Jobs with ICEM
Water Engineer and Modeller
- the International Centre for Environment Management was established
in 1999 to help governments and communities build capacity in the
sustainable use of natural resources and maintenance of environmental
quality. ICEM works in Asia - especially the Mekong countries - and
focuses on climate change, water resources, biodiversity conservation
and integrated assessments. ICEM seeks to integrate environmental
concerns with development through spatial planning, modeling,
socio-economic analysis and environmental assessment tools. The Centre
draws from an active network of experts and organizations, nationally
and internationally, and in public and private sectors in forging
partnerships to address critical conservation and development issues.
The Water Engineer and Modeller will work to the ICEM Technical Director in carrying out the following activities:
- Technical input to ICEM projects: You will be involved in contributing to the technical delivery ofICEM projects as an expert member of project teams. That function enables you to expand your experience and knowledge and to contribute creatively to the development of ICEM’s methodologies and solutions for ecological sustainability. The goal will be to build up your technical involvement in ICEM projects as a budgeted member of project teams. A special focus to your work will be in hydrological and climate change modeling and linked GIS analysis.
- Contributing to ICEM’s publications: ICEM emphasises building the reputation and capacity of itstechnical staff through action research and publications. You will take an active part in preparing ICEM publications or discussion papers linked to ICEM’s mandate and projects especially on topics of relevance to our work on climate change and water resources.
- Building ICEM’s program: You will take an active and creative role in expanding the ICEM portfolioof projects through new initiatives. You will have a key role in the definition of potential projects, the preparation of expressions of interest and the preparation of technical proposals.
- Project management: For some projects you will take on the special function of Project Managerfulfilling the main role within ICEM for project team management, coordination, operational facilitation and backstopping and ensuring reporting is carried out to schedule and to the highest quality. In this work you will act as facilitator and catalyst for effective project implementation and in building good working relations within the project team and with government and other partners. The aim will be to apply best conservation and management practice and innovative approaches so that projects are implemented efficiently and effectively and that partners are satisfied and fully engaged.
- A Bachelor of Environmental Engineering and Masters degree or higher, preferably in Environmental Engineering and Natural Resources & Environment Management;
- Advance knowledge of hydrological and climate change modeling and interpretation
- Advance knowledge on GIS mapping and analysis,
- Excellent IT skills in Word, Excel, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft Office Power Point;
- Excellent spoken and written English;
- Willing to travel to project sites;
- Ability to work independently and/or in teams and be flexible;
- Demonstrated passion and commitment to conservation and development work; and
- A minimum of 8 years of professional experience in environmental management, modeling and effective communication of technical matters with senior officials in government and partner organizations.
Hanoi, Vietnam with travel to project sites in the Mekong countries.
applicants should send a cover letter and CV with contact details of
two references in writing or by e-mail to the address below before 31st
December 2015, if applying by e-mail the position applied for should be
included in the subject line of the mail: Application for the position
of Water Engineer and Modeller.
Contact details for sending application documents:
ICEM Vietnam Office
No. 6A, Lane 49 To Ngoc Van Street, Tay Ho District
Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: +84 4 3 823 9127