Save the Children Vacancy: Independent Auditor Service for Mondelez Program in Makassar & Lampung

The Integrated Model of Partnership and Alignment for Cocoa Community is funded by Mondelez International through Save the Children United States to empower thriving cocoa communities as the essential foundation for sustainable cocoa. The project is working in Makassar and Lampung. The duration of the project is estimated for 3 years from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2018.

To have independent audit report and independent audit opinion of program’s financial statement, compliance with donor’s regulation and letter to the management for the period of 1 April 2015 – 31 December 2015. At the end of audit assignment, external auditor will prepare full audit report consist of:
  1. Independent Auditor’s Report covering the period of 1 April 2015 – 31 December 2015 with opinion on the financial statement, schedule of expenditures, compliance with donor’s requirements
  2. Audited Financial Statement
  3. Report on internal control
  4. Report on compliance with laws, regulation, contract/grant provisions that should have a material effect on financial statements
  5. Report on internal control over compliance
  6. Management letter, that  should contain the following (The content and scope of audit, Significant observations on the activity covered by the report and Findings and questioned costs)
The audit certificate shall contain the following:
  •  An  opinion whether the submitted financial report is in accordance with the accounting record according to ISA 800
  • A statement that the audit has been performed in accordance with international standards and in accordance with the organisation’s special instructions
  • A statement whether the report has been drawn  up in accordance with the agreement
  • A statement on whether the auditor proposes that the report be approved or not
For more information please visit: HERE

Submission of Proposal
Audit firm must submit proposal to us by Monday, January 4th  2016, before 4 pm Jakarta time, to below address:

Save the Children International
Attn. Procurement Committee
Jl. Taman Margasatwa No. 26 C
Ragunan – Pasar minggu
Jakarta Selatan 12550
Phone: 021-781 2336, Fax: 021-781 2325

Or via email:  Recommended maximum size: 2MB. Write the subject: MONDELEZ Audit Service - <your company name>

The proposal must consist of two parts:
  1. Narrative part, which discloses information about the audit firm, past audit projects, time schedule for this engagement, and partners’ CV and auditors’ CV who will conduct this audit.
  2. Financial part, where discloses audit fee and other charges and terms of payment.
