SNV Netherlands Job Consultant: Palm Oil Certification - Berbak Landscape & Muaro Jambi, Indonesian


Consultant Palm Oil Certification

SNV is a partner in the Kemitraan Kesejatheraan Hijau (KeHIJAU) Berbak Partnership – Green Prosperity Project that is funded by the Millennium Challenge Account-Indonesia. The goal of KeHIJAU Berbak & Muaro Jambi is to increase household incomes and reduce GHG emissions from deforestation and peatland degradation through inclusive low carbon economic growth in the Berbak landscape and priority palm oil areas in Muaro Jambi. SNV is particularly engaged in supporting Component 3: Private Sector Commitment and Action.

The private sector component aims to ensure that companies operating in the landscape understand the sustainability context and apply relevant policies and practices. This will be achieved by four outputs: (i) sustainability assessment of oil palm and HPH concessions on peatland, (ii) incentivizing palm oil mills and timber concessions to adopt sustainability standards, (iii) regular audits of company performance by local NGOs working in partnership with government and private sector, and (iv) the use of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) for renewable energy. 

SNV is looking for consultants that could support the project team in three specific areas:
  • Lead a team in a Pre Survey for RSPO, ISPO and ISCC certification in target areas in Muaro Jambi 
  • Work with the team to identify promising sites for certification
  • Provide input on certification module for smallholders under ISCC 
Candidate Profile:
We are looking for consultants with the following qualifications: Team leader to lead survey on at least three cooperatives towards certification

Team leader should have a qualifications:
  • Minimum S1 in agricultural/forestry or related field. 
  • Detailed knowledge about RSPO, ISCC and ISPO system
  • Experiences at least 8 (eight) years in ISPO and RSPO certification and understanding the ISCC certification system for palm oil. 
Also has experience consultation and conducting training on sustainable palm oil palm oil system. 
  • Have a good knowledge of legality/land tenure, government rules and regulations related to plantation business in palm oil.
  • Have capability of writing report in English.

Demonstrated the ability to coordinate with private sector, government and local community. 

Potential Team Members qualifications:
  • Minimum S1 in agricultural/forestry or related field.
  • Had experience in conducting audit and as consultant of sustainable palm oil.
  • Have a capability writing report on the task given to them.
There is no conflict of interest with the auditee
at least have left the company in three years 

  • Provide input on target site.
  • Provide a TOR for the team to do survey.
  • Coordinate the survey in the target areas. 
  • Oversee the reporting and the quality of the survey. 
  • Guide the integrated assessment of RSPO, ISCC and ISPO in survey and provide protocol to repeat the assessment. 
  • Provide technical input on obtaining STDB and SPPL for smallholders.
  • Provide TOR for survey 
  • Work plan for survey in collaboration with survey team.
  • Write the technical guidance for the survey team related to the survey objective and program.
  • Write the survey report.
Timing & Duty station
The assignment will be of a total of 96 days starting from March 1st and ending in May 2016. Out of the total assignment, the consultant will spend a maximum of 67 days in the field (Muaro Jambi) 

The consultant will directly report to the Project Manager Palm Oil.

How to Apply
  • Application opened until 26 February 2016 at the latest.
  • CV and resume shall only be sent to with email subject “Consultant Palm Oil Certification”
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
