Location: Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Contract Type: Individual Contractor (ICA)
Grade: C2
Contract Duration: 36 months
Date to close: 21/07/2016 (KST)
Ref No: STA1185
Based in Seoul, The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an intergovernmental organization founded to support and promote a model of economic growth known as "green growth", which targets key aspects of economic performance such a poverty reduction, job creation, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. GGGI works with countries around the world, building their capacity and working collaboratively on green growth policies that can impact the lives of millions. The organization partners with countries, multilateral institutions, government bodies, and private sector to help build economies that grow strongly and are more efficient and sustainable in the use of natural resources, less carbon intensive, and more resilient to climate change.
GGGI supports stakeholders through complementary and integrated workstreams - Green Growth Planning & Implementation and Knowledge Solutions - that deliver comprehensive products designed to assist in developing, financing, and mainstreaming green growth in national economic development plans.
Position Summary
In support of the Ethiopia Country Program, the Advisor will lead macro-economic and economic analysis related components within the GGGI-Ethiopia Country Planning Framework (CPF) and build strong and collaborative relations with key Government of Ethiopia Ministries- with primary focus on the Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation (MOFEC) and the National Planning Commission (NPC).
The Advisor will provide day to day technical advice internally as well as externally to ensure improved programmatic planning and delivery of the Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy (CRGE). The position will play a key role identifying and implementing bankable projects working in collaboration with government officials, GGGI staff and consultants.
Contract Type: Individual Contractor (ICA)
Grade: C2
Contract Duration: 36 months
Date to close: 21/07/2016 (KST)
Ref No: STA1185
Based in Seoul, The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an intergovernmental organization founded to support and promote a model of economic growth known as "green growth", which targets key aspects of economic performance such a poverty reduction, job creation, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. GGGI works with countries around the world, building their capacity and working collaboratively on green growth policies that can impact the lives of millions. The organization partners with countries, multilateral institutions, government bodies, and private sector to help build economies that grow strongly and are more efficient and sustainable in the use of natural resources, less carbon intensive, and more resilient to climate change.
GGGI supports stakeholders through complementary and integrated workstreams - Green Growth Planning & Implementation and Knowledge Solutions - that deliver comprehensive products designed to assist in developing, financing, and mainstreaming green growth in national economic development plans.
Position Summary
In support of the Ethiopia Country Program, the Advisor will lead macro-economic and economic analysis related components within the GGGI-Ethiopia Country Planning Framework (CPF) and build strong and collaborative relations with key Government of Ethiopia Ministries- with primary focus on the Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation (MOFEC) and the National Planning Commission (NPC).
The Advisor will provide day to day technical advice internally as well as externally to ensure improved programmatic planning and delivery of the Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy (CRGE). The position will play a key role identifying and implementing bankable projects working in collaboration with government officials, GGGI staff and consultants.
- Support the delivery of the GGGI CPF and lead macro-economic and economic analysis related component delivery therein.
- Support the development and implementation of the roadmap for delivery of the CRGE within the Second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II). Including 1) undertake macro-economic analysis of the CRGE in line with the GTP II planning cycle and 2) review all existing policies and strategies related to the CRGE and GTP II and combine them into one macro-level strategy document.
- Provide support to the CRGE Facility in terms of programme management, resource mobilisation, integration into the Public Financial Management (PFM) architecture and engagement with the private sector to fulfill its long-term role.
- Provide macro- economic analysis and support the NPC to fully integrate the CRGE into the GTP II at national, subnational and sector level.
- Provide economic analysis backstopping to the development of proposals for climate finance delivered through the CRGE facility
- Engage with GGGI's global knowledge networks to ensure that emerging thinking and best practices in and around the CRGE are captured and shared across the organization and with relevant stakeholders.
- Maintain close communication with technical divisions in HQ on relevant CRGE topics.

- Leads GGGI's work within MoFEC related to providing economic analysis and backstopping to the facility's work.
- Support the NPC in its GTP II implementation oversight role
- Build collaborative networks with other government officials in key CRGE sector ministries.
- Build strong relationships with all key stakeholders and partners-including academia, civil society and the private sector.
- Develop and foster strong relationships with key donor entities engaged in the CRGE.
- Facilitate in-depth and effective engagement, knowledge management and sharing internally and externally on issues relevant to the CRGE.
- Advise GGGI on opportunities for engagement in the national context.
- Independently organize the sector workstream delivery adhering to tight deadlines and in line with the CPF and WPB.
- Oversee planning of resources and timeframes relevant to the workstream and lead implementation in line with the approved WPB.
- Support development of proposals that will lead to bankable investments for CRGE and GTP-II implementation within CRGE facility.
- Support integration of the sector level CRGE into the core planning elements and the sector GTP II plans through the NPC.
- Support full integration of CRGE into the GTP II
- Ensure capacity to MRV climate results at the CRGE Facility and the NPC is enhanced.
- Masters degree or higher in Economics or a related field
- At least 6 years' experience in policy development and/or management related to sustainable development and climate change, or related area.
- Knowledge of national and subnational legal and policy frameworks on green growth in Ethiopia is desirable.
- Strong stakeholder coordination skills and ability to work under pressure
- Strong analytical and report writing skills
- Fluent written and spoken English