OXFAM who are we
Oxfam is a leading aid, development and campaigning not-for-profit organisation with a world-wide reputation for excellence and over 60 years’ experience working in Indonesia. Our purpose is to work with others to overcome suffering and find lasting solutions to poverty. Currently we are looking for a:
Consultant of Evaluation for the Project:
Enhanced child-based approaches Emergency Preparedness and Response:
An Action Research project on Effectiveness of Hygiene Promotion work with children
Oxfam and Totalitas (local partner) has implemented a Child Based hygiene promotion, in Padang Pariaman –West Sumatera since January 2013. The project is part of global WASH innovation project funded through Oxfam GB focusing on specific hygiene behaviours and practices. Children are involved in designing and leading activities, with adults and Oxfam’s partner playing a facilitating role. This Action Research project attempts to address the lack of evidence on effectiveness of hygiene promotion work with children in emergencies. The project is designed to develop a child-focused framework that will enable children to take the lead in promoting health and preventing WASH related diseases among children and to spread out the changes to family and the wider community.
Before project intervention were undertaken, Oxfam and partner conducted (1) rapid need assessment and analysis baseline for the selection of “target and control” group of schools based on high public health risk and low awareness of health practices both at the institutional level and amongst children themselves. Trained little doctor club has conducted (2) Baseline data collection, followed by a more detailed (3) Knowledge, Attitude, Motivation and Practices/KAMP survey 1 conducted in early stage of the project and (4) Knowledge, Attitude, Motivation and Practices/KAMP survey 2 conducted by end of the project.
Various tools and methods to attract children in motivating behavioural change such as an interactive hygiene promotion game, web based information system was also created as a tool for the quick mapping of WASH in schools, which can be used by the other non targeted schools for data sharing and learning. Other promotional media were also used to convey hygiene messages from schools to the communities, such as traditional dance performances, songs and games, drawings, poem and speech competitions.
A research protocol was also developed by Oxfam and Totalitas to be used as an overall guidance and project framework listing the key steps and actions required. The project is implemented in the existing DRR project areas in West Sumatra to mainstream Disaster Risk Reduction into child-focused preparedness and response.
A series of lobbying activities targeted district Government and Village Preparedness Teams to advocate for children’s welfare and needs in emergencies to be included in the village Disaster Risk Reduction action plan; linking emergency to a long term disaster risk reduction and strengthening the country Preparedness and Response Programme
Having undertaken the interventions in collaboration with the local partners, Oxfam considers the
importance of conducting an evaluation to identify the evidence of project effectiveness. The finding of the evaluation will be widely shared with Oxfam WASH innovation supporter as well as countries with WASH intervention.
Oxfam is a leading aid, development and campaigning not-for-profit organisation with a world-wide reputation for excellence and over 60 years’ experience working in Indonesia. Our purpose is to work with others to overcome suffering and find lasting solutions to poverty. Currently we are looking for a:
Consultant of Evaluation for the Project:
Enhanced child-based approaches Emergency Preparedness and Response:
An Action Research project on Effectiveness of Hygiene Promotion work with children
Oxfam and Totalitas (local partner) has implemented a Child Based hygiene promotion, in Padang Pariaman –West Sumatera since January 2013. The project is part of global WASH innovation project funded through Oxfam GB focusing on specific hygiene behaviours and practices. Children are involved in designing and leading activities, with adults and Oxfam’s partner playing a facilitating role. This Action Research project attempts to address the lack of evidence on effectiveness of hygiene promotion work with children in emergencies. The project is designed to develop a child-focused framework that will enable children to take the lead in promoting health and preventing WASH related diseases among children and to spread out the changes to family and the wider community.
Before project intervention were undertaken, Oxfam and partner conducted (1) rapid need assessment and analysis baseline for the selection of “target and control” group of schools based on high public health risk and low awareness of health practices both at the institutional level and amongst children themselves. Trained little doctor club has conducted (2) Baseline data collection, followed by a more detailed (3) Knowledge, Attitude, Motivation and Practices/KAMP survey 1 conducted in early stage of the project and (4) Knowledge, Attitude, Motivation and Practices/KAMP survey 2 conducted by end of the project.
Various tools and methods to attract children in motivating behavioural change such as an interactive hygiene promotion game, web based information system was also created as a tool for the quick mapping of WASH in schools, which can be used by the other non targeted schools for data sharing and learning. Other promotional media were also used to convey hygiene messages from schools to the communities, such as traditional dance performances, songs and games, drawings, poem and speech competitions.
