WHO Job Vacancy: The STEPS National Coordinator, Mogadishu - Somalia

Background The goal of the steps survey is to establish a baseline database on which future trends of NCDs and its main risk factors in Somalia can be developed. It is expected to generate a reliable set of data that the country would utilize as a gauge to undertake health policy and related future planning interventions. This consultancy is needed to ensure smooth coordination and implementation of STEPS survey according to a set of international standards developed by WHO throughout the different stages of the survey.

Goal: To provide the country with baseline data about the NCDs morbidity and their modifiable risk factors in adult population aged 18-69 years of Sudan Expected outcomes
  1. Comprehensive implementation plan including logistics, timeline and estimated budget
  2. Study protocol including sample design , size and selection method
  3. Trained field workers ( data collectors and supervisors)
  4. Data collected, aggregated, cleaned and weighted by statistical authority or consultant for next phase of analysis
  1. Write the survey proposal in consultation with focal points of the national technical committee
  2. Adapt the survey tools and training materials according to STEPS standard protocol; questionnaire including core, expanded and optional questions and country specific questions,
  3. Monitor the survey progress, assist in meeting emerging problem, oversees and manage specific and potentially unforeseen needs and related planning and implementation problems of three micro-zone areas of the country
  4. Monitor the progress of the survey and report to WHO CO and EMRO in follow up calls and in writing as needed
  5. Facilitate and provide necessary support to Technical Committee meetings
  6. Contribute to training workshops and follow up meetings at national level
  7. Training of survey administrators and supervisors
  8. Coordinate with WHO on all stages of survey planning and implementation
  9. Assist in translating the survey findings into policies and programmes;
Qualifications and Experience: • A post-graduate degree preferably in public health, operational research, epidemiology or related field in social science, • Public health experience especially in NCDs or related area; • Expertise in surveillance and undertaking surveys • Demonstrated experience in facilitation and research expertise including development of survey protocols, • Demonstrated experience in communication and coordination of development projects and proven project management skills • Advanced report-writing skills in English and ability to communicate in Somali language preferable.
Duration of assignment The consultancy will be for 4 months starting 1 May 2016, subject to extension 1-2 months if needed. Deliverables: 1- Study plan 2- Sample plan 3- Complete survey Data set (weighted and unweighted) Payment: This will be calculated base on WHO monthly rate for National officers; the exact grade to be considered will be decided based on qualifications and years of experience.

Deadline: 03 April 2016
How to apply:
Send your application to:
