Surabaya, Indonesia – DFAT funded Australia
Indonesia Partnership – Strengthening Agricultural Finance in Rural Areas
Strengthening Agricultural
Finance in Rural Areas (SAFIRA) is a 3 year project that is part of the
Government of Indonesia (GoI) strategy to accelerate poverty reduction through
inclusive economic development.
It is
supported by BAPPENAS and the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign
Affairs (DFAT) under the Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Rural Economic Development
(AIP-Rural). As with PRISMA and other
AIP-Rural projects, the key goal of SAFIRA is to improve the net incomes of its
beneficiaries, in this case 12,000 smallholder farmers.
Currently SAFIRA is looking to set
up a panel of national and international consultants for specific appropriate
assignments over the life of the SAFIRA project (to the end of 2018), such as
to: provide training and capacity building to Partner Financial Institutions
(PFIs), Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), PRISMA employees and/or other
interested parties; conduct research on potential and current Value Chain Financings
(VCFs); and advise on, and design, appropriate financial services for
smallholder farmers.
Interested? Please email noting “Expression of Interest - Agriculture Finance Consultants - your name” in the email subject line
and we will send you an information pack.
Applications are being accepted
now and will continue to be accepted up to Monday,
23 November 2015.
Female candidates are encouraged
to apply.