India Director
The British Asian Trust
Mumbai or Delhi
Full-time, permanent appointment
Highly competitive salary
About this role:
- The British Asian Trust is seeking to recruit a dynamic leader to grow and lead our work in India.
- The successful candidate will work closely with our Chief Executive and Indian Advisory Council to substantially scale up the programmes, profile and influence of the Trust in India.
- We are looking for someone who is entrepreneurial, who will be able to grasp and develop a range of creative financial instruments and approaches, but who also has a passion for social development and improving the world for disadvantaged and marginalised people.
- You will be highly adaptable – able to network with credibility at the highest levels of government and business and also able to build strong relationships with grassroots organisations.
About the British Asian Trust:
- The British Asian Trust is the main international organisation linking the British Asian Diaspora to programmes supporting and empowering the poorest communities in South Asia. We were founded in 2007 by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, together with some of the most influential Asian business leaders and entrepreneurs in the UK.
- Our main programmes are in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and the thematic areas in which we work are anti-trafficking, education, livelihoods and mental health. We partner with local organisations that address these issues in practical and sustainable ways to make a lasting impact on the lives of thousands of people.
- This is an incredibly exciting period for the Trust. Having successfully established a strong brand and reputation across key sections of the South Asian Diaspora and supported some tremendous grassroots organisations in South Asia, we are now at a point of transition and major growth. This growth will be driven by the impact we seek to make in South Asia, so our programmes in the region will scale-up substantially.
- We will be taking a unique approach. We will be a disruptive player in the international space, finding new ways of working and playing a role in transforming the way organisations “do international development”. In addition to NGOs, we will support entrepreneurs, social enterprise and the private sector. We will develop a range of financial instruments for supporting these partners – social investment, impact investing, bonds, equity as well as grants.

About the British Asian Trust in India
- As the organisation and our programmes scale up we will remain true to the key principle that has guided the organisation to date – we will never impose plans and programmes from the UK, we will be driven by our partners and our work in-country. We do not want to do things in the UK that can be achieved far more effectively in India and we will seek to ensure that all decisions in India are driven by in-country need and solutions.
- Our programmes in India will focus on three areas: education, livelihoods and child welfare.
- We will develop and implement a programmatic approach that focuses on the outcomes and impact we want to achieve. We will work with a diverse range of partners and our programmes will include financial investment, strengthening partnerships, influence and advocacy, thought leadership and research.
- We will work in partnerships with philanthropists, foundations and investors.
Closing date: 28 June 2016