This is a new project supported by the
governments of Timor Leste and Australia to support the roll-out of a
new educational curricula and pedagogies in Timor Leste.
The role will
involve International Mentor volunteers who will work alongside a larger
team of National Mentors.
While National Mentors will play an important
role in working alongside school leaders to develop their observation
and feedback skills, the International Mentors are essential in bringing
external expertise in child-centred learning and successful
capacity-building processes.
The International Mentors will provide
direct support and oversight to National Mentors and 'Accompaniers' in
their support for school leaders. The International Mentors will support
activities including setting up peer learning groups, observing
classroom practice and providing feedback.
They will also assess
progress of the leaders and teachers. If you are qualified, experienced
and keen to support development of the education sector in one of the
world's newest sovereign states please apply now.
This is one of five
positions - two already filled and another three to be filled mid-year
(commencing July 10th). Successful candidates are fully supported with
flights, medical checks, insurance and living and accommodation
allowances and receive pre-departure briefing, in-country orientation
and support, language training, 24/7 emergency cover is also provided.
View this role on the AVI website HERE
Please contact Ian McDonald from the AVI recruitment team with any questions: or +61 3 9279 1795 Applications are open till midnight April 14th, 2016. All applications must be submitted online through or forward a recent CV with responses to the selection criteria (see attached position description) to
Deadline: 14 Apr 2016