GIZ Vacancy - Technical Project Professional (Advisor) for INDCs, Jakarta

GIZ Vacancy - Technical Project Professional (Advisor) for INDCs, JakartaThe Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a German international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. The German Ministry for Environment, Nature conservation, building and nuclear safety (BMUB) has requested GIZ to prepare for a project on supporting selected partner countries in elaborating their “Intended Nationally Determined Contributions” (INDCs). The global project is to be financed as part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). INDCs seeks a qualified Indonesian candidates for

Technical Project Professional (Advisor)

A.   Responsibilities
The position holder is responsible for the following tasks: 
  • Coordinate the INDC Program in Indonesia in accordance with the project goals and activities agreed with the partner and the project manager in Germany 
  • Detail and implement the work plan for the INDC Project in Indonesia, including ensuring the day to day project activities in consultation with the global project manager at GIZ Head office, GIZ Indonesia and the partner institution. 
  • Provide professional advice to the partner and liaise with important national/ international stakeholders, such as donors (UNDP, JICA, etc.), civil society and the private sector 
  • Assist the communication and inter-ministerial exchange regarding INDCs 
  • Work closely with and under direction of the partner institution’s departmentin promoting knowledge exchange on INDC in global, regional and national forums, 
  • Review any progress in the INDC discussion and on tools developed with regard to their applicability in Indonesia 
  • Support the organization of and logistics for consultancy missions, workshops and trainings, incl. arranging appointments with local stakeholders and experts in the field (these task include presentations, briefing papers and related materials). 
  • Report regularly on project progress to GIZ Head Office
In this context, the position holder fulfills the following tasks:

B.   Tasks
B.1. Core scope of tasks
  • Support the partner institution’s department in taking the lead in the coordination of the discussion on INDC, 
2. Support improvement of data quality and baselines through inter-ministerial exchange and coordination 
  • Actively support a regular exchange among GIZ-supported projects working on Climate Change issues with a focus to better integrate bottom-up efforts and concerns, and condensing existing studies and approaches. 
  • Follow up on the option to support an inter-ministerial technical workshop in the third quarter of 2014. 
  • Review and identify options for testing of the newly developed standards (e.g. WRI standards). 
  • Backstop technical analyses to assess mitigation potentials, economic opportunities for investments in low emission development, and technological possibilities and needs for international support. 
  • Potentially, backstop analyses of socio-economics co-benefits.
3. Improve the information level on the global INDC discussion: Based on the training material developed by global level team of the INDC project, identify a training course for concerned ministry staff on management and technical level (third quarter 2014).

4. Facilitate iterative process of increasing the ambition and mitigation target.

5. Organize a national Roadmap workshop or process.

6. Organize in collaboration with the GIZ Climate Change Competence Center workshops and trainings for the mitigation architecture (LEDS, NAMAs, MRV)

7. Improve the information on how other regional countries are addressing the INDC discussion:
  • Liaise with the global level team of the INDC project to facilitate regional exchange, e.g. through the format of “Webinars”
8. Facilitate coordination among external actors and financial contributors: Support convening a technical-level meeting on the INDC and the topic of data transparency

9. urther detail the work plan to the end of the project, particularly with regard to:
  • Define priority activities 
  • Define roles and performance indicators
B.2. Work modalities
Report to the INDC project manager in Germany. Day to day coordination will be with the program director of the INDC Indonesia project.  
C. Required qualifications, competences and experience
  • The applicant should hold a master degree in Environmental Economics, Environmental Engineering, 
  • International Economics or other related academic subject.
Professional Experience
  • Minimum 7 years’ professional experience, with at least 5 years’ professional experience in a comparable position including rich experiences and knowledge on working with government agencies. 
  • Expertise in diverse environmental topics, especially related to climate change and/or climate financing. 
  • The aplicant should have gained working experience in development cooperation and/or in the public sector in Indonesia
Other knowledge, additional competences
  • Thorough understanding of the UNFCCC negotiations 
  • Very good working knowledge of ITC technologies (related software, phone, fax, email) and computer applications (e.g. MS Office) 
  • Fluent written and oral knowledge of English
  • Service orientation and proactive working style
  • Good communication skills
Interested candidate should submit the application letter, CV with list of references (Max. 300 kb) to before 15th August 2014.  Please indicate your application by putting the following code in the subject line: TPP-INDCs
