Short Term: Sanitation Toolkit Development Specialist

kerja ngo
The USAID Indonesia Urban Water Sanitation and Hygiene (USAID IUWASH) project is a sixty-month program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented under the leadership of DAI. USAID IUWASH works with government, the private sector, NGOs, community groups and other stakeholders to improve access to safe water supply and sanitation in Indonesia’s urban areas. The expected results to be achieved are: (a) Two million people in urban areas gain access to improved water supply; (b) 250,000 people in urban areas gain access to improved sanitation facilities; and (c) the per unit water cost paid by the poor in targeted areas decreases by at least 20%.  To achieve the above, technical assistance is divided in three main technical components:
  • Mobilizing demand for water supply and sanitation service delivery,
  • Improving and expanding capacity for water and sanitation service delivery, and
  • Strengthening policy and the financial enabling environment for improved water supply and sanitation service delivery.
As stated, one of IUWASH mandates is to facilitate access to improved sanitation facilities for 250,000 people in IUWASH working areas. IUWASH is addressing this by supporting GOI programs targeting community for providing access to improved sanitation either through 1) individual household sanitation, 2) communal sanitation systems; or 3) citywide/sewerage systems. Activities include behavior change communication for demand triggering and community mobilization, financing options for providing access to improved sanitation (from fully subsidized to fully self-finance, including the acceleration of microfinance), the establishment and strengthening of local waste water management operators, the development of septage management systems (comprising collection, disposal, and treatment), and last but not least the development of conducive local regulations.

These closely interrelated program elements form the basis for mutually agreed IUWASH interventions. Because of the regional and socio-economic diversity of the participating local governments and targeted communities, these IUWASH program elements are applied in an incremental and adaptive manner through a process of alignment with the local priorities, regulations, and development strategies.

As part of the IUWASH exit-strategy and to help local governments and sanitation practitioners in building the capacities required for providing continuous access to improved sanitation and waste water management services to local communities beyond the IUWASH term, IUWASH is now in the process of developing an “Urban Poor Inclusive Sanitation Toolkit” that serves as a knowledge product, comprising field tested materials, strategies, and hands-on experiences that were gathered over the past four years throughout five IUWASH regions.

Name of Position: Sanitation Toolkit Development Specialist/International
Type of Employment: Short Term Technical Assistance (STTA)

The primary objective of this STTA position is to support IUWASH national team members in developing the structure and content of the sanitation toolkit. Whereas the majority of the content is to be delivered by IUWASH’s regional and national sanitation staff, the STTA is taking the lead in structuring and developing the toolkit in close collaboration with the senior sanitation advisor and nominated key staff.  

  1. Agree with the national sanitation team on the objective and outline of the sanitation toolkit which will be used by the STTA and the sanitation team as guidance during the development process of the toolkit.
  2. Elaborate and agree with the sanitation team on a toolkit development plan, including the identification of milestones, allocation of responsibilities, product reviews, involvement of external stakeholders, and overall time requirements.
  3. Collaborate, in close support of the senior sanitation advisor, with potential development partners and national government agencies, in securing their buy-in and support in regard to the objective and content of the toolkit.
  4. Screen and prepare an inventory of available materials that can be used as potential “building blocks”. Materials are not necessarily limited to IUWASH material but might include materials that were developed by partner organizations. Assess the suitability of these materials and agree with the sanitation team on necessary improvements
  5. Identify and agree with the team on missing gaps that need to be developed by IUWASH staff within the timeframe available for the development of the toolkit.
  6. Lead the toolkit development, gather and refine all related materials to a stage where the raw material can be submitted to a publisher for final printing.
  7. Prior to finalization, conduct pre-testing of the toolkit with target audiences of development partners and selected national government agencies.
  8. The initial toolkit will be prepared in English and will be translated into Bahasa Indonesia after USAID approval of the English version. 
The STTA is available on a flexible timeframe for an assignment of a maximum of 90 person days during a period of about six months. During this time, S/he is expected to work out of the IUWASH Jakarta office approximately half of the time ( and from home for the remainder of the assignment. If coming from outside of Jakarta, the consultant’s time at the IUWASH Jakarta office is expected to be divided over approximately three trips of 15 workdays duration. S/he will work and collaborate closely with nominated national specialist and will report directly to the Senior Sanitation Advisor and the Chief of Party.

  • Possess at least a university degree; preferably in social science or sanitation engineering
  • At least 4 years of experience working with various sanitation programs and key Indonesian stakeholders.
  • S/he is familiar with the production of comprehensive project documentation by analyzing materials provided by others and organizing and complementing them into a comprehensive toolkit that might consist of a series of documents.
  • Computer literate and proficient in Microsoft Office tool.
  • Excellent speaking and writing skills in Bahasa and good in English.
Interested applicants are invited to send a complete application with 3 references to by 2 (two) weeks of the advertisement.

Please write the JOB CODE in the subject line of the email. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
