DAI Job Vacancy: Jr. Climate Information Services Specialist - Indonesian

Jr. Climate Information Services Specialist

Project Brief
The purpose of USAID’s “Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan (APIK)” Project is to improve the ability of Indonesians to manage climate and disaster risk. Indonesia is highly vulnerable to both climate change and a wide range of weather-related natural disasters. Given Indonesia’s economic growth and settlement patterns, disaster-related economic losses and loss of life will likely have an even larger negative impact on human development in the future, particularly for the poorest and most vulnerable. Therefore, a transformation is needed in the way climate and disaster risks are presently addressed; namely, both the public and private sectors in Indonesia must move to systematically integrate climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) into their investments and planning processes. Through APIK, USAID is aiming to improve climate and disaster resilience by working systematically in an integrated manner from the national level down to local communities.

Climate information services play a crucial role in managing development risks and opportunities resulting from climate change. In Indonesia, awareness of climate change impacts and their effect on the variability and intensity of natural disasters remains very low, particularly at the local level. In part, data is lacking, but so is effective translation and communication of information that would enable a more informed response. Government, businesses, and communities need data and tools to address climate change and climate related natural disasters. Critically, they need that information to be packaged in ways that are usable, clear, collaboratively developed, and provide a basis for action.

At the subnational level, APIK seeks to build the capacity of local governments in East Java, Southeast Sulawesi, and Maluku to address CCA & DRR through planning and operations, public outreach, and the institutionalization of resilience-building practices in day-to-day activities.

Strengthening Climate & Weather Information Services
Task 3 of APIK focuses on the collection, packaging, and dissemination of climate and weather information (CWI) services. Better climate and weather information systems are fundamental to fostering place-based resilience across the archipelago, saving lives in the near term (i.e. disaster risk reduction) while supporting better planning and public investment in the medium to long term (i.e. climate change adaptation). Critically, improved information is not an end in and of itself, but must be linked to institutional capacity building (Task 1 and Task 2), pro-poor programming for sustainable livelihoods (Task 2 and Task 4), and trans-boundary ecosystem management (Task 2).

One of the Sub Task Activity is to conduct CWI stakeholder consultations at all levels and develop roadmap. Despite the proliferation of online databases dedicated to climate, weather, and hydrological information, limited analysis has been carried out regarding what climate and weather information (CWI) products would be most useful at the place-based level and how those products are best disseminated. It is therefore critical that APIK understand what CWI products already exist, how they are (or are not) already being used, and what are the major unmet climate and weather information needs.

The focus of the Stakeholder Assessment is the implementation of a participatory assessment of the climate information services marketplace. The assessment shall be carried out using qualitative methods (key informant interviews, focus group discussions) and quantitative methods (structured surveys) beginning at the national level and then extending down to the subnational level (community, district, and provinces).

The STTAs needs to carry out stakeholder interviews and surveys of users across the marketplace to identify specific needs on the national and sub national level. It needs to define and segment CWI (Climate & Weather Information) user marketplace based upon information requirements. The STTA need to conduct stakeholder consultations on CWI needs to determine which services are most critical for strengthening climate and disaster resilience within the APIK landscapes and focus districts.

Since the Assessment on the National Level has been running since June, The STTA shall focus on the subnational level assessment along with Local Enumerators and Regional APIK Team. After the stocktaking activity is finished, the STTA shall assist Climate Information Services Adviser in compiling the reports. 

Scope of Work
Jr. Climate Information Services Specialist (Jr. CISS) shall assist Climate Information Services Adviser (CISA) on the process of stakeholder interviews and surveys of users across the marketplace to identify specific needs on the national and sub national level. The objective of the surveys is to gather information in support of the gap analysis on the dissemination of weather and climate information. 

The survey/assessment will be focuses on:
  • Mapping on stakeholder role in CWI Supply Chain (as a producer, communicator, disseminator, user, etc.) that exist in the form of Ministries, Government Agencies (National and Subnational), Local Government (Provincial & City/District level), Agencies under Local Government, Private Sector (Big Corporation, Small, and Medium Enterprises), Communities (Fisheries, Farmer, etc.), Universities & Research Institutions, other form of organization/communities.
  • Institutional Capacity measurement including review the following component:
    • Regulation
    • Roadmap/Strategic Plan related to CWI utilization
    • Activity related to CWI utilization
    • Needs of CWI
    • Further suggestion for CWI Producer, communicator and other party roles.
  • Identify ongoing government and non-government projects related to CWI.
  • Identify existing Utilization of CWI in each of stakeholders which produced by CWI Producer (BMKG), Communicator, Local Disseminator (BPBD), or other parties.
  • Identify SOP of CWI utilization in each of stakeholders.
  • Identify local EWS (existing system, procedure, technology, utilization & efficiency).
  • Identify SIH3 implementation on the subnational level (incl. regulations, procedure, implementation, utilization, etc.)
  • Identify the existing CWI medium of dissemination such as local radio community, local early warning system, crowd-sourcing tools, social media, smart city system, etc.
  • Identify any existing innovative tools that used by BPBD
  • Identify existing Weather & Climate Station Infrastructure (ex. BMKG Station, Private Station, Research Institution, etc.) 
Schedule & Mandays 
APIK project will hired/assigned a consultant (STTA) to conduct Interview with the following schedule:

Planning & Enumerator Recruitment

Conduct Interview (Subnational)

Conduct Interview (National)

Interview Compilation

Report Development

The total man-days are 64 man-days.

STTA Qualifications
  • Min. Bachelor Degree (Preferred in Meteorology or Oceanography), others are welcome if have strong knowledge or experience below. 
  • Experienced on Survey Activity of Public Meteorological Application
  • Experienced on analysis and interpretation of meteorological crowdsourcing data
  • Familiar with recent Hidro-meteorological Climate Change / Disaster Risk Reduction Issues (Flood, Landslide, Sea Level Rise, Drought, Water Scarcity & Forest Fire)
  • Having good communication skill
  • Having GIS skill is advantage
  • Having ICT Knowledge & Skill is advantage
  • ±2 months in Jakarta
  • ±1 month in Region (East Java/Maluku/Sulawesi Tenggara) 
  • Carry out stakeholder interviews and surveys of users across the marketplace to identify specific needs of Climate & Weather Information Services on the national and sub national level (±35 types of potential CWI stakeholders ranging from National Governmental Agencies/Ministries, Private entities & Local Community such as fisheries, farmers, etc. )
  • Develop & Conduct Questionnaire for CWI Services as public services
  • Working with regional team and local enumerator to conduct survey specially for in National & Subnational Level
  • Fill the substantial Climate Information Services expertise on deep interview session
  • Compile Interview materials
  • Develop Report & Analysis
Application Instructions
Interested applicants are invited to send their CV to APIK_recruitment@dai.comPlease send applications no later than 5 August 2016. Applicants are instructed to write “Jr. Climate Change Specialist  NAME” as the Subject line of their email. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
