International Nature Volunteers Vacancy: Volunteer fieldwork Assistant in New Zealand Kiwi Bird Protection Project

Community conservation project in New Zealand requires volunteer field assistants for various project activities.

About the project 
 The project has established a safe haven for the protection of Kiwi birds and other endemic wildlife in the Coromandel region of New Zealand's North Island. This is a locally administered project by the rural community, and run by experts in practical conservation ecology.

About the Kiwi bird (Apteryx spp.) 
The Kiwi bird is an endemic and endangered national icon of New Zealand. Agents of decline include introduced mammalian predators such as stoats (Mustela erminea), ferrets (Mustela putorius) and wild cats (Felis catus). These kill Kiwi chicks before they reach maturity. Survival rates of chicks in non-managed ecosystems is typically less than 5%.

Three species of introduced rat are also an issue for Kiwi (Rattus exulans, R. norvegicus, R. rattus). Rats deplete the birds' food source, lengthening the time for chicks to reach maturity, and therefore increasing the exposure time to predation. Rats are also a food source for stoats - many rats lead to many stoats, and a corresponding increase in Kiwi chick predation.

About the placements 
The placements ideally suit volunteers who have an interest in the outdoors and enjoy back-country forest trails and being off the marked track ("bush bashing" as it is known in New Zealand). A good level of fitness is required. Activities undertaken include pest control (checking traps and bait lines), building and distributing trap boxes, revegetation work (tree planting and weed removal), monitoring bird populations ("call counts"), and building and maintaining tracks and trails. Candidates must be at least 18 years of age, understand spoken and written English, have no major health conditions that would affect their participation, and be willing to participate whatever the weather (rain or shine).

Candidates are required to cover the costs of their travel, travel insurance, and a nominal fee for placement costs. A commitment of at least one week is required, although longer placements (up to six weeks) are welcome. Volunteers are currently needed from 1 February 2016 and later - start dates are flexible.

Full details about the project and fees can be found at: HERE

Application process 
Candidates can submit an online application (at no cost) at: HERE

Review of applications are completed within 2 business days unless further information is required.

For more information, candidates can make contact at: HERE

Apply for this position
Please use the contact details above to apply for this position.

Closing Date: 21/01/2016
