GAIN Health Job Consultant: CF Packaging Redesign - Indonesian

Job Title: CF Packaging Redesign Consultant, Indonesia
Period: August - November 2016

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is driven by the vision of a world without malnutrition. GAIN is a Swiss-based international organization that mobilizes public-private partnerships and provides financial and technical support to deliver nutritious foods to those people most at risk of malnutrition. The organization is delivering improved nutrition to an estimated 610 million people in more than 30 countries, half of whom are women and children. Nutrition products are as varied as fortified cooking oil in Indonesia, flour in Africa, soy sauce in China and biscuits in India, as well as specialized products for infant and young child nutrition, and interventions to protect the most vulnerable affected by emergencies or chronic illness.

Indonesia has a high burden of malnutrition in children and women, and improving the micronutrient status of the Indonesia population is a cornerstone of national socio-economic development in Indonesia. Building on the Project BADUTA and on insights from previous researches on Complementary Food in Indonesia, GAIN has been requested to assist the Ministry of Health of Indonesia to re-design existing national MP-ASI / Complementary Food packaging for children 6-24 months, pregnant women, and school-age children.

Support on Improving Complementary Food Packaging for Children Aged 6-24 Months, School-Age Children and Pregnant Women 

One of the programs run by Ministry of Health involve giving Complementary Food for children aged 6-23 months (MP-ASI), Complementary Food for School-Age Children (Anak Usia Sekolah), and Pregnant Women (Ibu Hamil), in order to anticipate undernutrition problems.

Currently, the MOH is in the process of revising 2 KEPMENKES regulating the technical specifications of MP-ASI for children aged 6-24 months (Kepmenkes 224/Menkes/SK/II/2007) and school-age children and pregnant women (Kepmenkes 889/Menkes/SK/X/2009). In this case, GAIN has been requested by the MOH Directorate of Nutrition to provide assistance in re-designing the packaging for MP-ASI for children aged 6-24 months and CF for school-age children and pregnant women, which will be included in the existing Kepmenkes revisions.

Hence, GAIN is looking for a consultant/Creative Agency to support this endeavor.

The Consultant will be responsible for re-designing the outer box and primary packaging for all 3 products (MP-ASI, Makanan Tambahan untuk Ibu Hamil, Makanan Tambahan untuk Anak Usia Sekolah). We expect 3 design options for each product. In addition, The Consultant will also perform the following tasks:
  • Attend all consultation meetings with GAIN and Ministry of Health regarding design of the packaging and its revisions.
  • Collect all reference materials.
  • Organize and conduct pre-test on the draft design materials in select locations upon approval by GAIN.
  • Revise the drafts of design materials based on GAIN and MoH input and pre-test results
The timeline of this contract is first week of August until mid-November 2016.

Proposals will only be accepted until 28 July 2016. For more information, please email us at with "CF Redesign RFP" in your subject line.
