Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is
the German International Cooperation implementing sustainable development on
behalf of the German Government.
The Programme
“Transforming Administration-Strengthening Innovation” (TRANSFORMASI) is
implemented jointly between the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the Indonesian Ministry for Bureaucracy Reform
(KemPAN-BR), the Ministry of Finance and other stakeholders. It supports the
establishment of a cleaner and more efficient, accountable and service-oriented
public administration.
Programs focuses on the following topics:
- Strengthening the overall BR reform architecture
- Open Recruitment, civil service professionalization, remuneration management
- Fiscal impacts and financing of reforms
- Ensuring Citizen-Orientation of BR reform with a focus on open government
- Creation of a subnational innovation hub on BR reform and public service delivery.
In this
framework, we are looking for an :
Advisor Bureaucracy Reform – Human
Resources Management
to be based at the National Civil Service Agency/ Badan Kepegawaian
Nasional (NCSA/BKN)
A. Main Responsibilities
The advisor will be responsible for:
- Managing advisory services to the National Civil Service Agency/Badan Kepegawaian Negera (NCSA/BKN) on development of Human Resource Management issues (recruitment, assessment, professionalization of human resources of the state apparatus)
- Supporting internal teams of NCSA and the GIZ senior advisor BR - HR to achieve expected outputs with regard to agreed topics, namely: Assessment of civil servants, Change Managment and Talent Management at BKN,
- Identifying capacity development needs of internal teams and change agents of BKN
- Providing Technical Support to vice-head of BKN on request basis
- Liasing strategic relations of NCSA with Kementerian Pemberdayaan Aparatur Negera & Reformasi Birokrasi (KemPAN RB), Lembaga Administrasi Negara (LAN ), and other strategically relevant institutions on the development of Human Resource Management of state apparatus.
- Support to monitor implementation of Change Management and Talent Management of BKN
The Advisor performs the following tasks:
B. Tasks
1. Management
- Along with the senior advisors on HRM Strategic Area, develops operational delivery modes of cooperation between BKN and TRANSFORMASI GIZ
- Develops approaches on strategic linkages of BKN, KemPAN RB, LAN and other relevant institutions on improvement of HRM of state apparatus
- Contributes to the joint planning of the programme and uses GIZ’s Capacity Works to manage his/her area of responsibility,
- Agrees with the partners on and defines terms of reference, selection, and supervision of contracted third parties in carrying out project activities, including performance evaluation.
- Develops and organizes quality assurance in his/her area of responsibility and proposes necessary changes and improvements.
- Monitors and documents progress, analyses challenges and makes recommendations for adjustments in the strategy to the senior advisors at KemPAN RB
- Cooperates closely with other GIZ-contracted experts/consultings in BKN
2. Professional
advisory services
- Advises BKN, especially internal teams, on policy frameworks, including UU Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) and other relevant policies, which regulate the HRM of state apparatus
- Provides strategic and technical inputs to internal teams of BKN with regard to methods applied in the area of change management, talent management, and assessment instrument topics.
- Advises the vice head of BKN to develop strategic linkages with KemPAN RB; LAN and other relevant institutions.
- Develops and implements, together with the advisor on Knowledge Management and Human Capacity Development (KM and HCD), a HCD strategy for BKN in the area of Human resouce management
- Is responsible for the design, preparation and implementation of workshops, seminars and other events on issues related to this area of activity including their follow up.
3. Networking and cooperation
- Draws on established networks and contacts at BKN as well as with the development partner community and other relevant organizations and individuals and assures contact management.
- Does Public Relations work and cooperates with the international community, local communities, relevant organizations, non-governmental bodies and persons within the programme’s environment as well as with other programmes/projects in order to enhance and maintain good working relationships and analyse and promote possibilities for co-financing in close cooperation with the Senior Advisor on BR - HRM.
- Assures a close cooperation between the work of all GIZ-contracted experts in BKN and the work at KemPAN-BR
4. Knowledge
The Advisor
- Collects data, develops reports and presentation documents on the work of the strategic area
- Supports research activities and studies on political issues which benefit the programme,
- Prepares appropriate input to the various programme meetings and reports/publications including annual progress reports; contributes to other reports required by the Programme Director and the GIZ Headquarters,
- Encourages the development of new knowledge sharing instruments in the context of human resource management `also including modern media solutions in collaboration with the Knowledge Management and Human Capacity Development (KM and HCD) advisor.
- Keeps documents on process, experience and results both in hard copy and electronic data in order to be available when needed.
- Archives the most important outputs of the work of the strategic area in DMS,
- Organizes processes and events for knowledge sharing with the partners and the colleagues, generating outputs according to the perceived needs of partners and GIZ in collaboration with the KM and HCD advisor
5. Other
duties/additional tasks
- Performs other duties and tasks at the request of the Senior Advisor on BR - HRM.
- Applies the GIZ code of conduct in daily work and project activities and consistently promotes the application of these values of ethics to programme counterparts,
- Commits to the goals and principles of Good Governance and complies with the guidelines of GIZ,
- Ensures that all measures are carried out in a way to promote gender equality,
- Ensures that all measures are planned and implemented in an economically efficient way,
- Keeps in mind and applies environmentally sound practices.
C. Required
qualifications, competences and experience
Qualifications :
- Master in Public Administration, Human Resources Management, Social Sciences, Economics or Business Administration.
Professional experience :
- 5 years’ professional experience in the area, with at least 3 years’ professional experience in a comparable position.
- Experience in the public sector
Other knowledge, additional competences :
- good working knowledge of ITC technologies (related software, phone, fax, email, the internet) and computer applications (e.g. MS Office),
- a proven track record in a managerial position,
- Knowledge of the public sector and HRM in public sector desirable
- fluent written and oral knowledge of English,
- Willingness to improveskills as required by the tasks to be performed –corresponding measures are agreed with management.
Please submit your comprehensive resume to with NCSA/BKN
as email subject by 08.09.2014