Good Return Indonesia Program Coordinator - Position
The role of the Good Return Indonesia Program
Coordinator is to coordinate partnership activities between Good Return and Keling
Kumang Credit Union (CUKK), manage implementation of activities, and build CUKK’s
training capacity. The Program Coordinator will be engaged by World Education Indonesia
and seconded full-time to the Good Return program.
Location: Based in Sintang, West
Kalimantan, and working in other districts of CUKK operations to
be determined in discussion with CUKK. Considerable field work is required.
The main responsibilities of the Program Coordinator are:
- Coordinate partnership activities between Good Return and CUKK (10%)
- Liaise regularly with Good Return and CUKK staff to ensure effective communications and common understanding of activities, expectations and plans.
- Coordinate the planning and implementation of all activities.
- Monitor delivery and effectiveness of all activities, and facilitate reviews and evaluations where required.
- Ensure collection of baseline, attendance, and end-line data for all trainees / participants.
- Prepare training reports and quarterly Project Progress Reports and financial acquittals for each project and submit within 10 days of the end of each calendar quarter.
- Sustainable Livelihoods Project: Lead the establishment of a Client Training Program at CUKK and build capacity of CUKK staff to perform this role (40%)
- Under guidance from the Livelihoods Program Manager, work with CUKK to guide the establishment of a Client Training Unit within CUKK. Develop a project design and work plan and identify resources required.
- Support the recruitment and orientation of Client Training Unit staff.
- Train CUKK training staff in adult non-formal education facilitation techniques.
- Under guidance from the Livelihoods Program Manager, design (or adapt) a curriculum and training materials for a financial literacy course and a small business management course.
- Train trainers in how to deliver the financial literacy and small business management courses, and provide on-the-job mentoring and coaching.
- Identify and commission external trainers to deliver sustainable agriculture skills training to CUKK members.
- Liaise with and work under the direction of the Good Return Livelihoods Program Manager.
- MFI Capacity Building Project: Support the strengthening of CUKK’s social and environmental performance management (20%)
- Coordinate with CUKK the delivery of support provided by Good Return’s Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Specialist.
- Assist the TBL Specialist in working with CUKK to incorporate environmental considerations into loan appraisal activities.
- Conduct follow-up activities as requested by the TBL Specialist.
- Assist CUKK to produce a quarterly Triple Bottom Line report, as required.
- Liaise with and work under the direction of the Good Return Microfinance Program Manager.
- Sustainable Energy Project: Support the promotion and uptake of renewable energy technology among CUKK clients (20%)
- Coordinate with CUKK the delivery of support provided by Good Return’s Sustainable Energy Field Coordinator.
- Assist the Sustainable Energy Field Coordinator in working with CUKK to assess member demand for renewable energy technologies (RETs), then identify and establish a suitable business model for the ongoing supply of RETs to CUKK members.
- Liaise with product suppliers and facilitate communication and coordination with CUKK.
- Conduct follow-up activities as requested by the Sustainable Energy Field Coordinator.
- Liaise with and work under the direction of the Good Return Sustainable Energy Program Manager.
- Good Return Loans: Manage CUKK activity on the Good Return website (10%)
- Train and support CUKK staff to upload member photos and stories, and report loan repayments on a weekly basis.
- Support the marketing team, and report back to them on a monthly basis, with short and interesting insights into program impact and members lives.
- Coach CUKK staff on how to improve stories and photos.
- Coordinate visits by Good Return staff or volunteers.
- Conduct random monitoring of Good Return loan clients.
- Write stories from the field to be published on the Good Return website.
- Liaise between Good Return staff in Australia and CUKK operations staff.
- Liaise with and work under the direction of the Good Return Microfinance Program Manager.
Experience and attributes
Candidates for this role should have:
- A passion for community development and training
- Extensive experience as a non-formal education trainer, preferably in small business management and/or financial literacy in a village context
- Experience designing, monitoring and evaluating projects
- Experience and success in managing a team of people
- University degree or equivalent
- Good written and spoken English language skills
- Strong communication skills, able to communicate easily with a wide range of people
- Be self-motivated and able to work independently
- Microfinance experience is desirable
- Experience in agriculture, environmental awareness and/or renewable energy will be considered favourably
applicants, please submit cover letter and CV/ Resume by email to World
Education HR Manager:, by the latest July 12th,
2014. Files must be either in Microsoft
Word or PDF format