SNV Netherlands Vacancy: Technical Project Officer Water, Sanitation and Hygiene - West Sumatra & Lampung

Vacancy Announcement

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation. Founded in the Netherlands 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 39 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors works with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.

SNV’s Global Partnerships – Evidence Based Advocacy Programme
In partnership with the International Food Policy Research Institute, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs  and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, SNV is launching in 2016 a five year programme entitled Global Partnerships - Evidence Based Advocacy. The programme will be implemented in 6 countries: Burkina-Faso, Honduras, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda and Indonesia. The programme’s main goal is to support progress in globally challenging topics related to the Sustainable Development Goals, with a specific focus on inclusion and equity issues. This goal is to be achieved by increasing Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) capacities to participate, contribute and influence strategic debates and policy-making processes.

The specific objectives of the programme are determined as follows:
  • Increase CSOs capacities in leadership, advocacy, utilisation of data and evidence, sector knowledge and business development
  • Improve enabling environment in terms of improved policies, frameworks, regulations, budget allocation, services, inclusive business and accountability/collaborative mechanisms
In Indonesia, the two topics that will be addressed through the programme are Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).

The WASH component of the Global Partnerships - Evidence Based Advocacy Programme

Indonesia has a population of over 250 million people, 39% of which do not have access to improved sanitation (JMP, 2015). It is estimated that 20% of the population still practices open defecation, the majority of these in rural areas, accounting for more than 72 million people. Recently, the Indonesian government has established the target of universal access to sanitation by 2019. STBM (Sanitasis Total Berbasis Masyarakat) is one of the national programmes designed to support progress towards this target.

STBM is a non-subsidized, demand driven approach that includes lessons from Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and other hygiene programmes in Indonesia and is currently being implemented nation-wide. STBM promotes community-wide achievement of five hygiene behaviours (pillars): (1) Stop open defecation, (2) Hand washing with soap, (3) Safe handling of drinking water and food, (4) Safe management of solid waste, (5) Safe management of domestic liquid waste. The STBM programme is to be rolled out also at the school level.

Like many participatory approaches when implemented at scale, the STBM programme faces challenges in terms of quality and equity. Different Local Governments have diverse levels of engagement and investment in sanitation issues, particularly in what concerns non subsidized approaches like STBM. Often, lack of updated information on how poor sanitation conditions impacts social groups unevenly prevents progress for the more vulnerable groups and especially for women.

In this context, the WASH component of the Global Partnership – Evidence based Advocacy Programme has the following goals:
  1. Promote inclusive policies and regulations
    • improve the implementation of sanitation policies and programmes at the District level
    • engage local governments in systematic monitoring & evaluating sanitation programmes in order to demonstrate the effectiveness and sustainability of demand driven approaches.
  2. Increase budget allocation
    increased public investment in non-subsidized sanitation programs
  3. Improve planning/implementation/provision of services
    • Support the collection and analysis of data, particularly in what concerns disparities in sanitation access to ensure more informed decision-making by national and local government in order to ensure that the needs of vulnerable groups and women are taken into account
    • improve insights about the situation of Menstrual Hygiene Management and inclusion of Menstrual Hygiene Management issues in school sanitation programmes
  4. More inclusive businesses and related increased investments
    Private sector increasingly involved in the sanitation sector and investing in innovative and locally adapted solutions, marketing strategies and distribution models
  5. Improved collaboration and accountability mechanisms
    • Stimulate inclusion of CSOs in sector reviews, in consultative meetings, etc.
    • Encourage increased oversight by local governments of state of affairs regarding sanitation in villages and schools in order to provide better support and encourage citizen engagement
SNV is now seeking highly qualified national candidates to fill Technical Project Officer Water, Sanitation and Hygiene position.

Position Summary
The purpose of the position is to ensure the correct, timely and appropriate design, implementation and monitoring of the WASH capacity development and advocacy activities. Specific role within the programme is the following which will be focused on specific districts in West Sumatra and Lampung as well as the national level:
  • Support the design and implementation of the capacity building activities targeting the relevant CSOs
  • Support the design and implementation of the research and data collection activities required to provide evidence for the advocacy activities
  • Facilitate the CSOs in designing and implementing the WASH advocacy activities at the district level
  • Monitor the implementation and results of the advocacy activities and propose adjustments whenever relevant
  • Report and evaluate the WASH component of the programme in line with SNV’s monitoring an evaluation framework
Key responsibilities are the following:
  • Coordinate all exchanges with Local Governments and support a good communication flow between the programme coordination, the CSO’s and the Local Government
  • Contribute for the design of the capacity development, research and advocacy activities, ensuring its relevance and suitability both for the programme’s objectives and the local priorities, conditions and constraints
  • Support the implementation of the research, capacity development and advocacy activities, ensuring its adequate planning, budgeting and timely delivery in coordination with all the relevant stakeholders
  • Oversee the roll out and results of the advocacy activities and provide critical input to adjust/improve the outcomes whenever relevant
  • Participate and actively contribute to the programme’s final design, monitoring, evaluation and learning components
  • Ensure the programme’s visibility and profiling in line with SNV’s and partners branding guidelines
  • Comply with SNV’s administrative and financial procedures for project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
  • Comply with SNV’s Code of Conduct
Candidate profile
  1. Advanced degree in related field (e.g. public health, environmental health, public policies);
  2. At least 5 years of experience working in an advisory role. Experience with international organizations is a plus
  3. Demonstrated knowledge of the WASH sector, particularly of the existing policies and programmes, main challenges and constraints for the governance of the WASH sector in Indonesia, non-subsidized approaches and related aspects (demand creation, communication for behavior change, market driven solutions, engagement of private sector)
  4. Ability to recognize and address equity and equality issues
  5. Experience in designing and implementing capacity development trajectories, including in class training, coaching and on the job training
  6. Experience in contributing and/or using research results to design development interventions and to influence policy/decision making is a plus
  7. Knowledge and skills in project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation;
  8. Experience working with CSOs and government agencies at national, provincial, and local levels;
  9. Advanced communication and negotiation skills with different types of stakeholders
  10. Ability to work independently and with the team
  11. Good organizing skills and interpersonal skills
  12. Initiative and creative in solving problems
  13. Native Bahasa Indonesia speaker with a good command of spoken and written English
  14. Good computer skills (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Power Point, Internet and Outlook)
Duty station: One of the project districts (either Sijunjung or Padang Pariaman) in West Sumatra with frequent travelling to Lampung Province, including travels to districts and villages of the designated province.  There will also be occasional travel to Jakarta.

Contract duration: 1-year contract with the possibility of extension.

Desired start date: As soon as possible.

How to apply?
Please send your application letter describing how you meet the candidate profile and CV (in English), together with an indication of your current salary and compensation package by 04 January 2016 with subject: “TPO Advocacy WASH”
