ACTED Job Vacancy: Logistics Officer - Paris, France

I. Background on ACTED

Since 1993, as an international non-governmental organization, ACTED has been committed to immediate humanitarian relief to support those in urgent need and protect people’s dignity, while co-creating longer term opportunities for sustainable growth and fulfilling people’s potential.

ACTED endeavors to respond to humanitarian crises and build resilience; promote inclusive and sustainable growth; co-construct effective governance and support the building of civil society worldwide by investing in people and their potential.

We go the last kilometer: ACTED’s mission is to save lives and support people in meeting their needs in hard to reach areas. ACTED develops and implements programs that target the most vulnerable amongst populations that have suffered from conflict, natural disaster, or socio-economic hardship. ACTED’s approach looks beyond the immediate emergency towards opportunities for longer term livelihoods reconstruction and sustainable development.

With a budget of 164 million EUR in 2014, ACTED is active in 35 countries and implements more than 450 projects a year reaching over 8 million beneficiaries with 400 international staff and 4,300 national staff.

II. Country Profile
The position is located in ACTED headquarters based in Paris since 2000 to coordonate worldwide interventions. Today, 60 staff work in the HQ in HR, Finance, Grant Management, Audit, Hub, Logistics and Communication departments.

III. Job Description
Under the authority of the Deuty Director Logistics-IT, the Logistics Officer will be specifically assigned to KfW funded project “Improving the livelihoods and living environment of displaced and host populations in Lakes, Jonglei and Upper Nile States”. He/she will be based in ACTED headquarters in Paris, with possible travels to South Sudan for the purpose of the project.

The project Logistics Officer will oversee logistics topics related to this project specifically, with an important focus on procurement & contractual follow-up with contractors.The project Logistics Officer will be integrated to ACTED Logistics-IT department in HQ, and will cooperate with other departments in ACTED HQ, in particular Program, Grant Management and Finance.

He/she will be responsible for ensuring that all procurements & logistics operations remain aligned with KfW procurement/logistics guidelines, as well as ACTED ones. To do so, he/she will be trained on ACTED and KfW procurement/logistics guidelines, and introduced to KfW procurement/logistics guidelines.However he/she should bring expertise to ACTED on procurement & contractual follow-up of works contractors (public works background preferred) as per international recognized standards.

The project Logistics Officer will more specifically:
  • Be the main focal point for ACTED with the KfW procurement unit, and the KfW project manager for all procurement related topics;
  • Be the main focal point for ACTED South Sudan logistics team for the project on procurement & logistics aspects;
  • Oversee the international tender process for the project
  • Review of works and service contractsto ensure that international standards are met
  • Follow-up the management of contractors with the ACTED South Sudan logistics and program team and anticipate and mitigate potential risks, in particular delays in completion of works and services
  • Manage contractual follow-up with contractors, in particular contract amendments, in full alignment with KfW & ACTED guidelines;
  • Ensure a dedicated contract follow-up of the project, in close articulation with field logistics/finance/program/coordination teams, and HQ Program Director/Deputy Logistics-IT Director;
  • Ensure the regular required reports including procurement/logistics aspects for the project;
  • Alert HQ direction on major bottlenecks/delays foreseen or encountered in the project due to procurement and logistics delays, and propose adapted solutions, aligned with all necessary guidelines.
IV. Qualifications:
Post graduate diploma or master with competencies in civil engineering
  • Ponctual geographical mobility in all ACTED aras of intervention (especially South Sudan)
  • Analyse and synthesis skills
  • Problem-solving and negotiation skills;
  • Organisational and planning skills to manage your time and to meet deadlines and objectives;
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Excellent interpersonal and team-working skills, flexibility, and reliability
  • Excellent written and spoken skills in English and French
  • Knowledge about infrastructure projects management in southern countries will be appreciated
V. Conditions:
  • Salary defined by the ACTED salary grid; educational level, expertise, hardship, security, and performance are considered for pay bonus
  • Advantages: Meal coupons + 50% transportation fees + Health coverage
How to apply:
VI. Submission of applications:
Please send, in English, your cover letter, CV, and three references to

Closing Date: 09 Dec 2015
