RECOFTC Job Vacancy: Executive Director - Bangkok, Thailand

Vacancy Announcement
Executive Director
Application Deadline: 30th September 2016

RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests holds a unique and important place in the world of forestry. It is the only international not‐for‐profit organization that specializes in capacity development for community forestry and devolved forest management. RECOFTC engages in strategic networks and effective partnerships with governments, nongovernment organizations, civil society, the private sector, local people, and research and educational institutes throughout the Asia‐Pacific region and beyond. With over 25 years of international experience and a dynamic approach to capacity development—involving research, analysis and synthesis; strategic communication; training and learning networks; and piloting and demonstrating—RECOFTC delivers innovative solutions for people and forests.

RECOFTC is currently seeking an Executive Director to lead the organization. The successful applicant will be based at RECOFTC’s Bangkok headquarters.  The contract duration is for five years, including probation, with a possibility of extension.

Founded in 1987, RECOFTC' mission is to enhance capacities for stronger rights, improved governance and fairer benefits for local people towards sustainable management of forested landscapes in the Asia- Pacific region.

The Executive Director is the key management leader of the Center and its most senior person, reporting directly to the Board of Trustees.

The Executive Director provides leadership, vision and inspiration and has overall strategic and operational responsibility for RECOFTC programs, staff, and execution of its mission. S/he leads the operation of four functional units within RECOFTC, which currently are Capacity Development and Technical Services (CDTS), Corporate Services (CS), Program Coordination and Operations (PROCO) and Strategic Communication (StratCom), including marketing, fundraising and monitoring and evaluation.

The Executive Director is RECOFTC’s legal representative as delegated by the Board of Trustees and responsible for signing all deeds, contracts, agreements and other legal documents which are necessary to ensure the operations of the Center.
The Executive Director’s main tasks and responsibilities include:
Board Governance: Work with the Board of Trustees in order to fulfill RECOFTC’s mission. 
  • Work with the Board of Trustees to obtain the Board’s approval of RECOFTC organizational framework, policies, annual work plan, budget and auditor’s report; 
  • Seek the Board of Trustees’  strategic direction and engagement with the current Strategic Plan 2013-2018 and  upcoming Strategic Plan 2018-2023; 
  • Communicate effectively with the Board of Trustees and provide all information necessary for the Board to function properly and  make informed decisions;
  • Work with the Board of Trustees on major operational issues and finalize strategic solutions to complex challenges.
Organization Mission and Strategy: As Head and Chair of the RECOFTC Executive Committee, work with the Committee members and staff to ensure that RECOFTC’s mission is fulfilled through its programs.
  • Responsible for developing  and implementing the Center’s  Strategic Plan and  Annual Work Plan to ensure that RECOFTC can successfully fulfill its mission;
  • Lead the Executive Committee in developing and implementing a new Strategic Plan for 2018-2023;
  • Responsible for overseeing all aspects of communication with the goal of creating and maintaining a strong brand;
  • Liaise with key stakeholders and develop sound partnerships to ensure that the vision, mission and programs of RECOFTC remain relevant to the evolving needs of community forestry and devolved forest management in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Organization Financial Performance and Viability: Mobilize and manage financial and other resources sufficient to ensure RECOFTC’s financial sustainability. 
  • Responsible for submission to the Board of Trustees  annual budget proposals  and biannual financial statements which accurately reflect the financial condition of the organization;
  • Responsible for sound financial management and efficient  use of the Center’s resources;
  • Mobilize and develop new sources of support for RECOFTC’s current programs and long-term sustainability, including expanding income generating and fundraising activities.
Organization Operations: Ensure RECOFTC functions systematically, effectively and efficiently.
  • Provide overall leadership in managing RECOFTC’s  core units/divisions, and in enhancing and managing the Center’s human, financial and other resources;
  • Ensure that RECOFTC programs are delivered efficiently and effectively, and that effective monitoring and evaluation systems are in place;
  • Cultivate long term strategic partnerships and donor relationships  for stronger programmatic and financial support;
  • Responsible for the recruitment and retention of high quality, multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary staff;
  • Responsible for signing all notes, agreements and other instruments made and entered into and on behalf of the Center.
The Executive Director of RECOFTC will be a recognized scholar-practitioner with wide understanding of both the theory and practice of community forestry, as well as significant management experience. Selection criteria for the position include:

  • A post graduate degree, preferably a PhD or equivalent, in a discipline relevant to community forestry, with demonstrated achievements in results-based management.
  • Experience with policy development and the field practice of community forestry and devolved forest management in the Asia-Pacific Region.
  • An established record of scholarly publications on both the conceptual development and the practice of community forestry and devolved forest management will be an advantage.
  • Experience in leading a multicultural, international institution or program of strategic importance, including program design, implementation, management, evaluation and reporting.
  • Excellent inter-personal and verbal/written communications skills in English. Skills in other regional languages will be an advantage.
  • Ability to work and lead in a team, with demonstrated success in strengthening both human and financial resources.
  • Well-developed skills and proven expertise in fundraising strategies, specifically, but not exclusively, from public agencies.
  • Willingness and ability to travel approximately 30% of time within the region  and to other international destinations as needed.
Interested candidates are requested to submit their CV and a cover letter addressed to the Chair of the Board of Trustees, indicating salary requirements and current contact details of three referees, including recent supervisors, to Please quote the position title in the subject line of the email. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. RECOFTC has a competitive compensation package. However, offers shall be based on salary history, relevant experience and qualifications of the selected candidate.
Women and candidates from the Asia-Pacific region are strongly encouraged to apply.  RECOFTC is an equal opportunity employer and the successful candidate will be selected based on merit.
