aceh Program Manager , Deputy Program Manager and consultation with National M&E Specialist develop design, methodology, procedures and tools of Program Manager with refer to CP ME system.
- Plan, manage and report of all activities on monitoring and evaluation based on day-by-day operational activities.
- Document all relevant data and information both quantitative and qualitative regarding the project activities.
- Work with project staffs and partners in the implementation of M & E plan and support them in process of data collections.
- Ensure that the reporting data is collected in a technically correct manner and accurately reflect field realities and meet quality standards;
- Update periodically data of the process and result of the projects including that achieved by partners.
- Prepare monthly success story and total reach
- Conduct analysis data and information as well as formulate conclusion of project under consultation with Aceh PM and National M&E Specialist.
- Provide all project staff with data and information they request.
- Support Aceh PM, Depurty Program Manager and National M&E Specialist for dissemination ME results to donor and stakeholders.
5. Deliverables:
- Updates of periodically data collections of all 4 projects interventions in Aceh Program
- MEAL Updates , total reach & project documentations
- Monthly monitoring tools & activities reports
6. Time frame:
Period of work: 3 months , with approximately 20 billable days/ month
7. Benefit should be provided/expenses:
- Transportation Cost Return from Home base – Bener Meriah – Home base (taxi or bus based on actual cost with received)
8. Term of payment:
Payment will be paid monthly after completing 20 billable days each month.
Updated CV and application letter should be sent to
Please fill the "subject" column of the e-mails in this format:
<MEAL-Consultant><your name>
Closing date for application is up to 14 July 2014
(Only short-listed candidates will be notified)