UNIDO Vacancy: Environmental Policy Advisor - Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production, Indonesian

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) implements the National Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) programme with funding support from the Government of Switzerland and in close partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and the Ministry of Industry.

The Programme is seeking to appoint:

Environmental Policy Advisor: Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production
(full time, limited term initial contract of 6 months)

The Environmental Policy Advisor is expected to lead the environmental policy workstream within the RECP programme by proposing practical ways to mainstream RECP into the environmental policy and practice, through such activities as desk research, stakeholders’ consultations, drafting of policy and instrument proposals and training, as appropriate. The incumbent should have an advanced university degree relevant to (environmental) policy and have a minimum of 3 years professional experience relevant to industrial environmental management and/or closely related field.

Applications will be received until Tuesday 15th December, by email to Rene Van Berkel, Chief Technical Advisor, r.vanberkel@unido.org

National Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Programme Indonesia
Funded by SECO of the Switzerland Government. Implemented by UNIDO In partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and the Ministry of Industry of Indonesia.

Project Context
This project post pertains to the National RECP Programme in Indonesia, which was initiated in 2012 with funding support from the Government of Switzerland. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry and Ministry of Industry are the main governmental counterparts in Indonesia. The primary target group comprises several categories of enterprises, namely small scale industries (preliminary focus on agro/food processing, metal products, chemical and textile sectors), industrial parks (preliminary focus on Surabaya, Batam and Makassar), tourism (preliminary focus on Yogyakarta and Lombok) and micro-enterprises (preliminary focus on tofu production and informal recycling). The enterprise demonstration activities are supported by project activities targeting innovation (in particular towards eco-industrial parks/industrial symbiosis, green chemistry and engineering and cradle-to-cradle products), policy change and improved access to finance.
At the policy level the national RECP Programme works with the Indonesian Cleaner Production Centre (ICPC, under the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF)) and the Centre for Assessment of Green Industry and Environment (CAGIE, under the Ministry of Industry (MoI), respectively on the mobilization of environment and industry policy approaches for fostering the uptake of RECP in industry sector.

The RECP Policy Specialist is primarily assigned to the policy and networking workstreams of the Indonesian RECP Programme, She/he is also expected to provide liaison between the RECP Programme at large and the activities and initiatives of MoEF and the ICPC. The project post is based at ICPC in Jakarta.

She/he will work under the guidance of the UNIDO project manager and in close cooperation with UNIDO appointed international Chief Technical Advisor and management and staff of ICPC. By providing her/his policy expertise and industry experience, the RECP Policy Specialist is for the duration of the present initial contract principally responsible to summarize and assess current environmental policy, including its implementation arrangements, effectiveness and efficiency, and propose on basis thereof specific RECP and GI initiatives, including possible scheme for recognizing and/or rating GI performance of industrial enterprises. In addition, she/he will support the planning of the establishment of a National RECP network for Indonesia, including necessary consultations.

Function and Key Expected Results
The RECP Policy Specialist will work under the supervision of the Project Manager based in the Industrial Resource Efficiency Unit at UNIDO headquarters (based in Vienna, Austria) and with the additional guidance of UNIDO’s Chief Technical Advisor (based in Indonesia and part time available to ICPC) and management of ICPC.

The initial assignment for the RECP Policy Expert is to identify how RECP can contribute to the realization of stated policy aims and objectives of MoEF. She/he will therefore have to review existing policies, strategies and initiatives, and assess where and how RECP can contribute to their effective and efficient realization. Moreover, the RECP Policy Specialist is expected to assist with the preparation and delivery of (environmental) policy related workshops, consultations and advocacy initiatives.

How to Apply
Application - Qualified women and men are encourgaed to apply. Only qualified candidates will be notified. Please submit application indicating the Position along with your CV and three references. Applications will be received until Tuesday 15th December, by email to Rene Van Berkel, Chief Technical Advisor, r.vanberkel@unido.org