A research protocol was also developed by Oxfam and Totalitas to be used as an overall guidance and project framework listing the key steps and actions required. The project is implemented in the existing DRR project areas in West Sumatra to mainstream Disaster Risk Reduction into child-focused preparedness and response.
A series of lobbying activities targeted district Government and Village Preparedness Teams to advocate for children’s welfare and needs in emergencies to be included in the village Disaster Risk Reduction action plan; linking emergency to a long term disaster risk reduction and strengthening the country Preparedness and Response Programme
Having undertaken the interventions in collaboration with the local partners, Oxfam considers the
importance of conducting an evaluation to identify the evidence of project effectiveness. The finding of the evaluation will be widely shared with Oxfam WASH innovation supporter as well as countries with WASH intervention.
- The purpose and overall objective of the evaluation is to conduct an external evaluation on the appropriateness, effectiveness and performance of the Child Based Hygiene Promotion project using relevant monitoring and evaluation criteria, as primary points of reference.
- Analyse the various phases of the interventions to capture lessons learnt and demonstrate how and where application of Child-Based Framework and mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction/DRR into the various stages of the project were effective
- The evaluation will also provide an opportunity to document the evidence of effectiveness of hygiene promotion work with children combining with DRR components in preparedness stages. In addressing these issues, the evaluation will draw out lessons learnt and examples of best practice in “what has worked well” and “what has not” in order to improve future replication and strengthen Emergency Preparedness and Response capacities
Specific Objectives:
Examine the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the project delivery methodologies and tools used in achieving the project indicators.
Additional relevant strategic issues for the Evaluation to include:
Examine the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the project delivery methodologies and tools used in achieving the project indicators.
Additional relevant strategic issues for the Evaluation to include:
- Evaluate if appropriate mechanisms were developed at the school and community level between schools committee and Village Preparedness Team to ensure children’ welfare included in village Disaster Risk Reduction Plan
- Evaluate community participation models in different phases, building, maintaining their active roles to sustain the improved Knowledge Attitude Motivation and Practices
- Did the project also address specific vulnerabilities and limitations on boys and girls and were there specific activities to address the needs of vulnerable groups and expanding benefits to them?
- What lessons were learnt in terms of partnership model between Oxfam and Totalitas in regard to capacity building and quality project delivery
Scope of Work, the
work itself will include the following activities;
- Collection of relevant secondary data i.e., case studies, proposals, donor reports, WASH team field trip report, workshop minutes, learning papers, minutes and case studies, final reports;
- Use of appropriate methods and interview/focus groups questionnaires (guides); the process should be participatory to the extent possible and should involve all stakeholders in the project;
- Use of an appropriate participatory methodology for the evaluation;
- Visit to the areas where the project was implemented, using appropriate tools to interview programme participants and other key stakeholders, including partners and project staff;
- Presentation of the findings to the Linking and Learning workshop, max 10 slides, with 30-minute question and answer session
- Produce and solicit feedback on the draft report from the country team; focus on behaviour change and participatory methodology and tools, research methodology, and tailor made training module.
- Produce the final report from the analysis (both primary and secondary), (plus annexes). and a shoter version of the report which covers framework of the research and key learning and resources. maximum 10 pages, The reports should include a clear and concise analysis.
Participatory Review conducted for WASH innovation project that is
implemented in Padang Pariaman-West Sumatera through Enhanced child-based
approaches in Emergency Preparedness and Response project
The analysis and evaluation
report should focus on key themes:
- The Impact of the project to increase awareness and capacity of children to prevent public health risk among school children and teachers
- The impact of the project in empowering and enabling children to take charge of their health as change agents in their local community and to other children and adults.
- The application of child-based framework across the project various phases
- Clear and concise recommendations to enrich child-based framework Hygiene Promotion developed by the project and any modification required for methodology, tools, approaches and indicators for future replication in other places
How to apply
If you believe you are the consultant
candidate we are looking for please submit your offer & draft evaluation
proposal consist of budget, process and schedule to Oxfam Country Office
Jl. Taman Margasatwa No 26, Ragunan - Jakarta
Or through email at Jakarta@oxfam.org.uk and stated Consultant Evaluation for the enhanced child based approach project on the subject of your email.
Latest date for application will be on September 10th, 2014
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted
Jl. Taman Margasatwa No 26, Ragunan - Jakarta
Or through email at Jakarta@oxfam.org.uk and stated Consultant Evaluation for the enhanced child based approach project on the subject of your email.
Latest date for application will be on September 10th, 2014
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted