Abt Associates Inc Job Vacancies: 3 Positions - Kalumpang - Jakarta, Malaysia & Indonesian

Abt Associates Inc, the International Economic Growth Division manages projects that are pioneering new approaches to agriculture, food security, climate change, and competitiveness—as well as monitoring and evaluating projects within these sectors. We work throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East for chiefly governmental clients, including the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Abt Associates Inc seeks a Community Liaison /Coordination Specialist, Social and Communications Facilitator and Drafter/GIS technician for a land use planning project in Indonesia.  

Community Liaison /Coordination Specialist
Location: Kalumpang
Reports to: Team Leader & COP

Vendor will provide expertise Community Liaison /Coordination Specialist duties:
  • Develop approach for planning sessions with local government, the landscape and village level planning meetings, as/where needed develop the free, prior and informed (FPIC) consent process to be used with the customary (adat) communities and the technical sessions with VPT and work with the VBS/RM Field Team Leader to coordinate all meetings and related technical sessions. 
  • Develop approach for public exposition of VBS/RM results and oversee the implementation of the public exposition in assigned villages. 
  • Identify community groups and key leaders (e.g., omen, youth, farmers, business, indigenous/customary (adat) and any civil society organizations or associations which represent the community) and determine their roles and influence in the village. 
  • Ensure involvement of community members in participatory VBS/RM process, including understanding the process, having concerns recognized and addressed, understanding their rights and responsibilities and impact on their livelihoods, as well as the need for their consent to the results. 
  • Ensure meaningful/active participation of women, youth and vulnerable groups in the participatory VBS/RM process.
  • Familiarize the VBS/RM team members with the local cultures and sensitivities including localized sociocultural and political contexts.
  • Work with the VBS/RM Field Team Leader and the Land Use and Tenure Advisor to develop a willingness-based mechanism for mediation of disputes to be used in the case of land tenure, land boundary, and land use disputes.
  • Assist VBS/RM team and VPT in mediation of land-based disputes that arise during VBS/RM, as possible. 
  • Prepare data and materials related to the social and community based aspects of the fieldwork for use in for technical reports and presentations.
  • Coordinate directly with the VBS/RM Field Team Leader in the planning and implementation of field work, office processing and preparation of reports and presentations. 
  • Supervise work of the Kecamatan Technical Working Team in the District. Coordinate closely with the Village Boundary Delineation and Demarcation Team in the district, as well as with the Office of the relevant Sub district Head. 
  • Prepare data and materials detailing the results of fieldwork for use in for technical reports and presentations. 
  • Coordinate directly with the Task 1 Coordinator and the Land Use and Tenure Advisor in the design, planning, and implementation of field work, processing and preparation of reports/presentations, and data collection.
Social and Communications Facilitator
Location: Kalumpang
Reports to: Team Leader & COP

Vendor will provide expertise Social and Communications Facilitator duties:
  • Work directly with and support the Community Liaison/Coordination Specialist. 
  • Provide assistance to the VBS/RM team members in communications with the VPT and broader community. 
  • Assist the Mapping and Surveying Technician(s) in working with the VPT in identification of critical cultural and natural resource areas, the determination of village boundaries, preparation of maps and sketches, collection of verbal and written information, as well as village history. 
  • Actively lead, facilitate and participate in all interactions, meetings and technical sessions with community. 
  • Responsible for writing reports on all village meetings and submit to Community Liaison /Coordination Specialist and Database Assistant.
Drafter/GIS technician
Location: Jakarta
Reports to: Team Leader & COP

Vendor will provide expertise in Drafter/GIS technician duties:
  • Lead the surveying of village boundaries in accordance with the Technical Guidelines stipulated in Appendix A. 
  • Assist GIS Specialist/Cartographer in producing maps of village boundaries. 
  • Determine the need for and establish geodetic control in the geographic areas assigned, including precise measurement of GNSS base station location to 5cm or better in accuracy, ensuring the reliability of data collected from the base station throughout the completion of VBS/RM field work;
  • Together with Cartographer/GIS Specialist, plan field survey operations;
  • Conduct village boundary survey in accordance with the technical procedures and accuracies as specified in the technical guidelines. 
  • Conduct processing of GNSS data to meet accuracy standards.
  • Export the GNSS observations to position to the agreed/required format and deliver to the Cartographer/GIS Specialist for processing and use in developing maps and GIS databases. 
  • Assist GIS Specialist/Cartographer in producing maps and databases of sub districts, landscapes and villages. 
  • Plan and supervise the work of the Surveying and Mapping Technician(s) in the completion of the field data collection and office data processing. 
  • Depending on the approach taken to meet the UAS imaging requirement stated in 3.6(h), the Surveyor will either provide the technical expertise to conduct UAS image acquisition as needed or will work with a UAS service provider to plan the image acquisition campaigns need to produce high resolution, geo-referenced aerial imagery of critical cultural and natural resource areas within the villages. 
  • Prepare data and materials related to the survey and mapping aspects of the fieldwork for use in for technical reports and presentations. 
  • Coordinate directly with the VBS/RM Field Team Leader in the planning, coordinating and implementation of field work, office processing and preparation of reports and presentations.
If you meet the above requirements kindly send ONLY your Application letter and detailed CV including recommendations from 3 referees (one of them your immediate former employer) to: pmap1project@gmail.com

Please put the job title and your name in subject of your email. This position is local hire.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted, closing date: March 16, 2016
