Plan International Vacancy: Urban DRR Project Coordinator - Jakarta, Indonesian

Plan is an international humanitarian, child-focused development organization without religious, political or governmental affiliation.  Plan’s vision is a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies that respect people’s rights and dignity. Plan Indonesia started to operate in Indonesia on 1969.
Due to organizational new DRM Project,  Plan Indonesia is looking for dynamic staff  to be based in Jakarta  for the position:
Urban DRR Project Coordinator – Contract Based
Typical Responsibilities - Key End Results of Position:
R.1. Increase the active participation and contributions of children and youth regarding  DRR and safety issues affecting vulnerable urban poor communities. Support and provide technical assistance to the local implementing partner through activities as following:
Indicator for success:
Conduct situation analysis and base line study (e.g. reviewing hazard maps, secondary data on poverty and vulnerability and validation through focus group discussion) to prioritize most vulnerable target city units (Kelurahan).Recruit core group of youth ambassadors from local schools, communities, grassroots groups.Conduct workshop for youth ambassadors on DRR and safety issues related to urban environment. Conduct training for youth ambassadors on community participation and DRM methodology/tools, Support youth ambassadors to carry out youth-led participatory mapping and assessment of the project’s target areas to validate the finding of the base line study.Facilitate youth ambassadors to develop key messages and IEC materials for vulnerable urban poor communities. Coach and support youth ambassadors to document disaster and safety risks/vulnerabilities of urban poor communities through multi-media such as video, photographs, news articles, and social media platforms
R.2. Increase neighborhood and household capacity in disaster preparedness and safety promotion in urban context.  Support and provide technical assistance to the local implementing partner through activities as following :
Indicator for success:
Organize neighbourhood meetings to introduce the project and present the issue of disaster and safety risks for urban communities and household. Conduct community awareness raising campaigns using youth-developed IEC and multi-media materials. Conduct a series of learning sessions for local children/youth and adults on DRR and safety issues affecting vulnerable urban poor neighbourhoods and households, including basic first aid, household preparedness planning, Government safety nets and insurance schemes. Carry out a participatory Hazard, Vulnerability and Capacity assessment with children/youth and adults, especially the identification of and strategies for most vulnerable groups of young children, pregnant women, elders, and people with disabilities, and homeless. Establish and support implementation of neighbourhood early warning mechanism and child-centred disaster risk management plan, with a special focus on flood and household fires. Organize children/youth meetings to develop strategies for household preparedness plans and distribute basic household and safety preparedness kits. Support children and youth to monitor their household’s preparedness and safety plans using a checklist. Organize participatory flood evacuation and fire preparedness simulations at neighbourhood level. Organize a series of youth-led community forums to share findings and recommendations with local disaster management authorities, fire department, school administration, small businesses and local corporations and then develop action plans.Support youth to participate, monitor, and document neighbourhood disaster management action planning and implementation process.
R.3. Increase awareness and capacity of general public, local authorities, and decision makers on DRR and safety issues affecting vulnerable urban poor communities Support and provide technical assistance to the local implementing partner to achieve all output  under result 3 through activities below :
Indicator for success :
Conduct training for youth ambassadors for lobbying and advocacy . Conduct child/youth-focused research study on DRR and safety issues in vulnerable urban poor communities in Jakarta in collaboration with university and/or research institution. Support for government to strengthen policy on Urban. Engage mass media channels and social media platforms to raise awareness among the general public on DRR and safety issues affecting vulnerable urban poor communities, especially most vulnerable groups .Organize a series of youth-led, city-wide events and campaigns to call public attention to DRR and safety issues affecting vulnerable urban poor communities, especially most vulnerable groupsTo arrange Annual Reflection Workshop.Communication, Visibility and Documentation of project process, results, and lessons learned through consolidated information package. Participation in international/ regional workshop and conferences for disseminating and sharing of good practices and lessons learned. Conduct end-of-project workshop for Jakarta metropolitan area officials, relevant city planning decision makers, and civil society to disseminate learnings from the project and findings/recommendations for DRR and safety issues affecting vulnerable urban poor communities, especially most vulnerable groups
R.4.  Project Management
Indicator for success
Manages the activities and the achievement of outputs in the respective field. Review the TOR and any relevant document on Urban DRR Project that been submitted by the local partner.Provide support in proposal development related to urban DRR/CCA issues Provide regularly update in SAP system related to the project implementation.To prepare thematic quarterly, semester, and annual program reports for internal and External purpose (government, public) including reporting update as needed by Donor and Plan internally.Support Communication and MER department, in documenting of all related project  Implementation and best practices. Responsible for collecting data and information in coordination with National DRR Project Manager at CO level.Regularly monitoring to the local implementing partner including field monitoring to the targeted communities.Develop and review MER Plan of Urban DRR Project in collaboration with MER Team.Organize meeting/workshop with the local implementing partner to evaluate of project.Review the financial report that submitted by the local partner in coordination with DRR National Project Manager, Grant Accountant and Finance Manager. Prepare payment request, fund request and budget modification in coordination with Finance team, DRR National Project Manager, and Grant Accountant.Prepare the contract agreement between Plan International and the local partner to implement Urban DRR Project.
COMPTENCY REQUIREMENTS : At least 3 years of DRR  experience with international NGOs or international organizations of which 2 years have been completed in the field;Experience in project management(reporting, monitoring and evaluation);Experience in advocasy work particularly in DRR/CCA issues.Financial and budgeting skills;Excellent English communication skills (verbal and written); strong negotiation and facilitation skills;Ability to work to tight deadlines, under pressure and to multi-task;Ability to work in insecure and difficult environments; Understand well on program cycle: planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating development projects;Commitment to child rights and CCCD implementation
Range Salary : IDR 6, 000, 000 – 9, 000, 000 
All applications will be treated in confidence. Only short-listed candidates will be notified and invited for interviews. Please submit your letter of application and detailed curriculum vitae in English by email not later than February 12, 2016  to:
