Lang Tengah Turtle Watch Vacancy: Research Assistant Intern - March 2016, Malaysia

The key to safeguarding our nesting population of turtles - predominantly Green Turtles, as well as Hawksbill - on Lang Tengah relies on our constant and continued presence on the island, as this is the main deterrent to egg poachers.  Living 24 hours a day in the camp, we regularly patrol the nesting beaches on the island by night, relocating any nests that are laid on other beaches back to the safety of Turtle Beach. 

We are aiming to expand our operations from the shore up into the forest and right down into the ocean.  The first move for us has been to compile a species list for the island.  As far as biological research on Lang Tengah is concerned, the records of the marine park and WWF up until we started our operation were described as ‘data deficient’.

You will be in charge of data collection, the systematic logging of data and looking after our volunteer groups.  The expansion of our research may require your assistance in undertaking terrestrial transect surveys - primarily for herpetofauna - and marine surveys to assess the health of the reef.

The above will involve patrolling the nesting beaches by night with volunteers.  You will also aid in the relocation of eggs, if necessary, and the gathering of data from pre & post hatch inspections, as well as nesting females.  You may also be asked to lead volunteer groups on excursions such as jungle treks and snorkelling trips.

As part of our community programme we will also be hosting school workshops on site, implementing waste management programmes with the resorts & educating tourist groups.  Your involvement in these activities will be essential in ensuring their success.

Applicants must be qualified - or be in the process of qualification - in the field of natural sciences/conservation and acquainted with the rigours of outdoor living.  You must be able to follow the project protocols without fail, be astute and ready to make quick decisions, extrovert and welcoming to all people, able to work long hours within a close team environment, have experience in field data collection and be a confident swimmer.

You will help to run the camp, ensuring that the volunteers complete their chores accordingly and help them out whenever necessary.  It will be your responsibility to ensure that the daily routine and schedule is adhered to and ensure that all scientific data collection is carried out to the highest standard.

Stripped-back and open-air, our camp lies slightly recessed behind the secluded beach on Turtle Bay.  Think rustic, jungle living - bucket-showers and camp fires.  You can see images of our project site via our Facebook album: CLICK HERE

We are looking to recruit Research Assistant Interns throughout the 2016 season (March-October).  Over the course of the season there will be various different participation periods available to interns (listed below), please state which period(s) you are applying for within your application email:

5th March - 23rd May 2016 (10 weeks)
5th March - 18th June 2016 (15 weeks)

Please note that this is an unpaid position and as a small organisation we are only able to cover in-country travel expenses, as well as living expenses whilst on the project.

To find out more about our project, or to apply, please look at our website, Facebook page, or directly contact our coordinator Raphe van Zevenbergen with your C.V. and Covering Letter:

FACEBOOK: Lang Tengah Turtle Watch

Closing Date: 10/02/2016
