Specialist in Landscape Modelling
The Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, one of
14 specialized institutes of the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute,
Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries,
invites applications, for a fixed duration until 31.12.2018, for a
Specialist in Landscape Modelling
The position is available within the project LaForeT - Landscape
Forestry in the Tropics: Towards Policy Approaches for Improving
Livelihoods, Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forest
Landscapes in Ecuador, the Philippines and one country in Africa
(perhaps Zambia).
- Multi-temporal analysis of deforestation and reforestation patterns based on Landsat, NDVI or other data sources for Ecuador, the Philippines and one country in Africa (perhaps Zambia)
- Classification of different (agro-) forestry-and agricultural land use types based on high resolution satellite imagery (e.g. RapidEye, Quickbird)

- Landscape modeling based on land-use simulation models (e. g. Dinamica EGO, CLUE-S or others) and incorporation of policy scenarios
- Contributions to the development of a database management system for integrated management of geo-data and interdisciplinary field-data sets
- Scientific analyses and publication in international scientific journals
- Collaboration within the research project, including the supervision of student workers, advising of Ph.D. students and development of complementary research projects
- Advanced university degree (Diploma/ M.Sc.) in geography, forestry sciences; landscape ecology, or related disciplines; Doctoral degree is an asset
- Profound knowledge and work experience related to the tasks described above
- Experience in multivariate statistics
- Publications in international scientific journals
- excellent knowledge of English
- Ability to work in interdisciplinary and multicultural teams and to work independently
- Willingness and ability to travel in the tropics
- Basic knowledge and willingness to learn German
The working contract and labour conditions are based on the German
Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst (TVöD) (Wage agreement for
public service). Remuneration is according to wage group 13 TVöD.
Part-time employment is in principal possible. Job location is
The Thünen Institute supports gender-equality. Qualified female
applicants are encouraged to apply. Disabled persons with similar
qualification are specifically considered. However, minimum physical
fitness is required.
For additional requests candidates are asked to contact Mr. Dr. J.-M.
Schroeder (ph. +49 40 73962-146; E-Mail: jobst.schroeder@ti.bund.de.
Interested candidates should send their applications including the usual documents and referring to LaForeT before 15.01.2016 to
Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut
Institut für Internationale Waldwirtschaft und Forstökonomie
Dir. und Prof. Prof Dr. Matthias Dieter
Leuschnerstr. 91, 21031 Hamburg