#JAKARTA British Council Vacancy: Newton Senior Programme Manager

Newton Senior Programme Manager

Jakarta, Indonesia

Purpose of job:
To lead the planning, stakeholder engagement, and initial implementation and monitoring of the British Council Newton Fund programmes in Indonesia. 

Accountabilities, responsibilities and main duties :   

Programme Scoping / Planning
  • Consult with Country Newton Team (SIN/FCO based) and BC Indonesia IHE team to confirm national priorities identified under the Fund, and agree approach to potential match funders.
  • Consult with country stakeholders around British Council programmes and work closely with BC Indonesia IHE team to identify potential match funders
  • Manage negotiation of partner commitments to the match-funding obligations on a programme level.
  • Discuss programme requirements with partner funders, and negotiate details of the programmes within the framework set out by the central BC Newton Programme manager (e.g. agree national priorities for calls, any country specific eligibility requirements for calls; agree in-country selection process etc) and in consultation with BC Indonesia IHE team
  • Work with BC Newton Programme Team to produce a country plan for BC Newton activity
  • Work with SIN/FCO to ensure British Council relationships and activity is complementary to other activity within the Newton Fund
  • Support other Newton Fund delivery partners to build relationships with key in-country stakeholders
Programme Implementation
  • Work with BC Indonesia Comms team, SIN and national partners to publicise the opportunities available under the Fund in country (including those offered by other delivery partners). 
  • Participate in relevant fora / events in Indonesia, eg donors’ meetings, sectoral conferences, to promote awareness of the Fund and to ensure its coherence with other initiatives in consultation with BC Indonesia IHE team.
  • Continue to explore / maximise opportunities for the leveraging of national co-funding for the programme, eg with corporates. For example, corporate sponsorship of individual workshops 
  • Support UK and national stakeholders to engage with BC programmes
  • Agree necessary MOUs / operational alliance agreements with partner funders
  • Attend regular progress meetings with the BC Newton Programme Team (by teleconference, with an initial face to face kick off meeting in September 2014)
  • Manage country specific elements of the BC Newton programme (with support from BC Newton Programme Team). This could include: drafting terms of reference for consultancy/training opportunities; establishing country selection panels; drafting country specific calls for activity under the professional development, STEM Education and Technical Training strands etc. 
  • Negotiate and issue contracts (based on the global template) to beneficiaries in Indonesia
  • Oversee organisation of events and meetings under the programme (e.g. workshops, roundtable discussions, delegation visits to the UK etc.)
  • Maintain financial oversight and responsibility for the country Newton budget and ensure that plans on SAP are robust and up to date.
Programme Monitoring
  • Monitor the progress of the country programme for Indonesia, including the progress of individual activities, and raise any issues of concern with the BC Newton Programme Team
  • Monitor and gather assurance for the fulfilment of match-funding obligations, in line with commitments agreed for each activity, and for the programme in Indonesia overall.
  • Ensure that any matched funding (on-books, off books partnership, or off books in-kind contribution) is recorded appropriately on SAP ahead of corporate deadlines
  • Contribute to programme reports and reviews as required by the BC Newton Programme Team. 
  • Contribute to the effective marketing and communications of the Fund’s achievements, in collaboration with the BC Newton Programme Team and SIN/the British Embassy in Indonesia.
  • Organise relevant review meetings with national stakeholders in Indonesia. 
To apply, please visit this Link : HERE

Closing date: 28 September 2014 (23:59 UK Time)
