The Humanitarian Coalition is searching for a qualified consultant to
assist in conducting a final review of the response following the 7.8
magnitude earthquake which struck Nepal’s Gorkha district on Saturday
April 25, 2015. The earthquake, which was followed by a second
earthquake measuring 7.3 on May 12 close to Mount Everest and hundreds
of aftershocks, killed 8,790 people and injured more than 22,300.
The Humanitarian Coalition (HC) brings together 5 of Canada's leading aid agencies (Care Canada, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam-Québec, Plan Canada and Save the Children Canada) to finance relief efforts in times of international humanitarian crises, through joint emergency appeals and action.
This Final Review will focus on gender equality program mainstreaming, as main follow-up from the recommendations identified through the joint HC and Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) review1 which took place in August 2015. It will also support HC evidence-based learning and programming, as well as member accountability for the use of funds received2. The Field Mission will be conducted from February 17 to 26, 2016.
Objectives: Primary objective - “gender and accountability to beneficiaries”: Confirm findings of the August 2015 joint HC/DEC Response Review, and evaluate to what extent lessons learned and recommendations have been taken into account and applied to programming.
Secondary objectives: review overall quality/performance, appropriateness and impact of member agencies’ interventions and provide confidential agency-specific reports and feedback on how to improve HC monitoring and evaluation practices.
The Humanitarian Coalition (HC) brings together 5 of Canada's leading aid agencies (Care Canada, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam-Québec, Plan Canada and Save the Children Canada) to finance relief efforts in times of international humanitarian crises, through joint emergency appeals and action.
This Final Review will focus on gender equality program mainstreaming, as main follow-up from the recommendations identified through the joint HC and Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) review1 which took place in August 2015. It will also support HC evidence-based learning and programming, as well as member accountability for the use of funds received2. The Field Mission will be conducted from February 17 to 26, 2016.
Objectives: Primary objective - “gender and accountability to beneficiaries”: Confirm findings of the August 2015 joint HC/DEC Response Review, and evaluate to what extent lessons learned and recommendations have been taken into account and applied to programming.
Secondary objectives: review overall quality/performance, appropriateness and impact of member agencies’ interventions and provide confidential agency-specific reports and feedback on how to improve HC monitoring and evaluation practices.
Methodology: Literature Review: Initial HC member agencies’ Response Plans
- Project reports
- Other relevant literature (previous evaluations, audit reports, etc.)
- Inter-Agency Common Feedback Project’s Community Survey, produced by Ground Truth Solutions
The consultant will be responsible for producing a full draft report and executive summary 10 days upon returning from the field (main findings will have been discussed and validated during the field mission). The draft will then be shared with member agencies in Canada. The report must be confined to the specific objectives of the mission and should not be more than 25 pages.
The review’s findings will be those of the author and will be made available to the Members as such. Any communication on the findings will make it clear that the report reflects the opinions of the authors alone and not the HC Secretariat or their Members. It is intended that the report be made public and the consultant will be expected to present the findings during a public event in Ottawa.
Timing and Resources:
The field mission will take place from February 17 to 26, 2016. One day should be dedicated
to each agency’s program. Approximately 5 days may be taken prior to departure for the
literature review and refining the theme on gender and accountability to beneficiaries, for
preparing the interviews and lines of enquiry of agency plans and to make contact with
Members’ head offices. By March 10 the final English version should be ready for translation.
The event in Ottawa presenting the report will take place on the week of April 18.
Structure of Evaluation Team – Roles:
Within feasibility limitations, all efforts will be made to ensure team members for the field
mission represent a balanced mix of appropriate language, gender and expertise.
Consultant: responsible for the content of the evaluation including refining the main
theme and drafting the report. The consultant is responsible for the methodology,
preparing and arranging for the meetings and interviews with the main stakeholders
and with beneficiaries, as well as organizing meetings in the field on the first day and
last day of the mission.
Humanitarian Coalition Secretariat representative: responsible for overall
organization, drafting terms of reference, identifying evaluation team and confirming
host organization, selecting consultant, making the links between members and the
consultant, making available member agency program plans and budgets, and
supporting the consultant on content.
Member agencies HQ/field (3 max): responsible for contributing to drafting of the
report, facilitating information to the consultant prior, during and after the field mission
and making links with the in-country teams.
Host Agency- One HC Member Agency will be identified as ‘Host Agency’. They will be
responsible for helping to coordinate the field mission and offer appropriate logistical support.
This support will include provision of vehicles, security briefings and arranging of
accommodations. The host agency will help in organising in-country meetings (first and last
Consultant Profile: Key skills: Essential
- Previous experience in the evaluation of humanitarian programs, including methodologies for engaging with affected populations
- Strong background in gender analysis and assessment of humanitarian programs
- A sound understanding of the context prevailing in Nepal
- A good understanding of the HC and appreciation of its Program Guidelines
- A sound knowledge of Humanitarian Principles, Red Cross Code of Conduct and Sphere standards
- An appreciation of key constraints on the use of Sphere standards and the Red Cross/NGO code
- Clear written English Desirable
Previous experience working in the region would be an advantage. Where this is not the case the consultant should demonstrate understanding of the country, region and/or type of disaster.
The consultant will arrange own visa, insurance and travel to the area.
How to apply:
Submit an expression of interest including:- CV (maximum of 3 pages)
- proposal including 1) evidence of how the consultant meets the requirements above and 2) setting out the detailed conceptual framework on how the work is to be undertaken including a proposed timeline based on requirements above
- quote including daily rates
- two references with contact details of referees the HC may wish to see substantive pieces of previous work
Please email your CV, proposal and supportive documents to by 5 pm EST December 14.
Incomplete submissions will not be considered.