World Relief Vacancy: Financial Audit - Bali, Indonesian

World Relief Vacancy: Financial Audit - Bali, Indonesian
World Relief is a USA relief and development charity working with to bring help and hope to communities in need. World Relief has been working in Indonesia more than 10 years and focusing programming effort on Disaster respond, health, agriculture, DRR, Refugee, and community development. Right now we are looking for a dedicate and capable auditor  for project Financial Audit
The objective of the audit is to provide independent professional opinion on statement of Expenditure (SOE) of the Tearfund Australia grant.  Assurance to World Relief management and other stakeholders that funds disbursed under the programme have been allocated as intended and are in compliance with the terms of project agreement.
The opinion of the Statement of Expenditure based on the following;  
  • Compliance with covenants  the funding agreement and  final project proposal, 
  • Compliance with the procurements of goods and services and disbursement SOP.      
Scope of work:
The scope of work would be divided into 3 phases, those are:
Phase 1 Planning. The key objective of this phase is to ensure that the assignment is adeptly planned and well managed; taking into account key issues and risks.  The key tasks during phase 1 will include contractual agreement, entrance meeting, audit team mobilization, review of project documents and drawing program of activities. 
The main output of this phase will be updated Terms of Reference (ToR), signed contract and audit planning document.
Phase 2 Executions.  The key objective of this phase is to ensure that the assignment is adeptly executed in accordance with the Terms of Reference in order to achieve the objectives of providing independent assurance to World Relief and other stakeholders that resources have been allocated as intended and have been efficiently and effectively utilised.  During this phase, detailed execution steps for the audit will be applied. 
The key areas that Auditor needs to review and perform during the execution phase for able to provide the professional opinion are:
  • Transparency and accountability; the audit should able to determine whether the implementation of the programme is in compliance with the terms of the grant Agreement.  Audit shall be carried out in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. 
  • Effectively and efficiency of Tearfund Australia fund: The review will determine accuracy, validity, reliability and completeness of the transactions that have done during the project implementation. All account transactions will be cross-referenced to payments made to suppliers and direct receipts from donors. 
  • Compliance with the programme agreement documents; review all the programme documents, implementation manuals, and other programme information to ensure that these are complied with.
  • Compliance with World Relief Standard procedures and guidelines; by select a sample of significant procurements made by programme management for review to ascertain whether they comply with the relevant provisions of the documents.
Phase 3 Completion and reporting.  The key objectives of this phase are professional opinion on statement of expenditure (SOE) of Tearfund Australia grant and issue a final audit report to World Relief..  The key tasks during this phase will be present and discuss audit finding,  preparation draft professional opinion and audit reports, presentation and discussion draft professional opinion and audit reports and finalisation of professional opinion and the audit reports.

Other Consideration
The relevant Experiences and the audit team of auditor will be highly consideration for World Relief to choice the Auditor for conducted the audit.
The Audit proposal should be included but not limited the planning, time frame, Methodology, Team personnel, and relevant experiences and propose budget. 
Please submit your CV and Letter of interest to:
World Relief,
Gedung Bank Pasaraya Lt. 2
Jalan Raya Tuban No.62
Kuta – Bali
Or Email to:,

before  July, 17  2014. Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted.
HR of World Relief Indonesia
