Indonesia Urban Water Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH) Project (or, the
“Project”) is a sixty-month program funded by the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) and implemented under the leadership of DAI.
IUWASH works with government, the private sector, NGOs, community groups and
other stakeholders to improve access to safe water supply and sanitation in
Indonesia’s urban areas. The overall goal of IUWASH is to assist the Government
of Indonesia (GOI) in making significant progress in achieving its safe water
and sanitation Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets by expanding access to
these services. The expected results to be achieved are: 2 million people in
urban areas gain access to improved water supply; 250,000 people in urban areas
gain access to improved sanitation facilities; and the per unit water cost paid
by the poor in targeted areas decreases by at least 20%. To achieve the above,
assistance provided by the project is divided under three main technical
components, including:
- Mobilizing demand for water supply and sanitation service delivery;
- Improving and expanding capacity for water and sanitation service delivery; and
- Strengthening policy and the financial enabling environment for improved water supply and sanitation service delivery.
has the mandate to support and attract financing from private sector (CSR) to
enhance IUWASH program objectives. IUWASH also has mandate to assist local
governments and PDAMs in preparing and implementing climate change adaptation measures, based on preliminary
raw water sources vulnerability assessments. IUWASH has recently developed a
joint program with Coca-Cola Foundation Indonesia (CCFI) to increase recharge in
catchment areas of springs used by PDAM to serve the Malang district. The
project will continue a successful approach applied by IUWASH in Sibolangit and
Pematang Siantar (North Sumatra) and Mojokerto (East Java) which promotes the
installation by local communities of infiltration ponds in spring catchments to
collect rainwater runoff. At the moment, the approach is on-going to be
replicated in Kota Salatiga and Kab. Semarang (Central Java). The approach includes
the provision of training in pond construction, quality control, system
operation, and regular monitoring through measuring changes in flow. While the
replication is ongoing in Central Java, USAID/IUWASH and the CCFI plan to continue
the implementation this approach in another area of East Java which is in Kab
Malang. IUWASH will start to introduce the best practice to PDAMs Kab. Malang
in order to help them on solving the shortage in raw water source.
Project Liaison for Water
Replenish Project and Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation
Planning (CCVAAP) USAID-IUWASH and Coca-Cola Foundation Indonesia (CCFI) based in
Kabupaten Malang, East Java.
- 1 (one) post for Northern Area of Kabupaten Malang, Job Code: PLCC-MLG-NORTH
- 1 (one) post for Southern Area of Kabupaten Malang, Job Code: PLCC-MLG-SOUTH
in partnership with CCFI will implement a “water replenish” project in Kabupaten
Malang, East Java. The project objective is to facilitate recharging of spring
aquifer of several raw water source of PDAM Kab. Malang. IUWASH is working with
Brawijaya University to conduct raw water vulnerability assessment to identify
more detailed information of the specific sites that are critical for raw water
availability in this district. As we know, in general situation, most of water
utilities have big problems on raw water source. Recently, the continued
decrease of raw water source may be due to negative effects of Climate Change.
In this case, PDAM Kab. Malang will lose most reliable water sources, with
immediate impact on the supply of safe water to many people of PDAM customers.
Coca-Cola, as a major company heavily reliant on safe water supplies is very
concerned over the availability of clean water for this area and has taken the
lead in supporting this water replenish initiative in partnership with
USAID/IUWASH for technical support and a local NGO as the main implementer. CCFI
will provide a grant to the local NGO to install infiltration ponds with
community engagement during a period of one year. The IUWASH program has a
fully functioning and staffed office in Surabaya, but since specialized and
dedicated Project Liaison to this program is so critical in reaching one of
IUWASH goals, to provide example for replication and to further build the
partnership between Coca-Cola and USAID, it was agreed to provide specific
project support for the expected duration of this program.
part of the IUWASH East Java Regional Team, the Project Liaison will support
all involved stakeholders (NGO, IUWASH, PDAM, and CCFI) during the
implementation of the Kab. Malang Water Replenish Project and CCVAAP Program,
including planning, monitoring, maintaining relations, troubleshooting and
regular reporting. The CCVAAP (Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and
Adaptation Planning) Program has commenced with the Vulnerability Assessment
currently being developed by Brawijaya University. This Project Liaison will be
supervised on day-to-day basis by the East Java Regional Coordinator and UWSS
and further supported technically by the Jakarta-based Raw Water & Climate
Change Team (for technical aspect) and M&E Advisor/Regional Program
Coordinator (for coordination with CCFI).
tasks for this Assignment include, but are not limited to the following 3
Support the appointed NGO as
implementing partner NGO for this program, in selected sites of Kab. Malang.
There are several specific tasks as follow:
- Planning: Support the NGO team in discussions and preparation of project strategies and work plans for community mobilization, training, construction, campaigns, etc., in close consultation and collaboration with IUWASH and CCFI team and may also involve PDAM.
- Management: Support the NGO team in management and administration of project human resources, administration and project finance in accordance with CCFI requirements
- Monitoring Field Activities: Support the NGO team in planning, implementation and monitoring of field activities (in particular, the installation of –at least 650 infiltration ponds), including scheduling of community teams, detailed layout of ponds, procurement of materials, transport, storage, physical construction, and quality control. Including approval of each location (in writing) and prepare GPS map of infiltration ponds location.
- Advisor to stakeholders: Working together with IUWASH City Coordinator to support NGO in their regular project coordination to all local stakeholders, especially Local Government of Kab. Malang, Pokja AMPL and PDAM Kabupaten Malang and other partners, including troubleshooting, where and when required.
- Promotional activities: Support NGO in the preparation of promotion materials for use during the community mobilization process and training activities. Materials will be geared towards local stakeholders, as well as to a wider audience of national stakeholders (central government, other donor agencies, etc.). Promotional materials may be in form of leaflets, success stories, media exposure and exposure seminar towards the end of the project.
On behalf of IUWASH and CCFI
conduct regular quality control on NGO performance, covering all project
aspects, including, but not limited to the establishment and maintenance of
strong relations with local communities, construction of infiltration ponds
(timeliness, quality of work, placement), and project administration
(financial, human resources, procurement, etc.).
Project Reporting:
Provide regular information
(reports, factsheets, success stories, etc.) to IUWASH, CCFI and where required
other stakeholders (local governments, PDAMs, community groups, etc.), where
- Possess at least a university degree; preferably in water resources management, civil/environmental engineering.
- At least 4 years of experience working on institutional and community-based water supply program, preferably with international organization
- Excellent interpersonal skills, with experience in community facilitation, training and organizing work
- Hands on experience in supervision construction project at the local area.
- Able to work independently in limited supervision/facility as well as a team player with a range of people
- Computer literate and proficient in Microsoft Office tools
- Excellent speaking and writing skills in Bahasa and good in English.
Interested applicants are invited to send a complete application with 3 references to by 2 (two) weeks of the advertisement.
Interested applicants are invited to send a complete application with 3 references to by 2 (two) weeks of the advertisement.
write the JOB CODE in the subject line of the email. We regret that we are
unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted
candidates will be notified.