Position: Consultant on Indonesia’s Energy Policy and Investment (within IISD’s Energy Programme, based in Indonesia)
half-time equivalent consultancy for six months with the potential for
extension. Please apply by 1 March 2016. All applications to be made
through the "Apply for this Job" option on the advertisement on the IISD
website: CLICK HERE For questions or queries related to this job, you may contact cbeaton@iisd.org and lucky.lontoh@iisd.org.
International Institute for Sustainable Development and the Position Background
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) is one of
the world’s leading centres of policy research and innovation. The
Institute provides practical solutions to the growing challenges and
opportunities of integrating environmental and social priorities with
economic development. We report on international negotiations and share
knowledge gained through collaborative projects, resulting in more
rigorous research, stronger global networks, and better engagement among
researchers, citizens, businesses and policy-makers. IISD’s Energy
Program (CLICK HERE) has three pillars that all focus on policy and investment decisions:
- Energy subsidies, based around IISD’s Global Subsidies Initiative (CLICK HERE);
- Policies and investment for a sustainable electricity sector;
- Policies for climate change mitigation.
position will support mainly the first two pillars. In Indonesia,
IISD’s Energy Program has largely focused to date on the creation of
knowledge and dialogue on how to sustainably reform fossil fuel consumer
subsidies, particularly measures to mitigate negative impacts of reform
on vulnerable groups. We have worked in close collaboration with both
government offices (including Bappenas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Finance, National Energy
Council) and research organizations (Center for Industry, SME and
Business Competition Studies (CISBUCS) at the University of Trisakti,
Faculty of Economics and Businesses (P2EB) in the University of Gadjah
Mada (UGM), the Indonesian Clean Energy Development (ICED-USAID)
program, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), the
Indonesian Institute for Energy Economics (IIEE), the Habibie Center and
Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI). Over the next six months,
the Consultant’s work will include collaboration with existing and
potential new partners based in Indonesia to promote policy change
supporting transitions to sustainable energy.
Consultant is expected to co-design research projects with IISD
colleagues and partner organisations. The Consultant will manage
projects, ensure quality control and conduct discrete parts of research.
The Consultant will undertake both qualitative and quantitative desktop
research as well as expert interviews to assess the effectiveness and
efficiency of existing and proposed policies related to fossil fuel and
renewable energy, especially in the electricity sector. S/he will assess
if the policies (subsidies, taxes, regulations and others) enable
energy companies to recover costs, make sustainable investments for the
future, deliver reliable electricity supplies and meet environmental and
social norms. This work is expected to result in reports, articles and
policy briefs for publication by the IISD in English and Bahasa
Indonesia. Publications of papers in peer-reviewed journals are welcome,
but are not part of the terms of reference for this position.
position would also require the Consultant to organise IISD events, to
liaise with IISD partners and to contribute to proposals for project
funding. The Consultant may also be required to contribute to other IISD
programs, notably on coal mining, energy infrastructure development and
the impact of fossil fuel subsidies on energy systems.
Consultant’s Responsibilities:
- Leading the delivery of, and contributing substantially to, specific research products: reports, articles, policy briefs.
- Developing and editing to high publishable quality a wide range of research publications and presentational material (brochures, PowerPoint, Prezi, other) to advance the Energy Program’s policy-oriented communications in Indonesia.
- Assisting in the management of country level work including collaboration with partners and the organization of events and outreach activities.
- Taking an entrepreneurial approach to projects and being comfortable liaising with IISD’s existing and potential partners to develop new workstreams and projects.
- Responding to expert advice inquiries from media, civil society organizations and academia, and peer-reviewing papers prepared on relevant issues by other organizations.
- Other duties as assigned.
Consultant’s Skills:
is a list of the skills that will be advantageous for the position. A
successful applicant is expected to possess most of these skills.
- Knowledge and professional experience. It will be considered an advantage if candidates can demonstrate: Experience working on fiscal, industrial and energy policy and investment issues, particularly related to conventional and renewable electricity generation in Indonesia and in other developing and emerging economies; A strong understanding of the Indonesian policy-making environment; An understanding of energy sector finance in Indonesia; Practical knowledge of approaches to structural economic reforms including political economy aspects, social protection/safety net reform for lower-income groups, complementary policies and structural adjustment for industries; Familiarity with sustainable development and energy policy theory and toolkits.
- Proved record of excellent writing skills (ideally publications) with respect to analysis of complex policy issues for different audiences, in both English and Bahasa Indonesia, for both technical and non-technical outlets;
- Research and technical skills. It will be considered an advantage if candidates can demonstrate experience in: Quantitative research methods: energy economics and cash flow analysis of energy projects, economic modeling, poverty and social impact assessments, impact analysis; Qualitative research methods: stakeholder mapping, political economy analysis, the design of questionnaires and methods for structuring and facilitating discussions among different ministries and/or non-government stakeholders.
- Project management skills: Candidates should be able to design and manage full-cycle projects and also to assist in the management of large, complex projects in developing and emerging economies with a number of simultaneously occurring component parts and involving a broad range of in-country partners, implementers and clients;
- Confident and engaging communication and public speaking skills at professional gatherings, policy dialogues and exchanges with journalists. Specific communications experience and skills will be considered an advantage;
- An existing network of contacts of value to IISD and excellent networking skills. It will be considered a further advantage if candidates possess fundraising and proposal writing skills;
- Excellent organizational and planning skills;
- Ability to work autonomously, managing workload and producing deliverables to time and to budget;
- Results-focus, ability to prioritize and to work quickly and accurately, with flexibility to take on tasks ranging from highly complex to basic in nature;
Consultant’s Qualifications:
Applicants should possess the following qualifications:
- A minimum of a Master’s degree in energy, economics or an interdisciplinary program or equal;
- A minimum of three years relevant work experience, preferably working in international organizations or think tanks, government or the energy sector, in Indonesia;
- Availability to travel nationally, and potentially internationally as required;
- Excellent English-language written and spoken (our working language is English);
- Excellent Bahasa Indonesia - written and spoken;
- Computer skills (including Excel, PowerPoint and Word).
- Indonesian nationality, Indonesian residence or work permit is required.
Terms of Consultancy:
is a half-time equivalent consultancy for six months with the potential
for extension. Consultants’ daily rate will depend on experience.
Location: Indonesia
Application deadline: 1 March 2016
Start date: indicatively, 28 March 2016
Application Procedure:
Through the "Apply for this Job" option on this advertisement on the IISD website (CLICK HERE),
please attach i) a CV (no longer than two pages including the names,
phone numbers and email addresses of three referees) with a sample of
writing in English and a sample of writing in Bahasa Indonesia; and ii) a
covering letter (one page). Referees will not be contacted unless the
application is successful. For questions or queries related to this job,
you may contact cbeaton@iisd.org and lucky.lontoh@iisd.org.