National M&E
Coordinator and Technical Expert
Job Description
The April 2012 USAID
Management Review of the SUM Program recommended that the SUM I and SUM II
Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) responsibilities for CSOs be combined and
managed under SUM II. In July 2012, at the start of Year 3, SUM II
assumed complete responsibility for CSO M&E, including monthly
recordkeeping and reporting, population-based surveys at CSO intervention
sites, and qualitative assessments at intervention sites.
This job description delineates this expanded M&E
function under SUM II, and defines the roles and responsibilities of the
revised SUM II key personnel position of National M&E Coordinator and
Technical Expert.
Description of the SUM II Expanded
M&E Function
program of technical assistance is currently working with 28 CSOs in eight
provinces. SUM II operates through its Jakarta-based national office and three
regional offices – Papua; East Java; and DKI Jakarta/West Java/Central
Java/Riau Islands/North Sumatra. The National M&E Coordinator/ Technical
Expert implements the SUM II M&E function in coordination with SUM II’s
national technical staff and the three regional coordinators based in Surabaya,
Jayapura and Jakarta.
The key
themes underpinning SUM II’s expanded M & E function are:
- Assessing CSO management by key results
- Capturing CSO effective coverage
- Analyzing the relevant transfer of knowledge
SUM II will
assist each CSO to build their M&E knowledge and skills based on their
current status as part of SUM II’s intensive workplace-based training, coaching
and systems development approach.
In September
2012, to assist with the expanded scope of the combined SUM I and II M&E function,
SUM II identified TA partner SurveyMETER to carry out the intensive on-the-job
capacity building with CSOs, in coordination with SUM II’s other partner TA organizations,
so that CSOs will have ability to monitor and evaluate their institutional and
programmatic performance.
To carry out
SUM II’s expanded M&E function the National M&E Coordinator/Technical
Expert will lead and support the following implementation activities:
- Improve monthly record keeping and reporting by CSOs—accuracy and timeliness
- Build the capacity of CSOs to collect, analyze, and interpret data for more cost effective implementation and reporting, including mobile phone technology
- Carry out periodic qualitative assessments (including, but not exclusively, focus group discussions) of MARP clients to identify barriers to service utilization and to build up CSO capacity with assistance from SUM II
- Manage CSO web-based database and reporting
- Conduct semi-annual surveys of CSO intervention sites
- Assist government departments and other stakeholders as requested.
Roles and Responsibilities of the National M&E Coordinator/Technical Expert
Supervisory Responsibilities
M&E Coordinator/Technical Expert will have one direct report -- the SUM II
information and communication technology officer.
Grant Management and Oversight Responsibilities
National M&E Coordinator/Technical Expert will
have grant management and oversight responsibilities for the SUM II TA provider
SurveyMETER. This one-year grant (September 2012-August 2013) provides M&E
practitioners to carry out SUM II’s intensive on-the-job capacity building with
CSOs, in coordination with SUM II’s other partner TA organizations, so that
CSOs will have ability to monitor and evaluate their institutional and
programmatic performance.
SUM II Senior Leadership Team Responsibilities
The National M&E Coordinator/Technical Expert is a
member of SUM II’s 4-person senior leadership team, and reports directly to the
SUM II COP. As a member of the senior leadership team the National M&E
Coordinator participates in the weekly senior leadership team meeting to review
SUM II Work Plan progress, issues and upcoming activities.
include shared decision making as follows:
- SUM II staffing decisions
- Decisions regarding SUM II Principal and Developing CSOs
- Decisions regarding TA provider SOWs and performance
SUM II Program Implementation and Technical Responsibilities
Specifically, the National M&E Coordinator/Technical expert will be responsible for the following:
CSO Monthly Record Keeping and Reporting
Lead the initiative, with SurveyMETER support, to replace the existing proprietary, programmed database software provided by SUM I with the public domain software, Epi-Info 7.
- Coordinate CSO training and support on Epi-Info 7 software in collaboration with SurveyMETER, so CSOs are able to apply this user-friendly and manageable tool for routine data gathering, database management and analysis.
CSO Capacity
Building in M&E
- Develop approaches to capacitate individual CSOs to conduct M&E monthly meetings to monitor CSOs’ achievement and address barriers that might inhibit them from achieving their targets. These efforts should result in CSOs able to analyze their data and take appropriate action in improving their services based on the data.
Qualitative Research among MARPs, Health Providers and Other Stakeholders
- Develop and manage SUM program for qualitative research designed to help identify the reasons for any shortcomings in achieving targets, e.g., directed at one or more CSOs underachieving or a sample of CSOs if the problem is widespread among them.
- Determine methodology, such as FGDs and other methods, to be used to explore emerging issues as they arise and to provide detailed textual data to supplement and complement the quantitative survey and routine M & E data.
- Through participatory FGDs, document intervention models with input from CSOs to enable them to refine activities as indicated.
Semi-Annual Surveys to Evaluate the Outcomes among
MARPs served by SUM II’s CSOs[1]
- Redefine and manage the program for surveys so they are more focused, less time consuming, and conducted every 6 months so that mid-year corrections can be made if warranted.
- Focus surveys on service utilization and uptake of referral options; and minimize the impact on the routine work of the CSOs by focusing on a limited number of key indicators.
with Other Donors – Unique Identifier Code (UIC)
- Build consensus about UIC for MARPs individuals among donor-funded implementers (SUM, HCPI, and Global Fund Recipients) and development partners (to minimize double counting).
Data Quality
Audit (DQA)
- Ensure the quality of the data collected by CSOs through DQA implementation.
- Work with SurveyMETER to develop an improved DQA instrument and standardized operating procedures in compliance with PEPFAR.
- Prepare and manage semi-annual DQAs.
Mobil and
other Technologies
- Develop and implement a scalable, results-driven, mobile phone-based data management tool (CommCare) that is customized for use by CSOs in Indonesia who serve populations of female sex workers, MSM, TG individuals, IDUs and PLHIV.
- Assist principal CSOs in developing and managing their websites, Facebook and Twitter sites (with tailored designs based on a CSO’s capacity to maintain the site).
The SUM II position of National M&E Coordinator and Technical Expert requires strong organizational and interpersonal skills, and ability to work in a team-oriented setting. The position also requires excellent oral and written communication skills, including fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and good English language skills. Significant travel to targeted provinces, district and intervention sites will also be required.
Specific qualifications include:
- Master’s Degree in a health-related field
- At least 5 years of experience in qualitative and quantitative approaches to M&E
- Experience in M&E capacity building
- Field research in health-related issues
Note: Under SUM I surveys were conducted annually
Please send your application to : at the latest July 9th, 2014 at the latest July 9th, 2014