Program and Research Coordinator - Flood Resilience Program
Resilience Indonesia
Semarang, the capital of Indonesia’s
Central Java Province, represents the context of a growing number of Asian
cities, posing new challenges to building resilience. With 19 rivers criss-crossing its topography,
34% lying in coastal or low lying areas and 66% in the hills, it is
particularly vulnerable to floods.
Industrial and agricultural expansion, land degradation, urban
migration, and the effects of climate change have combined to increase severity
and exposure to flood in recent years, particularly for the urban poor.
Semarang’s West Flood Canal runs through 17 sub-districts with a population of 132,000. Every year, this area is affected by floods, undermining its otherwise high economic potential. In 2014 the government opened Jatibarang Dam on the Canal, but concerns remain high that the dam is ineffective and unsustainable due to silt, sediment and waste flowing from the upstream. Upstream communities also remain vulnerable to flash floods, albeit less extreme, and lack benefits from the dam.
With support from Zurich, Mercy Corps Indonesia proposes to build flood resilience along the West Flood Canal by complementing government investments with community-based interventions for flood resilience. Our theory of change is that if households in upstream neighborhoods can generate access to capital – social, human, natural, financial, or physical – from engagement in flood risk reducing measures, than they will enhance and sustain flood resilience for themselves and downstream households.
Semarang’s West Flood Canal runs through 17 sub-districts with a population of 132,000. Every year, this area is affected by floods, undermining its otherwise high economic potential. In 2014 the government opened Jatibarang Dam on the Canal, but concerns remain high that the dam is ineffective and unsustainable due to silt, sediment and waste flowing from the upstream. Upstream communities also remain vulnerable to flash floods, albeit less extreme, and lack benefits from the dam.
With support from Zurich, Mercy Corps Indonesia proposes to build flood resilience along the West Flood Canal by complementing government investments with community-based interventions for flood resilience. Our theory of change is that if households in upstream neighborhoods can generate access to capital – social, human, natural, financial, or physical – from engagement in flood risk reducing measures, than they will enhance and sustain flood resilience for themselves and downstream households.
Program and Research Coordinator
Flood Resilience Indonesia - Program and Research
Coordinator will be responsible to lead and manage Zurich Flood Resilience
Measurement methodology, research processes and pilot interventions as flood
measures in the area of Semarang’s West Flood Canal. She/he will be responsible
to support Mercy Corps and partner institutions in Semarang to understand
if/how their interventions are building urban flood resilience, share evidence
on what works to build flood resilience in the urban context, and enhance
resilience measurement in urban landscapes. She/he will lead the work at both a
citizens’ level and with higher-level government by strengthening social
capital to ensure citizens hold government accountable to provide required
services in disaster risk management and to ensure communities participate in
designing and delivering flood risk reducing measures to better meet local
needs and opportunities, generate more benefits locally, and incentivize
communities to sustain them.
- 3+ years’ experience in Indonesia climate change and disaster initiatives and/or urban development;
- Previous experience as Project/Program Coordinator will be an advantage;
- Master Degree or higher in urban planning, international development and/or similar field;
- Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation, managing project implementation, and documentation related to Indonesian climate change and disaster issues, and Indonesian government climate change and disaster initiatives and actors;
- Knowledge of city flood risks and mitigation measures would be a plus;
- Familiarity and local knowledge with Semarang City governance system and city stakeholders is an advantage;
- Experience in managing budget and reporting is essential;
- Fluency in English verbal and written communication is mandatory;
- Strong familiarity with Microsoft Office application is mandatory.
Please send your CV with position applied on
the email subject to:
Vacancy will be closed 29 November 2015 and
only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview.
look forward to hearing from those who are interested in taking this
opportunity to grow and develop with us.
Human Resources Department
Mercy Corps Indonesia