Tele-fundraising Project
Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik Partner of Save the
Children Indonesia will launch a campaign to engage individual donor and has
prepared a series of fundraising campaign which one of the techniques is using
telemarketing that is proven effective as a way to connect with donors. We want
to start a 3 months’ test of telemarketing starting September 2016 to raise
fund and at the same time to retain donors. Based on survey, the result is
positive and promising for NGO. Thus Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik would like to
establish a 3 months’ contract with a professional telemarketing company to
support fundraising activities.
To provide a prospect appeal for acquisition
tele-fundraising which is call the list of database non-donating supporters
(i.e. e-news subscribers) and invite them to become Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik
Partner of Save the Children monthly donors.
Task and Responsibility
For telemarketing agency:
- The agency to recruit and train tele-fundraising team including agents, team leaders, quality assurance staffs and back-office administration staff, on behalf of Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik Partner of Save the Children in order to meet the objectives.
- The agency to set up proper call center completed with technical system for data security, import, export and analysis as approved by Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik Partner of Save the Children.
- Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik Partner of Save the Children Fundraising unit to train the call center team on Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik Partner of Save the Children mission, programmers, etc.
- The agency and Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik Fundraising unit will develop together tele-fundraising script.
- The tele-fundraising team then will do the tele-fundraising services as highlighted under point 2 based on Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik requests.

- Bring and convert monthly donors using credit card payment
- Performance will be evaluated monthly base on the agree KPI’s to determine next month steps and improvements required to the services
- Sending daily monitoring call report and monthly performance evaluation report.
Time Frame
- Advertising: 2-15 Augustus 2016
- Procurement committee meeting: 16-18 Augustus 2016
- Contract preparation: 19-21 Augustus 2016
- Contract: 3 Months (September-November 2016)
Qualifications & Experience required:
- Call Center / Telemarketing companies specialized in acquisition/cross selling for minimum of 5 years- experience in Indonesia
- Has proven track record of success in doing acquisition call in Indonesia.
- Preferably has the experience of doing telemarketing in banking industry such as credit card and hotel industry such as membership in Indonesia
- Has experience in fundraising operation (maintain donor database) in Indonesia and or other countries will be advantage
- Offering a low risk financial which to Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik mitra dari Save the Children Indonesia
Proposal must contain:
Technical Proposal:
- The proposed strategy and creative concept for completion of the work
- The proposed implementation/execution plan in the Terms of Reference;
- Supplier profile, including registration/incorporation documents, experience and client list.
- An all-inclusive rate per person/day.
- Other costs, if any, indicating nature and breakdown.
- A summary of the total cost for the Facility operation support including work station, hardware, telephony infrastructure, system, application, premises, etc.
- A proposed schedule of payments.